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Bava Basra 73

BAVA BASRA 71-75 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.


1) [line 4] SEFINAH - a boat
2a) [line 4] TOREN - the mast
b) [line 5] NES - the sail
c) [line 5] UGIN - the anchors
d) [line 5] MANHIGIN - the oars

3a) [line 6] AVADIM - slaves that worked on the boat for the seller
b) [line 7] MARTZUFIN - large bags used to load goods on ships (RASH Kelim 25:1)
c) [line 7] ANTIKI - the merchandise that the seller planned to transport

4) [line 8] ISKARYA - (O.F. mast) mast
5) [line 9] "...EREZ MI'LEVANON LAKACHU, LA'ASOS TOREN ALAYICH" - "[They have made all your planks of cypress trees of Senir;] they have taken a cedar from Levanon to make a mast for you." (Yechezkel 27:5)

6) [line 9] IDRA - (O.F. veile) the main sail
7) [line 9] "SHESH B'RIKMAH MI'MITZRAYIM HAYAH MIFRASHECH LIHEYOS LACH L'NES..." - "Fine embroidered linen from Egypt was that which you spread forth to be your sail; [blue and purple from the islands of Elishah (Cyprus) was your awning.]" (Yechezkel 27:7)

8) [line 10] UGININ - (O.F. ancres) the anchors
9) [line 11] "HA'LAHEN TESABERNAH AD ASHER YIGDALU, HA'LAHEN TE'AGENAH L'VILTI HEYOS L'ISH?" - "Would you wait for them till they were grown? Would you, for them, refrain from having husbands? [No, my daughters, for it grieves me much for your sakes that the hand of HaSh-m is gone out against me.]" (Ruth 1:13)

10) [line 12] (MESHOTIN) [MESHOTOS] - (O.F. reimes) oars
11) [line 12] "ALONIM MI'BASHAN ASU MISHOTAYICH..." - "Of the oaks of Bashan have they made your oars; [with ivory-inlaid ebony have they made your rudder, brought from the islands of Kittim.]" (Yechezkel 27:6)

12) [line 13] "V'YARDU ME'ONIYOSEIHEM KOL TOFSEI MASHOT..." - "And all who handle the oar, [the mariners, and all the pilots of the sea,] shall come down from their ships, [they shall stand upon the land.]" (Yechezkel 27:29)

13) [line 14] ISKALAH - the ramp
14) [line 14] BOR HA'MAYIM - a large receptacle for fresh water
15) [line 15] BITZIS / DUGIS - (O.F. cochet or buce) types of rowboats
16) [line 17] BUTZI'ASA D'MEISHAN - (O.F. cochet/cojet) canoes of Meishan (Mesene, the island formed by the Euphrates, the Tigris and the Royal Canal); small boats which are narrow and pointed at the bottom and wide at the top

17) [line 18] "...V'ACHARISCHEN B'SIROS DUGAH." - "[HaSh-m has sworn by His holiness, that, behold, the days shall come upon you, that the nations will take you away on their shields (boats that have the appearance of shields -- METZUDAS TZIYON)], and your posterity in fishing boats." (Amos 4:2)

We highly recommend reading, "The Juggler and the King" (Rav Aharon Feldman, 5750/1990, Feldheim Publishers) for an understanding of the meaning of the parables that follow, and for an explanation of the essence of Agadah in general. (See Insights to the Daf, where we have included excerpts from that book.)
The commentaries differ as to whether or not these accounts are to be taken literally. Some maintain that they are miraculous events which actually happened. Others, however, are apparently of the opinion that the stories are not to be taken literally, but are visions seen by Rabah, or his disguised expressions of profound lessons (see Insights for why they are related in such a manner). As Rav Feldman writes, the stories are parables offering various truths about the evil drives in man, about the study of Torah, and about Jewish destiny.

