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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Bava Basra 110


(a) Answer #2: Rather, Pinchas descended from both Yisro and Yosef, from one on the father's side, from the other on the mother's side.
1. Support: "Mi'Benos Puti'el" - this implies, from two.
(b) (Rava): One must check a woman's brothers before marrying her - "Va'Yikach Aharon Es Elisheva Bas Aminodav Achos Nachshon";
1. Question: Once the verse says, she is Aminodav's daughter, we know that she is Nachshon's sister!
2. Answer: It says "Achos Nachshon" to teach that one must check a woman's brothers before marrying her.
(c) (Beraisa): Most sons resemble the mother's brothers.
(a) "Mi Hevi'acha Halom, u'Mah Ata Oseh ba'Zeh, u'Mah Lecha Po"- they asked him, don't you descend from Moshe, by whom it says "Al Tikrav Halom", "Mah Zeh b'Yadecha", and "V'Ata Po Amod Imadi" - will you become a Kohen to idolatry?!
1. Yonason: I have a tradition from Moshe - it is better to work, doing Avodah Zarah (foreign work), than to be supported by others.
i. He thought, this means idolatry - really, it means work that is foreign to him.
ii. Rav (to Rav Kahana): Flay a carcass in the market for wages; do not consider yourself too important, that this is a disgrace for you.
(b) When David saw how much Yonason liked money, he appointed him over the treasuries - "U'Shevu'el ben Gershom ben Moshe Nagid Al ha'Otzaros".
(c) Question: Why does the verse call him "Shevu'el"?
(d) Answer (R. Yochanan): Because he returned to Hash-m (Shav l'Kel) with all his heart.
(a) (Mishnah): Sons inherit the father ...
(b) Question: What is the source for this?
(c) Answer #1: "Ish KI Yamus u'Ven Ein Lo" - we infer, if he had a son, the son would be first to inherit.
1. Question (Rav Papa): Why don't we say, if there is only a son or daughter, he or she inherits; if there are both, neither inherits?

2. Objection (Abaye): Who should inherit - the mayor?!
3. Clarification (Rav Papa): I meant, neither would inherit alone, rather, they would split the inheritance.
4. Answer (Abaye): We do not need a verse to teach that a lone son inherits everything.
5. Question: Perhaps the verse teaches that a daughter also inherits?
6. Answer: That is learned from "V'Chol Bas Yoreshes Nachalah".
(d) Answer #2 (Rav Acha Bar Yakov): We learn that sons inherit from "Lamah Yigara Shem Avinu...Ki Ein Lo Ben".
1. We infer, had he had a son, the son alone would inherit.
(e) Rejection: That is no proof - we can say, Tzelafchad's daughters thought so, but the Torah teaches differently.
1. We must learn like Answer #1.
(f) Answer #3 (Ravina): We learn from "Ha'Karov Elav" - the closest one inherits.
1. The son is closer than the daughter, for he stands in place of his father regarding Yi'ud (marrying an Amah Ivriyah) and (redeeming) an inherited field.
(g) Rejection: Yi'ud does not prove that the son is closer, since it is not applicable to a daughter; we only know that a son stands in place of his father regarding an inherited field from the fact that he precedes the daughter regarding inheritance!
1. We must learn like Answer #1.
(h) Answer #4: "V'Hisnachaltem Osam (slaves) li'Vneichem Achareichem" - not to your daughters.
(i) Question: If so, we should also expound "Lema'an Yirbu Yemeichem vi'Mei Veneichem" - not your daughters?!
(j) Answer: No - regarding a blessing, it is illogical to expound to exclude daughters.
(a) (Mishnah): Paternal brothers inherit each other ...
(b) Question: What is the source of this?
(c) Answer (Rabah): We learn a Gezeirah Shaveh "Achvah-Achvah" from Yakov's sons.
1. Just like Yakov's sons were paternal but not (all) maternal brothers, also the brothers mentioned by inheritance must be paternal.
(d) Question: Why is the Gezeirah Shaveh needed - we can learn from "Mi'Mishpachto v'Yarash Osah" (we said above (109b) that 'Mishpachah' refers to the father's family)!
(e) Answer: True! In truth, Rabah's Gezeirah Shavah teaches about Yibum.
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