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Bava Basra 37

BAVA BASRA 37 dedicated by Hagaon Rav Yosef Pearlman of London, England, l'Iluy Nishmas ha'Rabbani Reb Rephael David ben Yosef Yitzchak Pearlman, whose passed away on Pesach Sheni (14 Iyar) 5758.

1) [line 3] HEICHA D'LO AFIKU - in a case where they (the other twenty trees) did not produce [fruits] (and each year a different set of ten trees were the only producers of fruit. Rabeinu Chananel explains that this is possible with trees that produce Benos Shu'ach, a wild fig that ripens once every three years, and the three sets of ten trees each are staggered in their fruit production)

2) [line 5] V'HU D'VAZEI BAZUZEI - in a case where they (the ten trees from which he ate the fruit each year) were spread out (lit. split) among the entire area of the field

3) [line 14] MOCHER, B'AYIN YAFEH MOCHER - a seller sells with good will, and does not keep anything part of what he sells for himself, e.g. when a person sells a field and does not sell the well in it, the seller must purchase a path through the field from the buyer in order to be able to get to his well

4a) [line 14] BOR - a pit that is dug in impermeable ground and that is not lined with stones
b) [last line] DUS - a pit in the ground that is lined with stones that rise above the surface of the ground. A Dus also has a cover on top. (BI'UR HALACHAH Orach Chayim 587:1 in his explanation of the opinions of Rashi and Rambam)

5) [last line] LO MAKCHESHU B'AR'A - they do not weaken or otherwise impair the land around them (as do trees and roots)


6) [line 13] ACHLAN RETZUFIN - a person who tried to make a Chezkas Shalosh Shanim by eating all of the produce of a field where the trees were planted *too close together*, i.e. with more than ten saplings (or three trees) in the area of a Beis Se'ah. The trees need more room to grow, and as such, the true owner of this field would uproot the unnecessary trees

7) [line 15] HAI MEISHRA D'ASPASTA - a patch of Aspasta, any plant especially adapted for use as animal fodder, where the plants are very close together

8) [line 17] KEREM SHE'HU NATU'A AL PACHOS ME'ARBA AMOS - a vineyard that is planted without the proper [four-Amah] spacing between the rows of vines (see Background to Bava Basra 2:9, Kil'ei ha'Kerem)

9) [last line] MI'SHIPULEI AD TEHOMA - [the ground] underneath the tree and below (lit. to the depths of the earth)

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