19) [line 18] ISHTA'U LI NECHUSEI YAMA - those who go down to sea told me
20) [line 18] HAI GALA D'MATBA LI'SEFINAH - the wave that [attempts to] sink a ship

21) [line 19] MISCHAZI KI TZUTZISA D'NURA CHIVARTA B'REISHA - a fringe of white fire is seen at its tip

22) [line 19] MACHINAN LEI B'ALVASA - we strike it with a club
23) [line 20] D'CHAKIK ALEI - that there is engraved upon it
24) [line 20] V'NAYICH - and it rests

25) [line 21] BEIN GALA L'GALA TELAS ME'AH PARSEI - between one wave and the next wave are three hundred Parsa'os

  • 1 Parsah = 8000 Amos = 30 Ris = 4 Mil
  • 1 Mil = 2000 Amos = 7.5 Ris
  • 1 Ris = 266.66 Amos
  • 1 Amah = 2 Zerasos = 6 Tefachim
  • 1 Zeres = 3 Tefachim
  • 1 Tefach = 4 Etzba'os
1 Parsah = approximately 3648, 3840 or 4608 meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions
26) [line 21] RUMA D'GALA - the height of the wave
27) [line 22] ZIMNA CHADA HAVAH AZLINAN B'ORCHA - one time we were traveling on the way

28) [line 22] DALINAN GALA - a wave lifted us [so high]
29) [line 22] AD D'CHAZINAN BEI MARBE'ASEI D'CHOCHVA ZUTA - until we saw the resting-place of the smallest star

30) [line 23] V'HAVYA (LI) K'MIVZAR ARBE'IN GERIVEI BIZRA D'CHARDELA - and it appeared as big as a field in which forty bushels of mustard seed could be sown (DIKDUKEI SOFRIM)

31) [line 24] V'IY DALINAN TEFEI, HAVAH MAKLINAN ME'HEVLEI - and if it would have lifted us any more, we would have been burned by its heat

33) [line 24] V'RAMI LAH GALA KALA L'CHAVERTAH - and [then we heard that] one wave called (lit. raised it voice) to its friend

34) [line 25] SHAVKAS MIDI B'ALMA D'LO SHETAFTEI, D'NEISI ANA V'NA'ABDEI - Have you left over anything in the world that you have not flooded, so that I can come and destroy it?

35) [line 26] PUK! CHAZI GEVURTA D'MARICH! - Go out! See the power of your Master!

36) [line 26] MELO CHUTA CHALA V'LO AVRI - I cannot even cross a string's breadth of sand

37) [line 27] "HA'OSI LO SIRA'U NE'UM HASH-M, IM MI'PANAI LO SACHILU, ASHER SAMTI CHOL GEVUL LA'YAM, CHOK OLAM V'LO YA'AVRENHU..." - "'Will you not fear Me?' says HaSh-m. 'Will you not tremble at My presence? I, Who have placed the sand as the boundary of the sea, an everlasting barrier that it cannot pass; [and though its waves toss themselves, yet they cannot prevail; though they roar, they can not pass over it.']" (Yirmeyahu 5:22)

38) [line 28] L'DIDI CHAZI LI - I saw
39) [line 28] HORMIN / HORMIZ - these are the names of a demon
40) [line 28] BAR LILIS - the son of Lilis, a female demon who represents the enticements that tempt man to engage in illicit pleasures

41) [line 29] KI KA RAHIT A'KUFYA D'SHURA D'MECHOZA - when he was running along the ramparts of the city wall of Mechoza

42) [line 29] V'RAHIT PARASHA KI RACHIV CHEIVESA MI'TATA'EI - and a horseman, riding on an animal below him, was running fast

43) [last line] V'LO YACHIL LEI - and he could not keep up with him; RASHBAM (as appears in our text) and RABEINU GERSHOM explain that the horseman could not keep up with the demon. The MAHARSHA (and RASHBAM according to the emendation of the BACH) explains that the demon could not keep up with the horseman.

44) [last line] ZIMNA CHADA - one time
45) [last line] HAVAH MESARGA'AN LEI TARTEI KUDNAYASEI - two mules were saddled for him

46) [last line] V'KAIMAN A'TREI GISHREI D'ROGNAG - which were standing on two bridges of the River Donag


47) [line 1] V'SHAVAR ME'HAI L'HAI - and he jumped from this mule to the other mule

48) [line 2] V'NAKIT TREI (MIZGEI) KASEI D'CHAMRA B'YADEI - while he was holding two cups of wine in his hands

49) [line 3] U'MORIK ME'HAI L'HAI - and he was pouring from one cup to the other cup

