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Avodah Zarah 68

AVODAH ZARAH 68 (Lag ba'Omer) - Today's Daf has been dedicated by Marcello Trebitsch, who prays that the merit of our Torah study during the celebration of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai's Yahrzeit should bring Parnasah, Yeshu'ah, Refu'ah, Shiduchim etc. to all who need, and that we may merit the coming of Mashi'ach speedily in our days!

1) [line 1] SHE'EIN RE'UYAH L'GER - which is not fit for a Ger (it has become rotten, RASHI; see Insights to Avodah Zarah 67:2)

2) [line 2] SERUCHAH ME'IKARA - it was spoiled from the beginning (while it was still alive); for example, it was afflicted with boils, and since it was never fit to be eaten, it does not attain the status of the Isur of Neveilah when it dies (RASHI)

3) [line 7] ADASHIM - lentils
4) [line 18] NAFAK DAK V'ASHKACH - (lit. he went out, checked and found) he checked into the sources and found the following Beraisa

5) [line 18] SE'OR - sourdough, a very heavily fermented dough that is mixed with fresh dough to cause it to rise

6) [line 19] L'HACHAMITZ - to cause the dough to rise
7) [line 20] SE'OR SHEL TERUMAH - sourdough made of flour of Terumah (a permitted dough which is leavened with Se'or of Terumah becomes prohibited to non-Kohanim); see Background to Avodah Zarah 62:13

8) [line 21] KIL'EI HA'KEREM
See Background to Avodah Zarah 62:3.

9) [line 24] L'CHAME'A BAH KAMAH ISOS ACHEROS - [forbidden sourdough is different, and it prohibits the dough into which it falls even when it harms the dough (which already contains a leavening agent), because it remains fit] to cause many other batches of dough (which do not yet contain a leavening agent) to rise


10) [line 8] HANI TELASA BAVEI - these three cases [mentioned in the Beraisos: 1. Se'or of Terumah and Chulin fell into permitted dough together; 2. Se'or of Terumah fell into permitted dough, then Se'or of Chulin; 3. wine fell into lentils, or vinegar fell into beans]

11) [line 21] ORLAH
See Background to Avodah Zarah 62:2.

12) [line 21] MITZTARFIN - they join (the fruit of Orlah and the fruit of Kil'ayim combine to make a Shi'ur large enough to prohibit the mixture into which they fall)

13) [line 27] BEDEILEI INSHEI MINEI - people stay away from it

14) [line 30] LITAMEI LACH V'YAVESH! - it should cause Tum'ah not only when it is moist (i.e. when it contains its bodily fluids) but even when it is dry (i.e. when it has dried out)! (TUM'AS SHERETZ)
(a) A Sheretz (a crawling pest -- see Background to Shabbos 107:5), even if it or a part of it is only the size of an Adashah (lentil bean), is an Av ha'Tum'ah (Vayikra 11:29-38, Chagigah 11a). It makes a person or object Tamei through Maga (contact), whether the Sheretz was touched willingly or unwillingly. The person who becomes Tamei by touching a Sheretz may not eat Terumah or Kodshim or enter the Azarah of the Beis Ha'Mikdash. However, he can immediately immerse in a Mikvah. After nightfall he becomes Tahor and may eat Terumah or Kodshim or enter the Azarah.
(b) The Mishnah in Nidah (54b) states that a Sheretz is Metamei only when it still contains its bodily fluids. Once it has dried out, it can no longer be Metamei.

15) [line 30] ALAMAH - why?
16) [line 35] "[V'CHOL ASHER YIPOL ALAV MEHEM] B'MOSAM [YITMA...]" - "[Anything on which these creeping things (Sheratzim) fall] *when they die* [shall become Tamei...]" (Vayikra 11:32) - The Gemara derives from the word "b'Mosam" that the Sheretz is Metamei only when it is in a state similar to that at the time that it dies -- that is, containing its bodily fluids and not dried up.

17) [line 35] K'EIN MOSAM - similar to their [state at the time of] death (see previous entry)

18a) [line 37] D'DABRA - (O.F. escurel) [the mouse] of the field (this mouse is considered a delicacy)
b) [line 37] D'MASA - [the mouse] of the city (this mouse is considered disgusting to eat)

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