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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 16

BAVA BASRA 16 (23 Nisan) - dedicated by Mr. Avy Reichman of Queens, NY, l'Iluy Nishmas his father, Dovid ben Avraham, on the day of his Yahrzeit.


(a) When the scenario with the Satan repeated itself, what did Hashem mean when he said to him "ve'Odenu Machzik be'Tum'aso, va'Tesiseni Vo le'Val'o Chinam"?

(b) What did Rebbi Yochanan comment about this statement? Why is it incredible?

(c) How does the Tana describe the work of the Satan?

(a) What did the Satan reply to Hashem's statement?

(b) What was Hashem's response to the Satan's request?

(c) Why did the Satan suffer more than Iyov?

(d) Resh Lakish learns from Pesukim that the Yeitzer ha'Ra and the Satan are one and the same (like we just learned). He first causes one to sin and then prosecutes the sinner.
What does he learn from the Pasuk in Iyov "Ach es Nafsho Sh'mor"?

(a) What did Rebbi Levi mean when he said that ...
  1. ... the Satan acted le'Shem Shamayim?
  2. ... Peninah acted le'Shem Shamayim? Who was Peninah?
(b) What happened when Rav Acha bar Ya'akov Darshened this in Papunya?

(c) What does Rava extrapolate from the Pasuk "be'Chol Zos Lo Chata Iyov bi'Sefasav"?

(a) What did Rava mean when, explaining the Pasuk "Eretz Nitnah be'Yad Rasha ... ", he said that Iyov wanted to 'overturn the dish'?

(b) Abaye disagreed.
How did he explain the Pasuk?

(c) Rebbi Eliezer in a Beraisa, referring to the same Pasuk, stated "Bikesh Iyov La'hafoch Ke'arah al Pihah".
What did Rebbi Yehoshua say?

(a) How does Rava explain Iyov's statement "Al Da'atcha Ki Lo Ersha, ve'Ein mi'Yadcha Matzil"?

(b) What does this have to do with the distinction between an ox and a donkey, Gan Eden and Gehinom?

(c) How did Iyov's friends answer him by citing the creation of the Yetzer ha'Ra?

(d) Based on the Pasuk "Birchas Oved Alai Savo, ve'Lev Almanah Arnin", What, according to Rava, did Iyov used to do (before the Midas ha'Din struck) ...

  1. ... to the field of Yesomim?
  2. ... to boost the chances of an Almanah to get married?
(a) What did Rav (or Rava) mean when he said ...
  1. ... 'Afra le'Pumei de'Iyov!'
  2. ... 'Chavrusa K'lapei Shemaya'? What had Iyov said that irked him?
(b) What similar remark did he make about Iyov's statement "Lu Yesh Beneinu Mochi'ach ... "?

(c) What did Rava remark about Iyov's self-aggrandizement, when he claimed that he had made a covenant with his eyes that he would refrain from looking at virgins?

(d) And what did Iyov mean when he said "Kalah Anan va'Yeilech Kein Yored She'ol Lo Ya'aleh"?

(a) Rabah, quoting Pesukim, states 'Iyov bi'Se'arah Cheref, u'vi'Se'arah Heshivuhu'.
What did Iyov claim have happened, after a storm-cloud passed before Hashem?

(b) How did Hashem counter his claim (from a storm-cloud).
What did He prove from the many ...

  1. ... hairs on a human body?
  2. ... rain-drops that fall from the clouds to the ground?
  3. ... thunderclaps that one hears during a thunder-storm?
(c) With regard to the raindrops, the Pasuk uses the Lashon "Mi Palag le'Shetef Ta'aleh".
What do we prove from the Pasuk in Melachim (in connection with Eliyahu on Mount Carmel) "va'Ya'as Ta'aleh ke'Veis-Sa'asayim"?

(d) Hashem brought two final proofs that He was unlikely to become confused between Iyov and Oyev, one from a mountain-she-goat, the other, from a she-gazelle.
What is the proof from ...

  1. ... a mountain-she-goat?
  2. ... a she-gazelle?
Answers to questions



(a) What principle does Rava extrapolate from the Pasuk "Iyov Lo be'Da'as Yedaber, u'Devarav Lo be'Haskel"?

(b) When Iyov was stricken with boils, his friends, Elifaz ha'Teimani, Bildad ha'Shuchi and Tzofer ha'Na'amasi, came to visit him. What do we learn from the Pasuk "va'Yiva'adu Yachdav la'Vo la'Nud Lo u'Le'nachamo"?

(c) Considering that they lived hundreds of miles apart, how did they all get to know about Iyov's plight simultaneously?

(d) What folk-saying was born from this incident?

(a) Discussing the large percentage of female births preceding the Flood - the Pasuk uses the expression "Va'yehi Ki Heichel ha'Adam la'Rov al-P'nei ha'Adamah".
What does Rebbi Yochanan mean when he says 'Revi'ah Ba'ah le'Olam'?

(b) How does Resh Lakish explain the word "la'Rov"?

(c) What did Rebbi Yochanan reply when Resh Lakish asked him why, according to him, Iyov was not blessed with twice as many daughters as he had previously had (like he was with sons)?

(d) Why did Iyov call one of his daughters ...

  1. ... Yamimah?
  2. ... Ketzi'ah?
(a) How did the B'nei Ma'arva react to de'Bei Rebbi Yanai's explanation that Iyov called his third daughter Keren ha'Puch because she had a dark complexion, like the horn of a rhinoceros?

(b) So how does Rav Chisda explain the name?

(c) How did Rebbi console his son Rebbi Shimon, when he expressed disappointment after his wife gave birth to a daughter?

(d) bar Kapara disillusioned Rebbi Shimon bar Rebbi however, by quoting a Beraisa.
What does the Beraisa say about ...

  1. ... boys and girls and about someone who has only girls?
  2. ... spice-makers and tanners, and someone whose profession is tannery?
(a) It appears that the status of daughters was already then an old bone of contention. Rebbi Meir explains the Pasuk "va'Hashem Beirach es Avraham ba'Kol" to mean that Avraham had no daughters.
How does Rebbi Yehudah explain it?

(b) According to Rebbi Elazar ha'Muda'i, Hashem blessed Avraham with a profound knowledge of astronomy.
Did this knowledge affect the world?

(c) Whereas according to Rebbi Shimon, the blessing comprised a special chain that Avraham wore around his neck.
What purpose did it serve?

(d) What happened to that chain after Avraham's death?

(a) In the opinion of others, Hashem's blessing manifested itself in that Eisav did not rebel in his lifetime.
What do yet others say?

(b) On the day that Avraham died, Ya'akov prepared a lentil dish, because lentils, which are completely round, hint at mourning, which rolls from one person to another.
What is the other reason for using lentils?

(c) What is the practical difference between the two reasons?

(d) Rebbi Yochanan lists five sins that Eisav committed on that day.
He had relations with a betrothed girl, he murdered Nimrod and he denied Hashem's existence.
Which other two sins did he commit?

(a) If, as Rav Chama bar Buzi explains, 'Gevi'ah' is a term describing the death of Tzadikim, how does he account for the fact that the Torah writes "ve'Yigva" in connection with ...
  1. ... the Dor ha'Mabul?
  2. ... Yishmael? Who actually answered this question?
(b) What does Rebbi Yochanan extrapolate from the Pasuk in Chayei-Sarah "Va'yikberu Oso Eisav ve'Yishmael"?

(c) How do we know that the Torah does not give Yitzchak precedence only because he was wiser than Yishmael?

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