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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 89

BAVA BASRA 89 - dedicated on the occasion of the Shloshim of Reb Dovid Tuvia ben Harav Yechiel Mechel Halevi (David Kramer), by the Lomdei Daf Ha'Yomi in White Oak, Maryland (Jack Delman, Howie Feldman, Yitz Gedalowitz, Shlomo Katz, Jay Levine, Rabbi Sanders, Kenneth Schor, Raanan Shames, and Sheldon Meth). David was a founding member of the White Oak Daf Ha'Yomi, a frequent Magid Shiur, and an integral part of its continuation for over 10 years. David was also a pillar of the White Oak community for over 25 years. May his memory serve as a blessing for all of Klal Yisrael!


(a) May one compress the contents of the measure when it is customary to heap them or vice-versa, with the consent of the purchaser or the seller (respectively)?

(b) If we learn this from the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei "Eifah Sheleimah ... Yih'yeh Lach", what do we learn from the word "va'Tzedek"?

(c) How much would the seller need to deduct from the price, were he to be permitted to compress the measure provided he deducted from the price?

(d) Following exactly the same pattern, what do we learn from the continuation of the Pasuk ...

  1. ... "Even Sheleimah ... Yih'yeh"?
  2. ... " ... va'Tzedek"?
(a) What does Rav Yehudah mi'Sura learn from the Pasuk "Lo Yih'yeh Lecha ...
  1. ... *be'Veischa* ... Eifah va'Eifah, Gedolah u'Ketanah"?
  2. ... *be'Kischa" ... Even va'Aven, Gedolah u'Ketanah"?
(b) What does the Beraisa Darshen from the Pasuk "Even Sheleimah va'Tzedek *Yih'yeh Lach*"? To whom is the Torah speaking?

(c) Why does the Tana not consider this necessary when it comes to price control, in order to penalize those who raise their prices?

(d) What did the B'nei Nesi'ah nevertheless used to do?

(a) Why did a 'horn of flesh' grow on Karna's eye?

(b) Why did Shmuel choose specifically that?

(c) Did Karna have a source for his ruling?

(d) What does the Beraisa mean when it rules that one fulfills the request of the purchaser to sell a Litra, half Litra or a quarter of a Litra?

(a) How does the Beraisa require the weighing of three-quarters of a Litra?

(b) And what does another Beraisa say about a purchaser who insists that the seller weighs him ten Litras, a Litra a time?

(c) What do these two Beraisos have in common? Why not three times a quarter of a Litra in the first Beraisa, and why not one Litra ten times in the second, if that is what the purchaser wants?

(a) What does the Tana of the Beraisa mean when he gives the measurement of the arm and the two strings of the scales with which one weighs metals, as twelve Tefachim?

(b) What is the minumum length of the 'Nefesh' (the metal tube that runs from the ceiling to the arm, through which the cord that holds the arm [the 'Lashon' runs])?

(c) How far from the ground must the scales be?

(d) What is the reason for these two measurements?

(a) The scales of wool-merchants and glaziers must be at least two Tefachim from the ceiling and two Tefachim from the ground.
What is the Shiur of the arm and the two strings?

(b) The Shiur of the arm and the strings combined of a storekeeper and of a private person is six Tefachim. How close to the ceiling and to the floor may they be?

(c) The scales of a silver and gold-smith must be at least three finger-breadths from the ceiling and from the floor.
What does the Tana say about the length of the arm and the two strings?

Answers to questions



(a) What does Rebbi Mani bar Patish mean when he says (with regard to the scales) 'Just as they said concerning the Isur, so too, did they say concerning Tum'ah'?

(b) We query the need for his statement however, from a Mishnah in Keilim. What does the Tana say there about the string by which the scales of a store-keeper and a private person hangs from the ceiling?

(c) How do we reconcile Rebbi Mani with the Mishnah in Keilim?

(a) Why does the Tana forbid scales of tin, lead, Gistron or any other kind of metal? What is Gistron?

(b) Out of which raw material may one make the scales, besides glass?

(c) Another Beraisa forbids forming a smoothening-rod out of a pumpkin or out of metal.
Why not out of ...

  1. ... a pumpkin?
  2. ... metal?
(a) Why may the smoothening-rod not be formed in such a way that one side is thick and the other, thin?

(b) Then what sort of rod should one use?

(c) What does the Tana of the Beraisa mean when he says that one should not smoothen the heap ...

  1. ... in one go? Why is that?
  2. ... little by little?
(d) Then how should one smoothen the heap?
(a) Raban Yochanan ben Zakai was in a quandary whether to teach all these Halachos or not.
Why should one perhaps ...
  1. ... not do so?
  2. ... nevertheless go ahead and teach them?
(b) What made him decide to teach them after all?
(a) The Pasuk in Kedoshim writes "Lo Sa'asu Avel ba'Mishpat, ba'Midah, ba'Mishkal u'va'Mesurah". How do we know that "ba'Midah" refers to the measuring of land and not of a measuring-vessel to measure liquids?

(b) What prohibition is the Torah coming to teach us ...

  1. ... here?
  2. ... when it writes "ba'Mishkal", which means literally 'in the area of weights'?
  3. ... when it writes "ba'Mesurah" (which, as we already explained, refers to the measuring of liquids.
(c) Which measure is called 'Mesurah'?

(d) What 'Kal va'Chomer' do we derive from 'Mesurah'? How little would the loss be in a Mesurah?

(a) How many Lugin are there in ...
  1. ... in a Hin?
  2. ... in a Kav (considering that there are three Kabin in a Hin)?
(b) The smallest measures in the list are Tomen and Uchla. Uchla will be dealt with later.
What fraction of a Lug is a Tomen (bearing in mind that it is also equivalent to an eighth of a Kav)?
(a) To what extent does Rav Yehudah Amar Rav forbid keeping a short measure in one's house?

(b) Rav Papa restricts the prohibition to two conditions, one of them that it is not a place where the king's inspectors do not stamp the weights and measures.
What is the other?

(c) On what grounds do we reject the second condition?

(d) May one keep a weight that weighs more than it ought to, in one's house?

(a) The current Beraisa lists the solid measures that one is permitted to keep in one's house: 'Sa'ah, Tarkav, Chatzi Tarkav, Kav, Chatzi Kav, Rova, Tomen, Uchla va'Chatzi Uchla'.
How many Kabin are there in a Sa'ah?

(b) Why does the Tana omit ...

  1. ... Chatzi Sa'ah?
  2. ... Chatzi Rova?
(c) How do we know that the Tomen is an eighth of a Kav, and not of a Log?

(d) How many egg-volumes constitute half a Tomen?

(a) The Tana gives an Uchla as a fifth of a Revi'a (Rova).
What does this mean? A quarter of what?

(b) How many egg-volumes does this constitute?

(c) How much more is a Chatzi Tomen than an Uchla?

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