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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Avodah Zarah 29


(a) (Rav Yehudah): A cut from a thorn should be put in hot water, wrinkles on the face should be put in cold water, vice-versa is dangerous;
(b) Vinegar is good for bloodletting, small fish are good for a fast, vice-versa is dangerous;
(c) It is dangerous to let blood after eating cress, or after a fever, or after an eye ache;
(d) It is good to eat fish the day before bloodletting, and also the day after; to eat on the third day is dangerous.
(e) (Beraisa): One who lets blood should not eat milk, cheese, onions or cress.
(f) (Abaye): If he ate one of these, he should mix a Revi'is of vinegar and a Revi'is of wine, and drink them;
1. He should relieve himself east of the city, so the stench will not bother people.
(g) (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): On Shabbos, we may raise Unkli (tonsils that obstructs breathing; Aruch - the opening to the stomach);
1. To raise it, we take a handful of cumin and mint, horehound, savory, and hyssop and drink them with wine.
(h) For blisters he should drink these with water; a woman that is chilled while giving birth should drink them with beer.
(i) Rav Acha brei d'Rava ground them up together, took a handful and drank them; Rav Ashi ground them up together, took between his thumb and pinky.
(j) Rav Papa: None of these worked for me; I later heard to take a small new flask of water with a spoonful of honey, put it under the stars, and to drink it the next day - it worked.
(k) (Beraisa): The following six things cure: eating cabbage, beets, dry pennyroyal (mint), stomach, womb, and diaphragm; some say, also small fish;
1. Small fish improve and help the whole body grow.
(l) The following 10 things aggravate sickness: eating ox meat, (permitted) Chelev, roasted meat, fowl, roasted eggs, cress, shaving, a hot bath, cheese, and liver;
1. Some add nuts; some add gourds;
2. Tana d'vei R. Yishmael says, they are called 'Kishu'in' because they are Kashin to the body like swords.
(a) (Mishnah - R. Meir): We do not get haircuts from them in any place.
(b) (Beraisa): If a Nochri is cutting one's hair, he should look in a mirror;
(c) If a Yisrael cuts a Nochri's hair, he must not cut near the Bluris (hair left for idolatrous rites).
(d) Question: The Beraisa says, if a Nochri is cutting one's hair, he should look in a mirror - what is the case?
1. If he is in a public domain - why does he need a mirror (many see him)!
2. If he is in a private domain - even with a mirror it is forbidden!
(e) Answer: Really, he is in a private domain; by looking in a mirror, he makes the Nochri think that he is important, the Nochri is afraid to kill him.
(f) A Nochri was cutting the hair of Rav Chana bar Bizna in the outskirts of Neharda'a.
1. The Nochri: Your neck is fitting to be cut!
2. Rav Chana bar Bizna: I deserve it, for transgressing R. Meir's opinion.
3. Question: He also transgressed Chachamim's opinion - they only permit in a public domain!
4. Answer: R. Chana thought, since many people pass by, it is like a public domain.
(g) (Beraisa): If a Yisrael cuts a Nochri's hair, he must not cut near the Bluris.
(h) Question: How much must he distance from it?
(i) Answer (Rav Malkiyah): Three fingers in every direction.
(j) Version #1 (Rav Chanina brei d'Rav Ika): The following teachings are of Rav Malkiyo - spit, slaves, and hair follicles;
1. The following teachings are of Rav Malkiyah - Bluris, ashes, and cheese.
(k) Version #2 (Rav Papa): The teachings that explain Mishnayos and Beraisos are of Rav Malkiyah; the teachings that have no source in the Tana'im are of Rav Malkiyo.
(l) The versions argue regarding slaves (Rav Papa attributes it to Rav Malkiyah; Rashi - they also argue about ashes, Rav Papa attributes it to Rav Malkiyo).


(a) (Mishnah): It is forbidden to benefit from the following things of Nochrim:
1. Their wine, vinegar that came from their wine, Hadriani earthenware (all these will be explained later), hides with a hole from which the heart was removed;
(b) R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, if the hole is round it is forbidden, if it is long and narrow, it is permitted;
(c) R. Akiva says, meat being taken to (where they are serving) idolatry is permitted, what is taken from it is forbidden, for it is like something sacrificed to idolatry.
