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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Avodah Zarah 24


ii. Dama had the stone, but it was locked in a chest, the key was under the pillow on which his father was sleeping. Dama did not wake his father, he lost the deal.
(c) Answer: Regarding the stones of the Efod, it says "Avnei Shoham" (without a 'Vav'), therefore they (Tosfos - and the stones of the Choshen, which follows immediately in the verse) are disconnected from "Benei Yisrael v'Yikchu".
(d) Question #1: But it says "*V'*Avnei Milu'im (*and* the stones of the Choshen)", connecting them (Rashi - and also the stones of the Efod) to "Benei Yisrael v'Yikchu"!
(e) Question #2: The story continued: the next year, a red heifer was born in Dama's herd. He said 'I know that I could receive any price I ask - I only request the money I lost last year.'
(f) Answer to both questions: They bought (the heifer, and wanted to buy the stone) through a Yisrael middleman (this is considered buying from a Yisrael).
(g) Question: Is it really true that R. Eliezer is not considered for bestiality?
1. (Beraisa - Chachamim, to R. Eliezer): A red heifer was bought from a Nochri, Dama!
2. R. Eliezer: The case was, Yisraelim were guarding it (to ensure that he would not have relations with it) from the day it was born.
(h) Answer: R. Eliezer is considered for bestiality, and he also requires that it be bought from a Yisrael.
(i) (Beraisa - R. Eliezer): The case was, Yisraelim were guarding it from the day it was born.
(j) Question: According to Rava, we must be concerned lest he had relations with its mother from the time it is formed!
1. (Rava): If an animal gored a person or had relations with a person, if it was pregnant at the time, the offspring is also disqualified from being a sacrifice, for it was part of the goring or bestiality.
(k) Answer: Yisraelim also guarded the mother from the time the fetus was formed.
(l) Question: We must be concerned lest he had relations with the mother even before this!
1. (Mishnah): All animals disqualified from being a sacrifice, their offspring are valid.
2. (Beraisa - R. Eliezer): The offspring are disqualified.
3. The question is not according to Rava.
i. (Rava): They only argue when the bestiality occurred after they became Hekdesh; all agree that bestiality when they were Chulin does not disqualify the offspring.
4. The question is according to Rav Huna bar Chinena.
i. (Rav Huna bar Chinena): They only argue when the bestiality occurred when they were Chulin, all agree that bestiality when they were Hekdesh disqualifies the offspring.
(m) Answer: Yisraelim guarded the mother from the time the mother was formed.
(n) Question: We should be concerned lest he had relations with the mother's mother!
(o) Answer: (The child is only disqualified because it is disgraceful;) because this is very removed, we are not concerned for it.
(a) Question: We answered above, Yisraelim guarded the mother from the day the fetus was formed - how did we know that it would be red?
(b) Answer (Rav Kahana): They pass a red cup in front of the mother during mating, this causes the child to be red.
(c) Question: Since it is so easy to cause a heifer to be red, why is it so expensive?
(d) Answer: It is disqualified even if it has two hairs that are not red (this is normally the case).
(e) Question: Why did we try to make a Nochri's cow red, and not those of Yisraelim?
(f) Answer (Rav Kahana): Dama's cows were established to have red calves by means of the cup.
(a) Version #1 - Rav Papa - (R. Ami or R. Yitzchak Nafcha): Similarly, R. Eliezer disqualified any sacrifice bought from a Nochri.
(b) (The other of them): Chachamim challenged R. Eliezer: "Kol Tzon Kedar...Al Ratzon Mizbechi";
1. R. Eliezer: In the future, they will convert without Beis Din (this is invalid, but in any case they will guard the Mitzvos).
2. (Rav Yosef): He learns from "Ehfoch El Amim...Likro Kulam b'Shem Hash-m".
3. Question (Abaye): Perhaps they will only give up idolatry!
4. Answer (Rav Yosef): The verse ends "Le'avdo Shechem Echad".
(c) Version #2 - Rav Zvid - (R. Ami and R. Yitzchak Nafcha): Similarly, R. Eliezer disqualified any sacrifice bought from a Nochri;
1. Chachamim challenged R. Eliezer: "Kol Tzon Kedar..."
2. R. Eliezer: In the future, they will convert without Beis Din.
i. He learns from "Ehfoch El Amim..."
ii. Question (Rav Yosef): Perhaps they will only give up idolatry!
iii. Answer (Abaye): The verse ends "Le'avdo Shechem Echad".
