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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Bava Basra 9

BAVA BASRA 9 & 10 - these Dafim have been dedicated anonymously l'Iluy Nishmas Tzirel Nechamah bas Tuvya Yehudah.


(a) There were two slaughterers who made a deal: if either works on the other's day, the skin of his animal will be torn. Reuven worked on Shimon's day, and Shimon tore the skin.
1. Rava: Shimon must pay.
2. Rav Yemar bar Shalmiya: But the Beraisa teaches (People of the city may fix...) and enforce this with fines!
3. Rava did not answer.
4. (Rav Papa): Rava was justified in not answering - when there is a great person in the city, fines must be enacted in front of him.
(b) (Beraisa): We do not ask collectors of Tzedakah to give a calculation of what they collected and distributed, nor with Gizbarim of Hekdesh;
1. A hint (not a proof) of this - "V'Lo Yechashevu...ve'Emunah Hem Osim".
(c) (R. Elazar): Even when giving money to a trustworthy person, one should wrap and count the money - "Va'Yatzuru va'Yimnu".
(d) (Rav Huna): If a person (claiming to be poor) requests food, we check if he is truly poor; if he requests clothing, we give before checking.
(e) We can learn from a verse or from reasoning.
1. Reasoning: Someone without clothes is embarrassed, someone lacking food is not.
2. A verse: "Paros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha" - this is written with a 'Sin', it may be read 'Perosh' (clarify before giving). (Either we must say like Tosfos (Shabbos 55B) that the Gemara's text (of Yeshayah) differs from our text, or we must change the text of our Gemara (see Maharsha).)
i. "...Ki Sireh Arum v'Chisiso" - as soon as you see him, clothe him.
(f) (Rav Yehudah): We check before giving clothing, not before giving food.
(g) We can learn from a verse or from reasoning.
1. Reasoning: Someone without food is in pain, someone lacking clothing is not.
2. A verse: "Paros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha" - immediately;
i. "...Ki Sireh Arum v'Chisiso" - after you see that he is truly poor.
(h) Support (for Rav Yehudah - Beraisa): If a person requests clothing, we check if he is truly poor; if he requests food, we give before checking.
(a) (Mishnah): A poor person that is travelling, we give him at least a loaf bought for a Pundion when grain sells for four Sa'im for a Sela (i.e. the loaf is a quarter Kav);
1. If he will spend the night, we give him needs of lodging.
i. (Rav Papa): This is a bed and a pillow.
2. If he will stay over Shabbos, we give him food for three meals.
(b) (Beraisa): If a person begs from door to door, we do not give him from the Kupah.
(c) A poor person begging from door to door came to Rav Papa; he did not give to him.
1. Rav Sama brei d'Rav Yeiva: If you do not give him, no one will, he will die!
2. Question: But the Beraisa says that we do not give to him!
3. Answer: We do not give him a large amount, we give a small amount.
(d) (Rav Asi): A person should give at least a third of a Shekel to Tzedakah every year - "We established Mitzvos upon ourselves...Shlishis ha'Shekel b'Shanah (above the half-Shekel the Torah requires) for the Mikdash."
(e) (Rav Asi): Tzedakah is equated to all the Mitzvos - "V'Ha'amadnu Alenu Mitzvos (in the plural)".
(f) (R. Elazar): One who gets others to give is greater than one who gives himself - "V'Hayah Ma'ase ha'Tzedakah Shalom".
1. One who merits (to have a good Mazel), "Paros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha" will apply to him;
2. If not, "V'Aniyim Merudim Tavi Vayis" (The kingdom of Romi, that constantly demands money, will take his money).
(g) Rava (to people of his city): Do (Tzedakah) with each other in order that you will have Shalom with the king.
(h) (R. Elazar): When the Mikdash stood, a person gave a half Shekel, and this was an atonement for him;
1. Now that it does not: if a person gives Tzedakah, this is good;
2. If not, Nochrim will forcibly take his money.
i. Even so, that is considered Tzedakah - "V'Nogesayich Tzedakah".

