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Bava Basra 75

BAVA BASRA 71-75 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.

The numbers that appear next to certain entries represent the number assigned to those items in the diagram of the Beis ha'Mikdash of the Tiferes Yisrael (e.g. TY #43). This diagram, which will be included in a separate mailing and can be found on our site, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (in Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).

1) [line 1] KANIGYA - a hunt
2) [line 1] "(HA')TIMSHOCH LIVYASAN B'CHAKAH, UV'CHEVEL TASHKI'A LESHONO?" - "Can you pull the [enormous gigantic fish called] Livyasan with a hook, and his tongue with a rope that you immerse [into the ocean]? (Iyov 40:25) - HaSh-m asked Iyov if he is able to accomplish the mighty act of hunting Leviathan, alluding to the fact that Leviathan will be hunted in the future.

3) [line 3] "... HA'OSO YAGESH CHARBO." - "[He is the head of HaSh-m's creations;] only his Maker can bring His sword near [to him]." (Iyov 40:19)

4) [line 5] HEVEL - heat from his breath
5) [line 6] METZULAH - the depths of the ocean
6a) [line 6] "YARTI'ACH KA'SIR METZULAH..." - "He causes the depths of the ocean to boil [with the heat of his breath]..." (Iyov 41:23)
b) [line 7] "... YAM YASIM KA'MERKACHAH." - "... he turns the oceans into a [sweet-smelling spice] mixture." (Iyov 41:23) - When Leviathan puts his head into Gan Eden, it absorbs the scent of spices.

7) [line 8] TELAMIM - furrows
8) [line 8] "ACHARAV YA'IR NESIV..." - "Behind him a path is visible..." (Iyov 41:24)
9) [line 9] EIN TEHOM CHOZER L'EISANO - the ocean depths do not return to their original state

10) [line 9] "... YACHSHOV TEHOM L'SEIVAH." - "... it will be apparent in the depths until seventy years have passed." (Iyov 41:24)

11) [line 11] "YICHRU ALAV CHABARIM..." - "Can bands of robbers have a meal from him...?" (Iyov 40:30)

12) [line 12] "VA'YICHREH LAHEM KEIRAH GEDOLAH VA'YOCHELU VA'YISHTU..." - "And he prepared a great feast for them, and they ate and they drank; [and he sent them away, and they went to their master. And the bands of Aram came no more to the land of Yisrael.]" (Melachim II 6:23)

13) [line 15] "... YECHATZUHU BEIN KENA'ANIM?" - "... Can they divide him among merchants?" (Iyov 40:30)

14) [line 15] TAGARIM - merchants
15) [line 15] "KENA'AN B'YADO MOZNEI MIRMAH; LA'ASHOK AHEV." - "As for the trader, the scales of deceit are in his hand; he loves to oppress." (Hoshea 12:8)

16) [line 17] SUKAH - a covered hut made with the skins of the Leviathan for the roof as well as the walls (RASHBAM)

17) [line 18] "HA'SEMALEI V'SUKOS ORO..." - "Can you fill up [fishermen's] huts with his skin..." (Iyov 40:31)

18) [line 19] (TZILTZAL) [TZEL] - shade from a hut that has a roof but no walls (RASHBAM)

19) [line 19] "... UV'TZILTZAL DAGIM ROSHO." - "... or [can you put] his head in a hut for fish (that protects them from the sun after they are caught)?" (Iyov 40:31)

20) [line 20] ANAK - a necklace
21) [line 20] "[KI LIVYAS CHEN HEM L'ROSHECHA,] V'ANAKIM L'GARGEROSECHA" - "[For they shall be an adornment of grace for your head] and chain-ornaments around your neck." (Mishlei 1:9)

22) [line 20] KAMI'A - an amulet, usually containing a parchment or herbs wrapped in a small piece of leather or other animal skin, hung around the neck as a charm

23) [line 21] "... V'SIKSHERENU L'NA'AROSECHA." - "[Can you play with him as one plays with a sparrow,] and tie him for your girls [to play with him]?" (Iyov 40:29)

24) [line 21] PORSO - He spreads it
25) [line 21] ZIVO MAVHIK - its radiance shines
26) [line 22] "V'HALCHU GOYIM L'OREICH U'MELACHIM L'NOGAH ZARCHEICH." - "And the nations shall walk by your light, and kings to the brightness of your radiance." (Yeshayah 60:3)

27) [line 23] "V'SAMTI KADCHOD SHIMSHOSAYICH U'SHE'ARAYICH L'AVNEI EKDACH..." - "[O you afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will set down gems as your [pavement] stones and lay your foundations with sapphires.] And I will make your windows of these and of those (gems and sapphires), and your gates of rubies, [and all your borders of precious stones.]" (Yeshayah 54:11-12) - Puch, Sapir and Ekdach (O.F. charboncle - carbuncle or ruby) are precious stones.