(d) Question (against R. Eliezer): Animals of Miztri'im were acceptable for sacrifices - "Ata Titen b'Yadenu Zevachim".
(e) Answer: Before the Torah was given, bestiality did not disqualify sacrifices.
(f) Question: "Va'Yikach Yisro...Olos..."
(g) Answer: This was also before the Torah was given.
1. This is according to the opinion that Yisro came before the Torah was given.

(h) Question: According to the opinion that he came after the Torah was given, how can we answer?
(i) Answer: He bought sacrifices from Yisraelim.
(j) Question: "Me'Amaleki...Meitav ha'Tzon v'Habakar Lema'an Zevo'ach..."
(k) Answer: They spared the best animals in order to sell them and buy sacrifices.
(l) Question: Why did they spare only the best animals?
(m) Answer: They are easiest to sell.
(n) Question: "Va'Yomer Aravna (the Yevusi)...ha'Bakar la'Olah veha'Morigim u'Chlei ha'Bakar la'Etzim".
(o) Answer (Rav Nachman): Aravna was a Ger Toshav (who observes his Mitzvos).
1. Question: What does "Morigim" mean?
2. Answer: Planks with indentations; animals step on them, and the grain is threshed.
(a) Question: "V'Es ha'Paros (with which the Plishtim sent the Aron) He'elu Olah".
(b) Answer: That was an exceptional ruling, on account of the miracles.
1. Support: We must say so, for normally females cannot be Olah offerings!
2. Rejection: A female is a valid Olah on a private altar.
i. (Rav Ada bar Ahavah): "Va'Yikach Shmuel Tele Chalav Echad va'Ya'alehu Olah (he offered a nursing ewe)" - this teaches that a female is a valid Olah on a private altar.
ii. Question: "Va'Ya'alehu" is masculine, teaching that he offered the suckling lamb!
iii. Answer: Even though we pronounce it 'Va'Ya'alehu', it is written 'Va'Ya'aleha' (feminine).
(c) (R. Yochanan): If a man has relations with a female animal less than three years old, it will become sterile (therefore, Nochrim do not have relations with animals under three, Chachamim permit buying them for sacrifices);
1. If it is more than three years old, it will (Tosfos - probably) not become sterile, therefore we may not buy it for a sacrifice (Tosfos - or leave it by a Nochri).
(d) Questions: All the verses asked against R. Eliezer (that do not specify that the animals were less than three) may be asked against R. Yochanan!
(e) Answers: Indeed, they only refer to animals under three.
(f) Question: "V'Es ha'Paros He'elu Olah"!
(g) Answer #1: The cows were under three.
(h) Objection (Rav Huna brei d'Rav Noson): "V'Es Beneihem Kalu va'Bayis" - a cow does not give birth before it is three! (Tosfos - nature has changed, it happens nowadays.)
1. (Mishnah): If one buys a cow or female donkey less than three years old (from a Nochri, surely it has not given birth), if its first child (after it was bought) is a male, it definitely must be given to a Kohen;
2. If he buys one more than three years old (perhaps it already gave birth), if its first child (after it was bought) is a male, we are in doubt (perhaps it is be a firstborn, we must wait for it to get a blemish, then it may be eaten; the owner need not give it to a Kohen).
(i) Answer #2: Rather, we must say as above, it was an exceptional ruling.
(j) Question: What does it mean "*Va'Yisharnah* ha'Paros ba'Derech"?
(k) Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): They sang.
(l) Answer #2 (Rav Zutra bar Tuviyah): They faced the Aron and sang.
(m) Question: What did they sing?
(n) Answers (R. Yochanan...): "Az Yashir Moshe...", "Hodu la'Sh-m...Hodi'u va'Amim Alilosav", the anonymous (Rashi; Tosfos - unspecified) Mizmor - "Mizmor Shiru la'Sh-m...Nifla'os Asah", "Hash-m Molach Yirgezu Amim Yoshev Keruvim Tanut ha'Aretz", "Hash-m Molach Ge'us Lavesh" or 'Roni Roni ha'Shita...''
(o) (Rav): Parsim call a Sefer 'Devir' - their source is "V'Shem Devir Lefanim Kiryas Sefer".
(p) (Rav Ashi): They call a Nidah 'Dushtana', taken from "Derech NaSHim Li" (Rashi; Maharsha - they coin an indirect language for it, just like the Torah).
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