(i) (Rav Sheshes (Rashi; Tosfos - Rav Achdevoy bar Ami), who perverted the ways of his mother): "Va'Yilbash Tzedakah ka'Shiryan" - just as little pieces of iron join to make a big armor, also every Perutah of Tzedakah joins to a great sum.
1. (R. Chanina): We learn this from "Uch'Veged Idim Kol Tzidkoseinu" - just as every thread joins to make a big garment, also every Perutah of Tzedakah joins to a great sum.
(a) Question: How did Rav Sheshes (Tosfos - Rav Achdevoy) pervert his mother's way?
(b) Answer: He forced her to act immodestly in the following episode.
1. Question (Rav Achdevoy bar Ami): What is the source that a Metzora during the days of counting (after bringing birds until he shaves) is Metamei people?
2. Answer (Rav Sheshes): Since he makes clothing Tamei, he makes people Tamei.
3. Question (Rav Achdevoy bar Ami): Perhaps he only is Metamei what he wears, but not other clothing or people;
i. One who moves a Neveilah is Metamei what he wears, but not other clothing or people!
ii. Counter-question (Rav Sheshes): What is our source that a rodent is Metamei people, if not that it is Metamei clothing?
iii. Answer (Rav Achdevoy bar Ami): It says explicitly by rodents, "Ish Asher Yiga b'Chol Sheretz"!
iv. Correction - Counter-question (Rav Sheshes): Rather, what is our source that semen is Metamei people, if not that it is Metamei clothing?
v. Answer (Rav Achdevoy): Also by semen, it says, "O Ish", to include one who touches!
vi. Rav Achdevoy answered jovially; Rav Sheshes was very hurt, and Rav Achdevoy became mute and forgot his learning. Rav Sheshes' (Tosfos - his) mother begged Rav Sheshes to pray for him; he refused, until she asked him to have mercy on the breasts that nursed him.
vii. Rav Sheshes prayed for him, and he recovered.
4. Question: We still did not hear the source that a Metzora during the days of counting is Metamei people!
5. Answer (Beraisa - R. Shimon): It says that a Metzora must wash (immerse) his clothes during the days of counting and during the days he is Muchlat (absolutely Tamei);
i. Just as he is Metamei people when he is Muchlat, also during the days of counting.
(a) (R. Elazar ha'Gadol): A covert gift of Tzedakah suppresses damaging angels of anger more than the prayer of Moshe Rabeinu!
1. Regarding Moshe, it says "Ki Yagorti Mipenei ha'Af veha'Chemah" (he feared them); regarding Tzedakah given covertly, it says "Matan ba'Seser Yichpeh Af v'Shochad ba'Cheik Chemah Azah" (it covers them).
(b) Version #1: R. Yitzchak disagrees.
1. (R. Yitzchak): Covert Tzedakah suppresses Af, but not Chemah - "V'Shochad ba'Cheik Chemah Azah";
i. Even though he gives Tzedakah covertly, there is still Chemah.
(c) Version #2 - (R. Yitzchak): Any judge who takes bribery brings harsh Chemah to the world - "V'Shochad ba'Cheik Chemah Azah". (End of Version #2)
(d) (R. Yitzchak): Anyone who gives a Perutah to a poor person gets six blessings; one who comforts him with kind words gets 11 blessings.
1. Regarding who gives ("Paros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha") he is rewarded "Yibaka...(he will succeed greatly, he will be healed speedily, his Tzedakah will bring him to Gan Eden, Hash-m's glory will gather him, Hash-m will answer his cry, Hash-m will do his will);
2. Regarding one who comforts him with words ("V'Safek la'Ra'ev Nafshecha") he is rewarded "V'Zarach..." (his success will shine, he will be saved from afflictions, Hash-m will always guide him on the good path, he will not suffer hunger or thirst, his bones will be healthy, he will be satiated as a garden that is always moist, and as an unceasing spring, his deeds will build the ruins of the world, and restore the fallen foundations, he will be called the one who fenced the breach, and returned people to Torah).
(e) (R. Yitzchak) Question: Because one is "Rodef Tzedakah v'Chesed, he will (need and) find...Tzedakah"?
(f) Answer #1 (R. Yitzchak): Rather, anyone who pursues to do Tzedakah, Hash-m will enable him to give Tzedakah.
(g) Answer #2 (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): Hash-m will present to him fitting recipients of Tzedakah, so he will get reward.
1. This is to exclude the case Rabah taught about.
(h) (Rabah): "Va'Yihyu Muchshalim Lifanecha" - Yirmeyah asked that even when (the people who wanted to kill him) try to do Tzedakah, Hash-m should present to them unworthy recipients, so they will get no reward.
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