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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Avodah Zarah 63


(a) We ask what the Din will be if, in the case of 'Nasan Lah ve'Achar-Kach Ba Alehah', instead of actually sacrificing the animal, she only managed to declare it Hekdesh, before they had relations.
Seeing as the animal is still alive, what makes us think that 'Hikdishaso' may be as good as 'Hikrivaso'?

(b) How do we try and resolve the She'eilah from Rebbi Elazar himself, who said 'ke'she'Kadmah ve'Hikrivaso'?

(c) How do we reject that proof? Why can we not, in fact, infer from there that 'Hikdishaso' without 'Hikrivaso' remains Asur?

(a) The Reisha of the Beraisa stated 'Ba Alehah ve'Achar-Kach Nasan Lah Esnenah Mutar'.
How does Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak Amar Rav Chisda reconcile this with the Beraisa ' ... Afilu mi'Ka'an ad Shalosh Shanim, Esnenah Asur'?

(b) Why do we find it necessary to establish this second Beraisa by a Zonah Nochris? What would be the problem in the case of a Zonah Yisre'elis?

(a) How do we nevertheless manage to establish the Beraisa even in the case of a Zonah Yisre'elis?

(b) What problem do we have with this explanation?

(c) How do we resolve this problem? What did he actually say to her?

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(a) The Beraisa discusses a man paying his Nochri or Am ha'Aretz workers. What is the Tana referring to when he permits him to give them a Dinar, and to instruct them to go and buy food or drink with it, without having to worry about ...
  1. ... Shevi'is?
  2. ... Ma'aser?
  3. ... Yayin Nesech? Who are his workers in each of the three cases?
(b) What does the Tana say in the same case, only where he says to them 'Tze'u ve'Ichlu va'Ani Pore'a'? Why the difference?

(c) What problem does this pose for de'Bei Rebbi Yanai, on the previous Daf?

(a) To solve the problem, Rav Chisda establishes the Beraisa by a Chenvani ha'Makifo.
What is a 'Chenvani ha'Makifo'? How does this answer the Kashya?

(b) What, by inference, would the Din then be by a Chenvani she'Eino Makifo?

(c) How do we query this from the Seifa 'Amar Lehu Tze'u ve'Ichlu va'Ani Pore'a, Choshesh Mishum Shevi'is ... '?

(d) What else do we ask on Rav Chisda from Rava? What does Rava say about a case where Reuven says to Shimon 'Ten Manah li'Peloni ve'Yikanu Kol Nechasai Lach'?

(a) Consequently, Rava concludes, Chenvani she'Eino Makifo is no different than Chenvani ha'Makifo in this regard.
On what grounds did de'Bei Rebbi Yanai then pay back the debt of Shevi'is, even if it was a year later?

(b) How does Rav Papa then explain the Seifa of the Beraisa 've'Im Amar Lahem Tze'u ve'Ichlu ... '? Seeing as he did not specify his Shibud either, how can the Beraisa rule 'Choshesh Mishum Shevi'is'?

(c) What did Rav Kahana reply when Rav Z'vid from Neherda'a asked him that the Beraisa ought then to have said 'Tze'u ve'Ichlu ... be'Dinar Zeh va'Ani Mechashev' (rather than 'va'Ani Pore'a' [seeing as he has already paid])?

(a) Rav Ashi establishes the Seifa of the Beraisa by 'Natal ve'Nasan beYad'. What does he mean by that? How does this resolve our problem?

(b) What did Rav Ashi answer when Rav Yeimar queried him from the Beraisa, which ought then to have said 'T'lu ve'Ichlu ... ' (rather than 'Tze'u ve'Ichlu ... ')?

(a) Rav Nachman, Ula and Avimi bar Papi asked whether someone who is hired to empty barrels of Yayin Nesech is permitted to take payment for his work. Seeing as his job is to pour out the wine, why might his wages nevertheless be forbidden?

(b) What did Rav Nachman rule in this case?

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