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Bava Basra 3

BAVA BASRA 3-5 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence, N.Y., out of love for Torah and those who study it.

1) [line 1] D'ITZTENA MINACH - that I could seclude myself from you
2) [line 15] AFILU LO RATZU NAMI - even when both of them did not want (but only one of them wanted), he should be able to force him (RABEINU GERSHOM)

3) [line 16] K'SHE'EIN BAH DIN CHALUKAH - when the courtyard is not large enough to be divided between the two of them. (The courtyard is not sizable enough to allow one partner to force the other to split the courtyard between the two of them, if the other partner would prefer to share the use of the entire courtyard.)

4) [line 18] EIMASAI? - When [is it that a jointly-owned courtyard is not split up]?
5) [line 19] AFILU PACHOS MI'KAN CHOLKIN - even if the courtyard was not large enough to divide, if both partners agree to split it between them they may do so

6) [line 24] LIHADER BEI - he should be allowed to back out
7) [line 25] BESHE'KANU MI'YADO - the agreement was finalized through a Kinyan (such as a Kinyan Chalipin; see Background to Bava Basra 40:4)

8) [line 31] V'HA KETANI SEIFA - but it is written in the end of the Mishnah... (which is referring to a case of "Ein Bo Din Chalukah")

9) [line 39] KINYAN DEVARIM B'ALMA HU! - It is merely a Kinyan finalizing a verbal agreement, but it is not finalizing any transaction, and therefore is not binding!

10) [line 40] BESHE'KANU MI'YADAN B'RUCHOS - when they made a formal act of Kinyan with regard to the "directions;" the Kinyan finalized an agreement as to which part of the courtyard each partner would receive, and therefore it is considered a transaction and is binding

11) [line 40] KEGON SHE'HALACH ZEH B'SOCH SHELO V'HECHEZIK - such as when each partner entered the part of the property he wanted and did an act of a Kinyan Chazakah (see Background to Bava Metzia 99:12)

12) [line 42] AVNEI D'LO MESHAFYA - stones [quarried from the mountain] which have not yet been smoothed down

13 [line 42] "KOL ELEH AVANIM YEKAROS K'MIDOS GAZIS MEGORAROS BA'MEGERAH MI'BAYIS UMI'CHUTZ UMI'MASAD AD HA'TEFACHOS UMI'CHUTZ AD HE'CHATZER HA'GEDOLAH." - "All of these (parts of the palace of Shlomo ha'Melech) were of valuable stones, like the size of hewn stones, smoothed down with a file, inside and outside, and from the foundation until the roof beams, and outdoors until the large courtyard." (Melachim I 7:9)

13) [line 43] ORCHEI - half bricks
14) [line 44] V'HAI TEFACH YESEIRA L'MORASHA D'KARNASA - this additional space of one Tefach (which a wall made of Gevil protrudes more than a wall made of Gazis) is because of the rough stones that protrude

15) [line 44] PALGA D'GAZIS HU - [a Gevil brick] is half of a Gazis
16) [line 44] L'VEINEI URVEI - for the mortar between the stones
17) [line 46] GEMARA GEMIRI LAH - we know it from the tradition that Moshe received on Mount Sinai

18a) [line 50] TINA - mortar, cement
b) [line 50] RICHSA - pebbles mixed with plaster
19) [line 51] PUSYA - its width
20) [line 52] AMAH TERAKSIN - a wall 1 Amah wide separating the Kodesh and the Kodesh Ha'Kodashim in the first Beis ha'Mikdash. (In the second Beis ha'Mikdash, 2 Parochos (curtains) were hung in the same place to separate the Kodesh and the Kodesh Ha'Kodashim.)

21) [line 52] TELASIN AMHASA - 30 Amos
22) [line 52] SHIS PUSHCHEI - 6 Tefachim
23) [line 52] V'KAM - it held, stood


24) [line 2] PAROCHES - A curtain
25a) [line 3] TIKRAH - the ceiling
b) [line 3] MA'AZIVAH - a mixture of mud and sand or stone chips, etc., that covers a ceiling and serves as a floor for the upper story

26) [line 8] HEN V'SIDAN? - [Does the given width include] them (the bricks themselves) and their plaster?