(d) It is forbidden to do business with people heading to serve idolatry, it is permitted to do business with people returning from it.
(e) R. Meir says, if wine of a Yisrael was put in a pouch or bottle of a Nochri, it is forbidden to benefit from it;
(f) Chachamim say, it is forbidden to drink, but one may benefit from it.
(g) R. Meir says, it is forbidden to benefit from grape skins and pits of a Nochri;
(h) Chachamim say, they are forbidden while still wet (i.e. for 12 months), after this they are permitted.
(i) R. Meir says, it is forbidden to benefit from fish oil and cheese of Beis Unaiki of Nochrim; Chachamim forbids eating them, but one may benefit from them.
(j) R. Yishmael: Why is cheese of Nochrim forbidden (according to Chachamim)?
(k) R. Yehoshua: Because they use stomachs of Neveilos to curdle it.
(l) R. Yishmael: But the prohibition of an Olah is more severe;
1. Some permitted a Kohen to suck what is inside the stomach of an Olah;
2. The consensus was, it is forbidden, but there is no Me'ilah, i.e. the prohibition is only mid'Rabanan!
(m) R. Yehoshua: Rather, because they use stomachs of calves used for idolatry to curdle it.
(n) R. Yishmael: If so, it should be forbidden to benefit from it!
(o) R. Yehoshua diverted the discussion: How do you read: "Ki Tovim *Dodecha* mi'Yayin" (masculine, Yisrael speaks of how dear Hash-m is to them), or "Dodayich" (feminine, Hash-m speaks of how dear Yisrael is to Him)?
(p) R. Yishmael: "Dodayich".
(q) R. Yehoshua: No, it is "Dodecha" - we learn from "L'Rei'ach Shemanecha Tovim".
(a) (Gemara) Question: What is the source that it is forbidden to benefit from wine that was offered to idolatry?
(b) Answer #1 (Rabah bar Avuha): "Chelev Zevacheimo...Yein Nesichum";
1. Just as it is forbidden to benefit from sacrifices to idolatry, also from wine that was offered to idolatry.
(c) Question: What is the source that it is forbidden to benefit from sacrifices to idolatry?
(d) Answer: "...Va'Yochelu Zivchei Mesim" - just as it is forbidden to benefit from a corpse, also from sacrifices to idolatry.
(e) Question: What is the source that it is forbidden to benefit from a corpse?
(f) Answer: We learn from a Gezerah Shavah "Sham-Sham" from the beheaded calf:
1. It says "Va'Tamas Sham Miryam", and regarding the beheaded calf it says "V'Arfu Sham" - just as it is forbidden to benefit from the beheaded calf, also from a corpse.
(g) Question: What is the source that it is forbidden to benefit from the beheaded calf?
(h) Answer (d'vei R. Yanai): The beheaded calf is called 'Kaparah', just like Kodshim.
(i) (Mishnah): Vinegar that came from their wine;
(j) (Mishnah): Vinegar that came from their wine (is forbidden).
(k) Objection: This is obvious! It was forbidden to benefit from the wine, souring will not permit it!
(l) Answer (Rav Ashi): This Mishnah teaches (by inference) that one may entrust vinegar with a Nochri with a single seal (even according to the opinion that a double seal is needed for wine).
1. We are not concerned lest he Menasech (pour, to serve idolatry) vinegar (the Mishnah forbids vinegar that came from their wine, implying that vinegar they bought from a Yisrael is permitted);
2. We are not concerned lest he switch the vinegar with his own (inferior) vinegar - he would not bother to forge (duplicate) the seal for this.
(m) (R. Ila'i): If a Nochri cooked his own wine, it is forbidden.
(n) Objection: This is obvious! It was forbidden to benefit from the wine, cooking will not permit it!
(o) Answer (Rav Ashi): R. Ila'i teaches that one may entrust cooked wine with a Nochri with a single seal.
1. We are not concerned lest he Menasech cooked wine (we infer that cooked wine he got from a Yisrael is permitted);
2. We are not concerned lest he switch it with his own cooked wine - he would not bother to forge the seal.
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