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Bava Basra 21

BAVA BASRA 20-25 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence, N.Y., out of love for the Torah and for those who study it.

1) [line 3] BERAM - Truly!
2) [line 6] MAI DARUSH? - What did they learn [from the verses that made them come to the conclusion that a child without a father would not be taught Torah]?

2) [line 7] "V'LIMADTEM OSAM [ES BENEICHEM L'DABER BAM...]" - U'LMADTEM ATEM - "and you shall teach them (the words of the Torah) [to your children so that they speak in them...]" - and your *yourselves* should teach [your children to speak in them...]

3) [line 12] PELACH - region
4) [line 13] MAV'IT BO V'YATZA - rebel against him (lit. kick him) and go away
5) [line 18] AD SHIS - until six years old
6) [line 18] LO SEKABIL - do not accept [as a student]
7) [line 19] V'ASFI LEI K'SORA - and force-feed him (teach him the Torah in abundance) like one force-feeds an ox

8) [line 20] KI MACHIS L'YANUKA - when you strike a child
9) [line 20] LO SIMCHEI ELA B'ARKESA D'MESANA - only strike him [softly,] with a small strap or shoelace, [so that he does not get hurt]

9) [line 21] ARKESA D'MESANA - (a) a big strap (or straps) that is wrapped around the entire shoe, from one edge of the shoe to the other, in order to fasten it onto the foot (RASHI to Yevamos 102a); (b) the shoelace (or shoelaces) which is tied on top of the shoe's upper, similar to the way we tie our shoelaces (RITVA and ME'IRI to Yevamos ibid. -- See Insights to Yevamos 102:2)

10) [line 21] D'KA'ARI KA'ARI - those who learn (lit. recite [verses]), will learn

11) [line 22] TZAVSA - companionship
12a) [line 23] UMAN - a blood letter
b) [line 23] GARDI - a weaver
13) [line 31] SOFER ARMAI - a teacher of Nochri schoolchildren

14) [line 32] SOFER MASA - (a) a headmaster of a school, who instructs the teachers of the town schoolchildren how they should teach their classes (RASHI); (b) the town scribe, who writes the legal documents of the townspeople (RABEINU GERSHOM, 1st explanation, TOSFOS, citing RABEINU CHANANEL); (c) the town barber (RABEINU GERSHOM, 2nd explanation)

15) [line 33] MAMTINAN - to transport
16) [line 33] MI'MASA L'MASA - from town to town
17) [line 34] BEI KENISHTA - Beis Keneses, synagogue, the place where most schoolchildren were taught

18) [line 34] MIFSAK NAHARA - a river separates [the road to the school] (even in the same city)

19a) [line 35] TITURA - a wide bridge
b) [line 36] GAMLA - a bridge consisting of one plank

20a) [line 36] SACH MAKREI DARDEKEI - (a) the minimum amount of students for which the townspeople can be forced to hire a teacher. When there are 40 students, the townspeople hire a Reish Duchna. When there are 50 students, they must hire another teacher (TOSFOS, ROSH); (b) the maximum amount of students that one teacher is allowed to teach. The townspeople can be forced to hire a teacher even for less than 25 students. When there are more than 25 students, they must hire a Reish Duchna. When there are more than 40 students, they must hire another teacher. When there are more than 50 students, they must have two teachers and a Reish Duchna. (RABEINU GERSHOM, RAMBAM, RAMBAN and other Rishonim)
b) [line 37] MAKREI DARDEKEI - a teacher of young boys (who teaches them to read verses)

21) [line 38] REISH DUCHNA - a helper for the teacher, who reviews the lessons that the students learned

22) [line 38] U'MESAI'IN LEI MI'MASA - (lit. and the town helps him) the townspeople must pay the Reish Duchna; the teacher does not have to pay his wages

23) [line 39] D'GARIS - who has learned a lot
24) [line 39] ASI L'ISRASHULEI - he will slack off [in his teaching]
25) [line 40] KIN'AS SOFRIM TARBEH CHOCHMAH - jealousy among scholars will increase wisdom