28) [line 24] MICHAEL - the name of a ministering angel
29) [line 24] B'MA'ARAVA - (lit. in the west) in Eretz Yisrael

30a) [line 25] SHOHAM - onyx (The argument mentioned in our Gemara is whether the window frames of the Beis ha'Mikdash were to be made of onyx or jasper. These stones represent the tribes of Yosef and Binyamin, respectively, on the breastplate of the Kohen Gadol. HaSh-m decided that they should be made of both ("k'Dein uche'Dein" - like these and like those) since the final redemption will be started by Mashi'ach ben Yosef and result in the building of the Beis ha'Mikdash in the portion of Binyamin -- MAHARSHA)
b) [line 25] YASHFEH - jasper

31) [line 27] SHELOSHIM AL SHELOSHIM - thirty by thirty [Amos]
32) [line 27] CHOKEK BAHEN - chiseled in them
33) [line 28] ESER AL ESRIM - [an opening of] ten by twenty Amos
34) [line 28] LIGLEG - he ridiculed
35) [line 29] K'VEIASA D'TZITZLA LO MASHKECHINAN - we do not even find a gemstone the size of a small turtle dove's egg!

36) [line 29] HIFLIGAH SEFINASO BA'YAM - his ship sailed in the sea
37) [line 30] KA MINASREI AVANIM TOVOS - they were cutting precious stones
38) [line 33] REIKA! - You empty, worthless person!
39) [line 34] MELAGLEG AL DIVREI CHACHAMIM ATAH! - You are a person who ridicules the words of the Sages!

40) [line 35] "...VA'OLECH ESCHEM KOMEMIYUS." - "[I am HaSh-m, your G-d, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that you should not be their slaves; and I have broken the bars of your yoke,] and made you walk upright." (Vayikra 26:13) - The Gemara brings the argument of the Tana'im as to how tall a person will be when the third Beis ha'Mikdash will be built. Rebbi Meir homiletically interprets the word "Komemiyus," "upright," to mean "two heights [of Adam ha'Rishon]," who was 100 Amos tall after his sin. (The word "Komemiyus" sounds like the plural of the word "Komah," a person's height.)

41) [line 36] KENEGED HEICHAL V'CHOSLAV - like the [height of] the Heichal (sanctuary, TY #67) [of the second Beis ha'Mikdash] and its walls. (The Heilchal of the second Beis ha'Mikdash was 40 Amos long, 20 Amos wide and 40 Amos high. The outside walls reached a height of 100 Amos. King Herod raised its height it to 120 Amos -- Josephus 55)

42) [line 36] "ASHER BANENU KI'NTI'IM MEGUDALIM BI'N'UREIHEM; BENOSEINU CH'ZAVIYOS MECHUTAVOS TAVNIS HEICHAL" - "For our sons are like saplings nurtured from their youth; our daughters are like cornerstones cut in the form of the Heichal." (Tehilim 144:12)

43) [line 38] KAVEI D'VEI ZIKA - windows to let in the air
44) [line 38] SHEVA CHUPOS - seven wedding canopies (see MAHARSHA in Chidushei Agados)

45) [line 39] "U'VARA HASH-M AL KOL MECHON HAR TZION V'AL MIKRA'EHAH... KI AL KOL KAVOD CHUPAH." - "And HaSh-m will create over every structure of Mount Zion, and over those who assemble in her, a cloud by day, and smoke and the light of a glowing fire by night, because over all the honor will be a canopy." (Yeshayah 4:5)

46) [line 42] EINAV TZAROS B'SALMIDEI CHACHAMIM - his eyes are stingy with [regard to helping] Talmidei Chachamim

47) [line 44] NICHVEH - singed
48a) [line 44] BUSHAH - shame
b) [line 44] KELIMAH - humiliation (for the difference between Bushah and Kelimah, see Insights to Berachos 4:1)

49) [line 45] "V'NASATAH ME'HODCHA ALAV" - "You shall place some of your glory upon him." (Bamidbar 27:20) This implies that Moshe was to give only *some* of his prophetic powers to Yehoshua ("me'Hodcha" -- lit. *from* your glory), and not all of his prophetic powers. (See Insights.)