27) [line 15] HA'KORAH SHE'AMRU, RECHAVAH KEDEI L'KABEL ARI'ACH - the beam that is under discussion should be wide enough to support a half brick (LECHI V'KORAH)
(a) Although mid'Oraisa a Mavoy (an alley that is walled on three sides that leads into a public thoroughfare and has courtyards that open into it) is a Reshus ha'Yachid, nevertheless, the Chachamim prohibited carrying objects in a Mavoy a distance of four Amos or more. This decree was enacted because of its similarity to a Reshus ha'Rabim, since many families make use of a single Mavoy.
(b) Carrying in a Mavoy is permitted if a *Lechi* is placed vertically against one of the walls at the entrance to the Mavoy. A Lechi is a pole, plank, or other object that is at least ten Tefachim high. It serves as a Mechitzah (a fourth wall) or as a Heker (reminder) to signal the border of Reshus ha'Rabim and Reshus ha'Yachid so that people do not transfer objects from the Mavoy to the adjacent Reshus ha'Rabim (Eruvin 5a, 15a).
(c) Another method to permit carrying in a Mavoy is with a *Korah* (a beam, one Tefach wide). The Korah is placed horizontally across the top of the entrance to the Mavoy, and serves as a Mechitzah (a fourth wall) or as a Heker (reminder) to signal the border of Reshus ha'Rabim and Reshus ha'Yachid so that people do not transfer objects from the Mavoy to the adjacent Reshus ha'Rabim (see Insights to Eruvin 2a, and Graphic #1).
(d) The Lechi and Korah must be used in conjunction with a Shituf Mavo'os (see Introduction to Maseches Eruvin [III]) to permit carrying within the Mavoy.

28a) [line 17] RAVREVASA - a large-sized brick
b) [line 18] ZUTRA - a small-sized brick
29) [line 19] LO LISTOR INISH BEI CHENISHTA - a person should not dismantle a synagogue

30a) [line 20] MISHUM PESHI'USA - because of the possibility of neglect
b) [line 21] MISHUM TZELUYEI - so that there should be a place to pray in the interim

31a) [line 23] SASREI U'VANU BEI KAITA B'SISVA - they dismantled and rebuilt the summer synagogue in the winter
b) [line 24] [V'SASREI] U'VANU BEI SISVA B'KAITA - [and they dismantled] and rebuilt the winter synagogue in the summer (RABEINU GERSHOM)

32) [line 25] GAVU ZUZEI U'MACHTEI - if the money was collected and put away
33) [line 26] DILMA MISRAMI LEHU PIDYON SHEVUYIM V'YAHAVEI LEHU - perhaps the need will arise to ransom prisoners and the money raised for building the synagogue will be used for that purpose

34a) [line 27] SERIGEI LIVNEI - the bricks are stacked and ready to be used
b) [line 27] V'HADREI HUDREI - (O.F. chevrons) and the rafters [of the roof] are smoothed down and ready to be used
c) [line 27] U'MACHATEI KESHUREI - and the beams are placed down and ready to be used

35) [line 29] MEZAVNEI V'YAHAVEI LEHU - they will sell the building materials and give to them the money as ransom

36) [line 31] LO CHAZI BAH TIYUHA - they saw in it no structural defect
37) [line 33] KENISHTA D'MASA MECHASYA - the synagogue in the city of Mechasya (probably a suburb of Sura in Bavel)

38) [line 33] AYIL L'FURYEI L'HASAM - he brought up his bed to there
39a) [line 34] V'LO AFKEI - and he did not take it out
b) [line 34] AD D'MASKIN LEI SHEFICHEI - until they had installed its gutter

40) [line 34] BAVA BEN BUTA HEICHI ASVEI LEI ETZAH L'HURDUS L'MISTEREI L'VEIS HA'MIKDASH? - How could it be that Bava ben Buta could have given advice to King Hurdus (Herod) to dismantle the Beis ha'Mikdash (as the Gemara will soon describe)?

41) [line 38] AKARNA TUREI - I shall uproot a mountain
42) [line 40] KAM, KATLINHU L'CHULHU MARVASEI - he arose and killed all of his masters (he killed the entire royal family)

43) [line 40] SHAIRAH LEHA'HI YENUKTA - he left (of the royal family) a certain young girl

44) [line 41] D'KA BA'I L'MINSEVAH - for he wanted to marry her
45) [line 41] SELIKA L'IGRA - she went up to the roof
46) [line 41] V'RAMA[S] KALA - and she shouted out (lit. raised her voice)
47) [line 43] TAMNAH - he embalmed her
48) [line 45] L'YASUVEI L'YITZREI - to satisfy his desires
49) [line 46] "[SOM TASIM ALECHA MELECH...;] MI'KEREV ACHECHA TASIM ALECHA MELECH, [LO SUCHAL LASES ALECHA ISH NOCHRI ASHER LO ACHICHA HU.]" - "[You shall surely set over yourself a king...;] from among your brothers you shall set over yourself a king, [you may not put over you a foreigner who is not your brother.]" (Devarim 17:15)

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