50) [line 3] V'LO NATFA NITUFASA L'AR'A - and not one drop fell to the ground

51) [line 4] V'OSO HA'YOM "YA'ALU SHAMAYIM YERDU SEHOMOS" HAVAH - and that was a day when "they will rise to the heavens and descend to the depths" (Tehilim 107:26); i.e. it was a stormy day (RASHBAM)

52) [line 5] AD SHAM'U BEI MALCHUSA V'KATLUHU - until the house of the king heard about it and killed him

53) [line 6] URZILA BAR YOMEI - a one-day-old mountain goat
54) [line 7] HAR TAVOR - Mount Tabor, a mountain in the lower Galilee, on the border of the Jezreel Valley

55) [line 8] MESHACHA D'TZAVAREI - the length of its neck
56) [line 9] BEI MARBA'ATA D'REISHEI - the resting place of its head
57) [line 9] RAMA KUFTA - it emptied itself of waste
58) [line 10] SACHAR LEI L'YARDENA - it dammed the Jordan River
59) [line 11] AKRUKTA - frog
60) [line 11] D'HAVYA KI AKRA D'HEGRONIYA - that was the size of the region of Hegroniya

61) [line 13] SHITIN BATEI - sixty houses
62) [line 13] ASA TANINA, BAL'AH - a serpent came and swallowed it
63) [line 13] PUSHKANTZA - a raven
64) [line 13] SALIK, YASIV B'ILANA - it flew up and sat in a tree
65) [line 14] TA CHAZI KAMAH NAFISH CHEILEI D'ILANA - come and see how great was the strength of the tree

66) [line 14] IY LO HAVA'I HASAM LO HEIMNI - if I would not have been there, I would not have believed it

67) [line 15] HAVAH KA AZLINAN BI'SEFINTA - we were traveling in a ship
68a) [line 16] CHAZINAN HA'HU KAVRA - we saw a certain fish
b) [line 16] D'YASVAH LEI ACHLAH TINA B'USYEI - a "mud-eater" (a type of parasite) was sitting in its nostril

69) [line 16] ADCHUHU MAYA V'SHADYUHU L'GUDA - the water pushed it and threw it to the shore

70) [line 17] CHARUV MINEI SHITIN MECHOZEI - sixty cities were destroyed by it

71) [line 18] MAL'U ME'CHAD GALGELA D'EINEI TELAS ME'AH GARVEI SHEMEN - they filled, from one of its eyeballs, three hundred kegs of oil

72) [line 18] V'CHI HADRAN L'VASAR TREISAR YARCHEI SHATA - and when we returned after twelve months

73) [line 19] CHAZINAN D'HAVAH KA MENASREI [KESHUREI] MI'GARMEI (METALELTA) - we saw that they were making beams from its bones [in order to rebuild the cities that were destroyed]

74) [line 19] V'YASVEI L'MIVNINHU HANACH MECHOZEI - and they were going back to rebuild those cities [that were destroyed]

75) [line 21] D'YASVA LEI CHALTA A'GABEI - sand had settled on its back
76) [line 21] KADACH AGMA ILAVEI - grass was sprouting on it
77) [line 21] SAVRINA YABESHTA HI - we thought that it was dry land
78) [line 22] SALKINAN V'AFINAN U'VASHLINAN A'GABEI - we went up [onto it], and we baked and cooked on its back

79) [line 22] V'CHAD CHAM GABEI IS'HAPICH - and when its back became hot, it turned over

80) [line 22] IY LAV D'HAVA MEKARVA SEFINTA HAVAH TAV'INAN - if the boat had not been near [to us], we would have drowned

81) [line 24] SAGAI SEFINTA BEI SHITZA L'SHITZA D'CHAVRA TELASA YOMEI U'TELASA LEILVASA - the boat sailed between one fin and the other fin of a fish for three days and three nights

82) [line 24] IHU BI'ZEKIFAH, V'ANAN B'SHIPOLA - it (the fish) was swimming with the flow of the wind, and we (in the boat) were going against the wind

83) [line 25] V'CHI TEIMA LO MESAGYA SEFINTA TUVA - and if you will say that the boat was not traveling fast

84) [line 26] K'MEICHAM KUMKUMA D'MAYA - [in the time that it takes to] heat up a kettle of water
b) [line 26] MESAGYA SHITIN PARSEI - it (the boat) would travel sixty Parsa'os

