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Bava Basra 167

BAVA BASRA 167 - sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. D. Kornfeld with warm Mazel Tov blessings to the newlyweds, Eli and Chaya Abeles. May they merit to build together a Bayis Ne'eman b'Yisrael that will be a pride to their dear parents and to all of Klal Yisrael!

1) [line 1] U'MESHAVEI LEHU ZUZEI - and they make them (the large number of Peruotos) into [a smaller number of] Zuzim

2) [line 4] HAI MAN D'BA'I L'MECHEVEI (CHASIMOS) [CHASIMAS] YADEI B'VEI DINA - any person who wants to leave a record of his signature (lit. show his hand's signature) in Beis Din (the Girsa is from DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #100, ROSH)

3) [line 5] B'SOF MEGILASA - at the end of a scroll of parchment
4) [line 5] DILMA MASHKACH LAH ACHER - someone else might find it
5) [line 6] D'MASIK BEI ZUZEI - [and he will write in it] that he (the one who signed the paper) owes him money

6) [line 7] NECHASIM BENEI CHORIN - (lit. properties that are free) fields that do not have a lien on them (which have not been bought by purchasers from the debtor)

7) [line 8] BAZBINA - a tax collector (see YA'AVETZ)
8) [line 10] MACHAVU LI - they will show it to me
9) [line 10] MA'AVARNA LEHU B'LO NICHSA - I will let them pass without [requiring them to pay] the tax

10) [line 11] HAVAH KA NAGID BEI - he was pulling at it (so that Abaye's signature would appear at the bottom, and not at the top, of the page)

11) [line 12] KEVAR KADMUCH RABANAN - the Chachamim preempted you (and taught that one should not show his signature by signing at the bottom of a blank page)

12) [line 12] MI'TELAS V'AD ESER - [when writing out the numbers] from three until ten

13) [line 14] NIHADREI (L'DIBUREI) [LI'DECHUREI] - he should go back and mention it [in the Shtar] (RABEINU GERSHOM, RASHASH)

14) [line 15] TREIN TELASA ZIMNEI - two or three times
15) [line 17] L'GAGEI D'VEI"S V'CHAR'EI - [he erased] the roof of the letter Beis and its foot (making it look like a Vav)

16) [line 18] V'SHAVYEI U'FARDEISA - and he made it [into the word] "and the orchard"

17) [line 19] REVI'ACH LEI ALMA - it (the Vav) has a lot of space
18) [line 20] KAFTEI V'ODI - he tied him up (the bearer of the Shtar) [to be whipped], and he confessed

19) [line 21] MENAS REUVEN V'SHIMON ACHEI - the portion of Reuven and Shimon, the brothers

20) [line 21] HAVAH LEHU ACHA DI'SHEMEI ECHI - they (Reuven and Shimon) had a brother whose name was Echi (which is spelled exactly like the word "Achei," "brothers," that was in the Shtar) [and this brother also had a plot of land near the plot that belonged to Reuven and Shimon, which the buyer (who held the Shtar) bought]

21) [line 22] AZAL KASAV BEI VA"V- he (the buyer) went and wrote in it (the Shtar) [the letter] "Vav" (in order to claim that he also bought the plot of land that Echi owned)

22) [line 24] DACHIK LEI ALMA - it (the letter Vav) is cramped
23) [line 29] DIDI ZAIFAS - my signature, you are easily able to forge
24) [line 30] D'RASIS YADEI - for his hand trembles
25) [line 31] ANCHI YADAI A'MEITZRA - I placed my hand on the rope-rail (the rope which serves as a support-rail for those walking over the bridge)

26) [line 31] KAM A'ZARNOKA V'CHASAV - he stood on a jug and wrote
27) [line 33] SHOVER - a receipt
28) [last line] MAKIRAN - he (the scribe writing the Get) recognizes them (i.e. he recognizes that their names are indeed the names that he is writing in the Get)


29) [line 5] SHETAREI EIRUSIN V'NISU'IN - documents of Eirusin and Nisu'in. According to some (Kesuvos 102b), a Shtar Eirusin is a document containing the words, "Harei At Mekudeshes Li" ("Behold you are betrothed to me"). One of the ways to betroth a woman is to hand her such a document (Mishnah Kidushin 2a). According to others (and according to the way the RASHBAM explains the Mishnah here), a Shtar Eirusin is a Shtar Pesikta, a document that states how much each of the in-laws agree to give for their children's marriage (RITVA). A Shtar Nisu'in is the Kesuvah, describing the obligations of the husband towards the wife, and of the wife towards the husband.

30) [line 7] SHTAR ARISUS V'KABLANUS - a document of Arisus or Kablanus. Arisus refers to an arrangement between a landowner and a sharecropper, wherein the sharecropper receives a percentage of the produce of the field each year, paying the rest to the landowner. Kablanus refers to an arrangement wherein the sharecropper pays a fixed amount per year to the landowner, regardless of how much or how little the field produces.

31) [line 9] SHETAREI BEIRURIN - (lit. documents of clarification, or documents of selections) (a) according to the first explanation in the Gemara (168a), this refers to documents in which the claims of each litigant are recorded (so that the litigants cannot change their claims in the middle of the case); (b) according to the second explanation of the Gemara (ibid.), this refers to documents which record the litigants' voluntary selection of judges to hear their case.

32) [line 16] GABAIHU - with them
33) [line 19] MAMTI LEI L'ITESEI D'HEI'ACH - he will bring it to the wife of another man (who shares his name)

34) [line 20] V'YAHAVAH L'GAVRA D'LAV DILAH - and she will give it to a husband who is not hers

35) [line 29] L'MASA ACHARISA - to another city
36) [line 34] D'KARU LEI V'ANI - that they call to him (with the name by which he is known) and he answers

37) [line 34] RAMA'AH B'RAMA'USEI ZAHIR - a scoundrel is cautious about his deceptiveness (and will be careful to answer to his assumed name, and as a result, Rav Zevid rules that we may only allow a couple to get divorced if they (by their names) have become Ischazek in this city)

38) [line 35] TAVRA - a Shover, or receipt
39) [line 38] MEIKASH HU D'KASHA LAH - she has become old
40) [last line] BAGAR LAH KOLA - her voice has become thick

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