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Bava Basra 29

BAVA BASRA 29 & 30 - anonymously dedicated by an Ohev Torah and Marbitz Torah in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel.

1) [line 1] "BENU VATIM V'SHEVU V'NIT'U GANOS V'ICHLU ES PIRYAN." - "Build houses and settle [in them,] and plant gardens and eat their fruit."
(Yirmeyahu 29:5)

2) [line 4] "[...'LAKO'ACH ES HA'SEFARIM HA'ELEH, ES SEFER HA'MIKNAH HA'ZEH, V'ES HE'CHASUM V'ES SEFER HA'GALUY HA'ZEH,] U'NESATAM BI'CHLI CHARES; L'MA'AN YA'AMDU YAMIM RABIM.'" - "[...'Take these documents, this deed of the purchase, both that which is sealed, and this open deed,] and put them in an earthenware vessel; so that they may last for many days.'" (Yirmeyahu 32:14)

3) [line 5] SHATA KAMAISA - the first year
4) [line 12] D'CHALIF A'MEITZRA DIDHU - who chances to pass over their property line

5) [line 21] RETZUFOS - consecutive, i.e. years one, two and three
6) [line 23] MEKUTA'OS - truncated, i.e. [consecutive] partial years
7) [line 24] MEFUZAROS - not consecutive, e.g. years one, three and five
8) [line 25] ASREI D'MOVREI BAGEI - in a place where the custom is to leave fields fallow every other year

9) [line 32] SHIVEVEI - neighbors
10) [line 34] ANAN AGRINAN MINEI - we rented it from him

11) [line 35] NOG'IN B'EDUSAN
Witnesses who stand to benefit or lose based upon their testimony about a certain case are termed "Nog'in b'Edusan," and are disqualified from being witnesses in that case.

12) [line 36] AGAR BEISA - the rent for the house
13) [line 36] DAYANEI D'SHEFILEI - judges who are not well-versed in the law


14) [line 1] ROCHLIN HA'MACHAZIRIN BA'AYAROS - peddlers (of spices) who walk from city to city [selling their spices]

15) [line 3] CHENVASA D'MECHOZA - the shops of Mechoza, a large Jewish trading town on the Tigris River

16) [line 5] ZAVUN HA'HI AMSA BAHADEI HADADEI - bought a maidservant together, as partners

17) [line 7] NAFAK AR'AR ILAVAH - a protest was registered about her [that she belonged to others]

18) [line 12] ITRA - a document recording a division of property
19) [line 12] KOLA IS LEI - (lit. it has a voice) the information about the sale of the maidservant will become well known

(a) Equivalents of volume used in the Gemara:

  • 1 Kor (= 1 Chomer) = 30 Se'in
  • 1 Lesech = 15 Se'in
  • 1 Eifah = 3 Se'in
  • 1 Se'ah = 6 Kabin
  • 1 Tarkav (= 3 Kabin) = 12 Lugin
  • 1 Kav = 4 Lugin
  • 1 Log (= 1 Rova) = 4 Revi'iyos = 6 Beitzim
  • 1 Beitzah = 2 k'Zeisim
(b) Modern-day equivalents:
1 k'Zayis = approximately 0.025, 0.0288 or 0.05 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.
1 Rova = 0.3, 0.345 or 0.6 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions
(c) A Beis Rova is a parcel of land in which one Rova of grain is normally planted. The area of a Beis Rova is 104.17 square Amos, approximately 21.65, 24 or 34.56 square meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.

21a) [line 18] B'UKUMEI BAH CHEIVASA - by putting animals there [to graze]
b) [line 19] MISHTECHA BAH PEIREI - by spreading out fruit [to dry]

22) [line 23] BI'SHECHUNEI GAVA'EI HAVAI - I was in the inner rooms [for the entire time that you claim to have made a Chazakah, and I passed by you each time I went out]

23) [line 24] BEROR ACHILASECH - prove your Chazakah (lit. your eating [the "produce" of the house]) [by bringing witnesses that you lived in the house *alone* for three years]

The general rule in monetary claims is that the burden of proof rests with the one who wishes to extract payment or other items of value from the other person. Hence, when ownership is in doubt, all money or real estate remains with the one who has possession.

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