85) [line 26] V'SHADI PARASHA GIRA V'KADMAH LEI - and a rider shot an arrow and it (the boat) preceded it

86) [line 27] GILDENA D'YAMA - the name of a certain fish of the sea
87) [line 28] TZIPRA - bird
88) [line 28] D'KA'IM AD KARTZULEI B'MAYA - that was standing unti its ankles in water

89) [line 29] AMRINAN "LEIKA MAYA" - we said "there is not [deep] water here"
90) [line 29] BA'INAN LA'CHUS L'AKUREI NAFSHIN - we wanted to go down [into the water] to cool ourselves

91) [line 30] NAFAK BAS KALA (BAS KOL) - a Bas Kol issued forth
92) [line 30] LA SEICHUSU HACHA - do not go down [into the water] here
93) [line 30] D'NAFLAS LEI CHATZITZA L'VAR NAGRA HA SHEV SHENEI - for the ax of a carpenter fell [here] seven years ago

94) [line 31] V'LO KA MATYA A'AR'A - and it has not yet reached the ground (at the bottom of the sea)

95a) [line 31] NEFISHEI MAYA - the water is deep
b) [line 31] REDIFEI MAYA - the water flows torrentially

96) [line 32] ZIZ SADAI - Ziz Sadai, the name of a bird, as the Gemara understands the verse in Tehilin (50:11), "I know every bird of the mountains, and the Ziz Sadai is with Me" (see the TARGUM there; the other Mefarshim explain "Ziz Sadai" to mean "those that move upon My fields")

97) [line 33] AVAZEI - geese
98) [line 33] D'SHAMTEI GADFAIHU MI'SHAMNAIHU - that their feathers fell out because they were so fat

99) [line 34] KA NAGDEI NACHALEI D'MISHCHA MI'TUSAIHU - streams of oil flowed from beneath them

100) [line 34] IS (LAN) [LI] B'GAVAICHU CHELKA L'ALMA D'ASI? - Do I have a share in you in the World to Come?

101a) [line 35] CHADA DALI [LI] GADFA - one [goose] lifted up [to me] its wing
b) [line 35] CHADA DALI [LI] ATMA - one [goose] lifted up [to me] its leg

102) [line 36] ASIDIN YISRAEL LITEN ALEIHEN ES HA'DIN - in the future, the Jewish people will be held accountable for them (since the Jewish people did not hastily do Teshuvah and return to HaSh-m, the fattened geese -- which were to be given to the Jewish people as a reward in the World to Come -- suffered)

103) [line 36] (SIMAN K'AFRA D'SECHILTA (TERAKTEI) AKREVA [L'KORACH] L'SILTEI) - this is a mnemonic device for remembering the following five stories of the Gemara that describe the experiences of Rabah bar bar Chanah with ha'Hu Taiya (The word "Teraktei" does not appear in the manuscripts while the word "l'Korach" does):

  1. *k'Afra* refers to "d'Havah Shakil *Afra*" (line 38)
  2. *d'Sechilta* refers to "Chada Karna *d'Sechilta* d'Chada Minaihu" (Daf 74a, line 4)
  3. *Akreva* refers to "d'Hadra Lei *Akreva*" (Daf 74a, line 13)
  4. *l'Korach* refers to "Belu'ei *d'Korach*" (Daf 74a, line 20)
  5. *l'Siltei* refers to "Shekalta *l'Silta'ei*" (Daf 74a line 29)
104a) [line 38] ISLAVI BA'HADAN HA'HU TAIYA - a certain Arab merchant joined us
b) [line 38] D'HAVAH SHAKIL AFRA U'MORACH LEI - he would pick up dirt and spell it

105) [line 39] HA URCHA L'DUCHTA PELAN - this is the way to get to such-and-such a place

106) [line 41] TANINAN V'YAHAVINAN LEI - we again gave to him

107a) [line 41] AFCHIS LEI - I switched around [the two samples of dirt] for him
b) [line 41] V'LO YECHILIS LEI - and I could not prevail over him (to trick him)

108) [last line] TA ACHAVI LACH MESEI MIDBAR - come, I will show you those who died in the desert (during the 40-year sojourn of the Jewish people there)

109) [last line] V'DAMU K'MAN D'MIVSEMEI - and they had the appearance of a man who is drunk

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