50a) [line 46] CHAMAH - the sun
b) [line 46] LEVANAH - the moon
51) [line 47] ESER CHUPOS - ten canopies (see MAHARSHA in Chidushei Agados)
52) [line 48] "B'EDEN GAN ELOKIM HAYISA KOL EVEN YEKARAH [MESUCHASECHA...]... MELECHES TUPECHA U'NKAVECHA BACH..." - "Were you in Eden, the garden of Elokim? Was your canopy of every precious stone, ruby, emerald, diamond, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, sapphire, carbuncle, topaz, and gold? The labor of your drums and wind (holed) instruments was in you, on the day you were created they were established." (Yechezkel 28:13)

53) [line 51] CHIRAM MELECH TZOR - Hiram, the king of Tyre


54) [line 5] HA'MEZUMANIN LAH - those who are invited to come to her (Yerushalayim of Olam ha'Ba). This is derived form the word "Mikra'ehah" (see above, entry #45), which the Gemara here interprets to mean "those who are invited to her."

55) [line 7] "KOL HA'NIKRA VI'SHEMI ..." - "Everyone who is called by My name and whom I have created for My glory, whom I have fashioned, even perfected." (Yeshayah 43:7)

56) [line 13] "SAVIV SHEMONAH ASAR ALEF, V'SHEM HA'IR MI'YOM HASH-M SHAMAH." - "The [city's] circumference is eighteen thousand, and the name of the city from that day shall be 'HaSh-m-is-there'." (Yechezkel 48:35)

57) [line 14] AL TIKRI "SHAMAH" ELA "SHEMAH" - do not read the word as "[HaSh-m] is there," but rather, [HaSh-m] is its name."

58) [line 17] "V'HAYAH HA'NISH'AR B'TZION, VEHA'NOSAR BI'YERUSHALAYIM, KADOSH YE'AMER LO" - "And it will be that he who remains in Zion, and he who is left in Yerushalayim, 'holy' will be said about him." (Yeshayah 4:3)

59) [line 19] SHALOSH PARSA'OS - three Parsa'os = 12 Mil = 90 Ris = 24000 Amos = approximately 10.94, 11.52 or 13.82 kilometers, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.

60) [line 20] "V'RA'AMAH V'YASHVAH SACHTEHAH" - "[All of the land will turn into a plain, from Geva until Rimon, south of Yerushalayim,] and it (Yerushalayim) will be raised up and it will be settled in its place" (Zecharyah 14:10)

61) [line 21] K'TACHTEHA - [its height will be] like its width
62) [line 23] YERUSHALAYIM KAMAISA - the early Yerushalayim
63) [line 25] "MI ELEH KA'AV TE'UFENAH, VECHA'YONIM EL ARUBOSEIHEM." - "Who are these that fly like a cloud, and like doves to their cotes?" (Yeshayah 60:8)

64) [line 26] HAI EIVAH, TELASA PARSEI MIDLI - a cloud rises three Parsa'os high

65) [line 28] LASES ES YERUSHALAYIM B'MIDAH - to give Yerushalayim a finite, limited measure

66) [line 28] "VA'OMAR, 'ANAH ATAH HOLECH?' VA'YOMER ELAI, 'LA'MOD ES YERUSHALAYIM, LIR'OS KAMAH RACHBAH V'CHAMAH ARKAH.'" - "I said, 'Where are you going?' And he replied, 'To measure Yerushalayim, to see how much is its width and how much is its length.'" (Zecharyah 2:6)

67) [line 30] KERACHIM - large cities
68) [line 33] "VA'YOMER ELAV, 'RUTZ DABER EL HA'NA'AR HA'LAZ LEIMOR, "PERAZOS TESHEV YERUSHALAYIM ME'ROV ADAM UV'HEMAH V'SOCHAH!"'" - "He said to him, 'Run, speak to that lad, saying: "Yerushalayim shall be settled in a spread-out manner [beyond its walls], because of the multitude of people and animals inside it!"'" (Zecharyah 2:8)

69a) [line 34] ELEF TaFaF GINO'OS - 1000 times 169 (the Gematriya of TaFaF) gardens (i.e. 169,000 gardens) (RASHBAM)
b) [line 35] ELEF KeFeL MIGDALIM - 1000 times 210 (the Gematriya of KeFeL) towers (i.e. 210,000 towers) (RASHBAM)
c) [line 35] ELEF LITZUY BIRANIYOS - 1000 times 146 (the Gematriya of LITZUY) palaces (i.e. 146,000 palaces)
d) [line 35] ELEF U'SHNEI SHILoH TOTAF'RA'OS - 1002 times 345 (the Gematriya of SHILoH) mansions (i.e. 345,690 mansions)

70) [line 36] K'TZIPORI B'SHALVASAH - like Tzipori in its tranquility. Tzipori is a city in the lower Galilee, approximately midway between Tiberias and Haifa. It was the center of Jewish activity after the destruction of the second Beis ha'Mikdash, and it was the seat of the Sanhedrin when the Sanhedrin moved from Beit She'arim, before the Sanhedrin moved to Tiberias (where it was disbanded). It became the center of Jewish activity when Rebbi's health needs required that he move there, where the air was fresh (see Kesuvos 103b, Rosh Hashanah 31b).