26) [line 41] GARIS V'LO DAYIK - who has learned a lot but is not careful [when he teaches]

27a) [line 42] SHABESHTA MIMEILA NAFKA - an error will eventually get corrected (lit. will automatically go out)
b) [line 43] SHABESHTA, KEIVAN D'AL AL - an error, once learned, always remains


28a) [line 1] DI'CHESIV "TIMCHEH ES ZACHAR AMALEK" - since the verse states "you shall wipe out the males of Amalek," [and if in a Milchemes Mitzvah (a war commanded by the Torah) HaSh-m only commanded us to kill the males, all the more so in a Milchemes Reshus (the wars of kings for the need of the times) such as our war with Edom, we should only have to kill the males -- MAHARSHA]
b) [line 2] V'HA ANAN "ZECHER" KARINAN - but we read the verse [differently, "you shall wipe out] any trace [of Amalek"] (Devarim 25:19)
c) [line 3] ANA "ZACHAR" AKARYUN - I was taught "Zachar," "males"

29) [line 4] HEI'ACH AKRISAN - How did you teach us?
30) [line 4] AMAR LEI "ZACHAR" - he said to him "Zachar"
31) [line 5] SHAKAL SAFSIRA L'MIKTELEI - he drew his sword to kill him

32a) [line 10] MAKREI YENUKA - a teacher of young boys (who teaches them to read verses)
b) [line 10] SHASLA - (a) one who plants vineyards for a percentage of the yield (RASHI); (b) a [government] worker who plants for the citizens of the district (RAMBAM Hilchos She'eilah u'Fikadon 2:3)
c) [line 10] TABACHA - a ritual slaughterer
d) [line 10] UMNA - (a) a blood-letter (RASHI); (b) a Mohel (MAHARSHAL to Bava Metzia 97a)
e) [line 10] SOFER MASA - (a) the town scribe, who writes Sifrei Torah, Tefilin and Mezuzos (RASHI); (b) the town scribe, who writes the legal documents of the townspeople (TOSFOS)

33) [line 11] K'MUSARIN V'OMDIN NINHU - are considered to have been warned [once they enter the profession, and may be fired at their first misdeed]

34) [line 12] KOL PESEIDA D'LO HADAR - all losses that are irretrievable
35) [line 13] BAR MAVO'AH - resident of a Mavoy (an alleyway)
36) [line 13] D'UKI REICHAYA - who sets up [a business of grinding flour in] a mill

37) [line 14] KAMUKI GABEI - and he sets up [an identical business] next to him
38) [line 15] KA PASKAS LEI L'CHIYUSI - you have taken away my livelihood
39) [line 16] MARCHIKIM METZUDAS HA'DAG MIN HA'DAG - fishermen are expected to keep their fishing nets away from [the hiding place of] a specific fish, [when a certain fisherman has discovered the hiding place and is trying to catch the specific fish] (RASHI)

40) [line 17] KI'MELO RITZAS HA'DAG - the length of the flight of a fish


  • 1 Parsah = 8000 Amos = 30 Ris = 4 Mil
  • 1 Mil = 2000 Amos = 7.5 Ris
  • 1 Ris = 266.66 Amos
  • 1 Amah = 2 Zerasos = 6 Tefachim
  • 1 Zeres = 3 Tefachim
  • 1 Tefach = 4 Etzba'os

  • 1 Parsah = approximately 3648, 3840 or 4608 meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions
42) [line 19] D'YAHAVEI SIYARA - a fish takes note of where it spies food
43) [line 21] CHENVANI - a shopkeeper
44a) [line 21] KELAYOS - roasted kernels of grain
b) [line 21] EGOZIN - nuts

45a) [line 24] ANA KAMEFALGINA AMGUZEI - I give out nuts
b) [line 25] AT PELOG SHIYUSKEI - you can give out (a) almonds (RASHI); (b) plums (O.F. prunes) (RASHI to Bava Metzia 60a)

46) [line 33] BURSEKI - a tanner
47) [line 37] KERAGA - the imperial head tax

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