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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Avodah Zarah 72

AVODAH ZARAH 72-76 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.


(a) In a case where Reuven promised Shimon that if he decided to sell his field, he would sell it to to him, and he then sold it to Levi, on what gounds did ...
  1. ... Rav Yosef rule that the field belonged to Shimon?
  2. ... Abaye disagree with Rav Yosef's ruling?
(b) What was Abaye's source?

(c) On what grounds do we query Abaye's source?

(a) We nevertheless confirm Abaye's opinion from Rav Huna, who proved it from a Beraisa. The Tana rules that if Shimon draws Reuven's fruit-laden donkey-drivers or workers into his domain, he does not acquire the fruit.
Will fixing the price cause a Kinyan to take effect?

(b) Why does Shimon not acquire the fruit by means of ...

  1. ... Meshichah?
  2. ... his Reshus?
(c) What does the Tana say in the Seifa if Shimon first unloaded the donkey or the workers and then drew the fruit into his domain, assuming that he ...
  1. ... fixed the price but did not measure them?
  2. ... measured them but did not fix the price?
(a) What did Rav Kahana rule in a similar case to the previous one, only where Reuven fixed the price with Shimon at a hundred Zuz, and subsequently sold it to Levi for a hundred and twenty?

(b) On what grounds did Rebbi Ya'akov from N'har Pakud object to Rav Kahana's ruling?

(c) Like whom is the Halachah?

(a) Why, if Reuven agrees to sell Shimon his field 'according to the price assessed by three people', do we validate the sale even if he then sold it to him for the price agreed upon by only two of the three people whom he subsequently chose?

(b) Why would the Din differ if he were to use the term 'like three people *say*' (rather than 'assessed')?

(c) And what will the Din be if he stipulates 'according to the assessment of four people' or 'like four people say'?

(d) If Reuven stipulated 'the price assessed by three people', and after three people assessed it, Shimon demands that three other people (greater experts) should assess it again, Rav Papa upholds Shimon's claim.
On what grounds does Rav Huna b'rei de'Rav Yehoshua disagree with him? Like whom is the Halachah?

(a) What does our Mishnah say about a case where ...
  1. ... Reuven took the funnel which he had used to pour into a bottle belonging to a Nochri (which contained some Yayin Nesech [Tif'eres Yisrael]), and poured wine into a bottle belonging to a Yisrael?
  2. ... a Nochri poured wine from a barrel belonging to a Yisrael into his own barrel?
(b) We learned in a Mishnah in Taharos that a Nitzok and a Ketapres are not considered joined, either as regards Tum'ah or as regards Taharah.
What is ...
  1. ... 'Nitzok'?
  2. ... 'Ketapres'?
(c) What does the Tana mean when he says 'Eino Nitzok le'Inyan ...
  1. ... Tum'ah'?
  2. ... Taharah'?
(d) What third case does the Tana include in this list?
(a) When Rav Huna ruled that all three are considered a Chibur regarding Yayin Nesech, Rav Nachman asked him for his source.
On what grounds did Rav Nachman himself reject the (obvious inference from the) Mishnah in Taharos ('ha'Nitzok ve'ha'Ketapres u'Mashkeh Tofe'ach ... le'Inyan Tum'ah ve'Taharah') as the source?

(b) He was referring to the Seifa of the Mishnah in Taharos, which considers an Ashboren a Chibur.
What is an 'Ashboren'?

(c) How do we try to present our Mishnah ('Im Yesh Bo Ikeves Yayin, Asur') as Rav Huna's source?

(d) We refute this suggestion however, by establishing our Mishnah like a Beraisa learned by Rebbi Chiya 'she'Pachsaso Tz'luchiso'.
What does this mean?

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(a) Why can we not extrapolate from Rebbi Chiya's Beraisa that Nitzuk is not considered a Chibur?

(b) What do we infer from our Mishnah 'ha'Me'areh mi'K'li li'K'li, es she'Me'areh Mimenu, Mutar'?

(c) What do we try and prove from here?

(d) Then why is the wine in the vessel from which one is pouring, not also forbidden?

(a) We reject the proof from the Reisha however, by quoting the Seifa, which negates the inference from the Reisha.
What does the Tana say in the Seifa?

(b) What does the Beraisa say about the wine that is being poured from a barrel into the wine-pit?

(c) How do we negate the proof from here that Nitzuk is Chibur by Yayin Nesech?

(d) In that case, why is the wine in the barrel not forbidden, too?

(e) At the end of the day, Rav Huna has no concrete source for his ruling 'Nitzuk Havi Chibur' by Yayin Nesech.
What is the Halachah?

(a) Why did ...
  1. ... Rav Chisda instruct those wine-pourers to throw the wine into the Nochri's barrel, rather than to pour it in directly?
  2. ... Rava instruct those wine-pourers not to allow the Nochrim to help them pour the wine into a Yisrael's barrel?
(b) What is 'Gishta u'bas Gishta'?

(c) What did Rava rule in a case where a Nochri touched the wine that was pouring from the Gishta?

(d) What did Rava reply, when Rav Papa (or Rav Ada bar Masna or Ravina) asked him whether his ruling was based on the principle 'Nitzok Havi Chibur'?

(a) Mar Zutra b'rei de'Rav Nachman declared that 'K'nishkenin' is permitted.
What is 'K'nishkenin'?

(b) What did he mean by declaring it permitted?

(c) On what condition did he permit it?

(d) When Rabah bar Rav Huna visited the Resh Galusa, he permitted the members of his household to drink from the 'K'nishkenin' together with a Nochri.
What does a second Lashon cite Rabah bar Rav Huna as having done?

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