71) [line 37] SHEVAKIM - markets
72) [line 37] MOCHREI TZIKEI KEDEIRAH - sellers of a certain food dish (a pudding made of ground meat mix with spices)

73) [line 37] "VEHA'TZELA'OS TZELA EL TZELA SHALOSH U'SHLOSHIM PE'AMIM..." - "And the side chambers were one over another thirty three times; [and there were recesses in the wall of the house for the side chambers around, that they might be anchored there, so that they were not fastened into the wall of the house." (Yechezkel 41:6) - This verse refers to the chambers in the walls of the Heichal of the third Beis ha'Mikdash. The Gemara here expounds it to be referring to the city of Yerushalayim itself.

74) [line 39] REBBI YEHOSHUA D'SICHNI - Rebbi Yehoshua of Sichni, a city north of Yodfas in the Galil, the seat of Rebbi Chananya ben Teradyon and the home of Rebbi Yehoshua

75a) [line 39] IM SHELOSHAH YERUSHALAYIM HEN - if there will be three cities of Yerushalayim (meaning that Yerushalayim will be three times its present size)
b) [line 39] KOL ACHAS V'ACHAS YESH BAH SHELOSHIM MEDORIN L'MA'ALAH - each and every one will be thirty stories high

76a) [line 41] KEIVAN SHE'MASHACH KOL SHE'HU - once he has pulled [the boat] a small amount (KINYAN MESHICHAH)
(a) When a person acquires an object, he must make a Ma'aseh Kinyan, a formal Halachically-binding act denoting his acquisition of the object, in order for the acquisition to be irrevocably binding. Depending on the object involved, different Kinyanim are used.
(b) One of the forms of Kinyan that may be used for the acquisition of Metaltelin (mobile items) is Meshichah, i.e. pulling the item or causing it to move. Meshichah can only accomplish a Kinyan in a private or semi-private area (such as an alleyway), but not in Reshus ha'Rabim. It may be accomplished not only by *pulling* the object towards one's self, but even by causing it to come towards one's self, such as by calling an animal and causing it to come closer. Paying for an object (Kinyan Kesef), on the other hand, does not accomplish a Kinyan.
(c) The Amora'im (Bava Metzia 47b) argue whether Kinyan Meshichah (as well as Kinyan Hagbahah and Mesirah, see Background to Bava Metzia 7:11:b:1, 3) is mid'Oraisa. Some maintain that Kinyan Meshichah *is* recognized by the Torah and Kinyan Kesef is *not*. Others maintain that Kinyan Meshichah is a Rabbinic institution which was established in order to replace Kinyan Kesef, which *is* recognized by the Torah but which was invalidated by the Rabanan. According to those who maintain that Kinyan Meshichah is mid'Oraisa, its source in the Torah is from the verse "Kanoh *mi'Yad* Amisecha" (Vayikra 25:14), which implies that one may transfer property by *handing* it over to the buyer (Bava Metzia ibid.).

b) [line 41] AD SHE'YIMSHOCH ES KULAH - [he does not acquire the boat] until he pulls all of it [and thereby moves it completely out of the place in which it was standing until now]

77) [line 42] MESIRAH
The Kinyan of Mesirah entails handing over the reins of an animal (or the tie lines of a boat) in order to acquire the animal (or boat). Mesirah is one of the forms of Kinyan that one may use to acquire an object (see previous entry).

78a) [line 42] TELAFAH - its hoof
b) [line 42] SA'ARAH - its hair
c) [line 42] UKAF - the saddle
d) [line 43] SHELIF - the saddle bag
e) [line 43] PERUMBIYA - the bit
f) [line 43] ZOG - the bell

79) [line 43] KEITZAD BI'MESHICHAH - in what manner [is a Behemah Dakah, a small domesticated animal, acquired] with Meshichah?

80) [line 44] HIKISHAH B'MAKEL - he hit it with a stick
81) [line 44] KEIVAN SHE'AKRAH YAD V'REGEL, KENA'AH - when it has lifted up a foreleg and a hind leg, the buyer has acquired it [through Meshichah]

82) [line 45] AD SHE'TEHALECH MELO KOMASAH - (a) until it walks the length of its body (RASHBAM); (b) until it has lifted up all four legs, even before it walks the length of its body (TOSFOS DH Af Al Gav)

83) [line 48] B'DUCHTAH KAIMA - it is still standing in its original place
84) [line 48] KEIVAN D'NADAH BAH PURSA - once it has moved a little

85) [last line] OSIYOS - a Shtar (document of debt)

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