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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 134


(a) Shamai's error was based on the Mishnah in Nedarim concerning the episode that took place in Beis Choron.
What happened there?

(b) Why did the owner of the Chatzer and the Se'udah decide to donate them to his friend?

(c) What did the friend do with his gift?

(d) What did he reply, when the donor complained that that was not what he gave it to him for?

(a) On what principle was the friend's (valid) argument based?

(b) What would the consequences of his father participating under those circumstances then have been?

(c) On which aspect of that episode did Shamai base his complaint?

(d) What was then his mistake?

(a) How many Talmidim did Hillel ha'Zaken have?

(b) If the first thirty were worthy for the Shechinah to rest on them like Moshe, then why didn't it?

(c) There were twenty in the middle.
What was the level of the other thirty?

(d) Who was ...

  1. ... the greatest of them all (see Rabeinu Gershom)?
  2. ... the smallest of them all?
(a) There doesn't seem to be much that Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai did not know: He knew T'nach and Mishnah and Agados (Medrashim) in their entirety.
What does the Tana mean by ...
  1. ... Gemara'?
  2. ... 'Halachos'?
  3. ... 'Dikdukei Torah'?
  4. ... 'Dikdukei Sofrim'?
(b) He knew all the Kal va'Chomers, the Gezeiros Shavos and Gematri'os (incorporating the acronyms).
What does the 'Takeoffs refer to?

(c) He knew the speech of the angels and of the demons (i.e. to make them swear to him and do his bidding). And he could tell the future from the movement of the branches and the leaves of a palm tree (on days when the wind was not blowing).
What are Mishlos Kovsin' and 'Mishlos Shu'alim'?

(d) What is ...

  1. ... 'Davar Gadol'?
  2. ... 'Davar Katan'?
5) If such was the greatness of Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai, then in what way did the greatness of Yonasan ben Uziel manifest itself?


(a) What does our Mishnah say in connection with Reuven who says about Shimon ...
  1. ... 'Zeh B'ni'?
  2. ... 'Zeh Achi'?
(b) Does this mean that (in the latter case) Shimon receives nothing?

(c) The Mishnah says that if Shimon dies, the property then reverts to where it came from (i.e. to Reuven).
What does the Tana mean when he talks about property that 'fell to him from somewhere else'?

(d) On what grounds does the third brother get to share that property with him when Shimon dies?

Answers to questions



(a) On what grounds do we refute Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel, who explains 'Zeh B'ni, Ne'eman' to mean that he is an heir and will inherit part of the Yerushah?

(b) Why can we not answer that we need the Tana to teach us that he is believed even regarding property that he has not yet acquired?

(c) But did we not learn earlier that a father is believed even as regards property that he acquired afterwards or on his death-bed (from "Yakir")?

(a) Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel also explains that 'Zeh B'ni' is believed 'li'Fetor es Imo mi'Yibum'.
Why is that too, not obvious, due to the Mishnah in Kidushin 'Mi she'Amar be'Sha'as Miysaso' Yesh Li Banim, Ne'eman'?

(b) What is the S'vara to differentiate between a case where we know that he has a brother (or a son) and one where we don't? Why would there be a reason to believe him in the latter case even if we did not believe him in the former?

(c) What would the Din be there if a man then claimed to be a brother of the deceased? Would the widow require Chalitzah?

(d) Would the father still be believed in our Mishnah to say 'Zeh B'ni', if witnesses testified that the third man was a brother of the deceased?

9) In fact, if a man says 'Yesh Li Banim', he is also believed.
Then why does the Tana of our Mishnah present a case of 'Zeh B'ni'?


(a) A man is believed to say 'Zeh B'ni', said Rav Yosef quoting Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel, because he is believed to say 'Gerashti es Ishti'.
What problem does Rav Yosef have with this?

(b) What is the significance of Rav Yosef querying his own quotations?

(c) What did Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel then really say?

(d) And what did Rav Yosef comment on that?

(a) What was Rav Sheishes' reaction when Rav Yitzchak bar Yosef Amar Rebbi Yochanan said 'Ba'al she'Amar Gerashti Eino Ne'eman'? What did he say about Rav Yosef's 'Ho'il'?

(b) Bearing in mind the 'Migu', why is he not believed?

(a) How do we reconcile this ruling with Rebbi Chiya bar Avin, who quoted Rebbi Yochanan as saying 'Ne'eman' (like Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel)?

(b) What do we mean by 'mi'Ka'an u'Lehaba'? What is the case?

(c) What are the ramifications of the She'eilah whether he is believed retroactively or not?

(d) What She'eilah do we ask about a case where the husband claims that he divorced his wife previously?

(a) And we cite Rav Mari and Rav Z'vid, who argue over this point.
What did Rava say in a case where a man testifies that P'loni committed adultery with his wife?

(b) What is the basis of Rava's ruling?

(c) Can we reconcile Rava with the opinion that does not accept 'Palginan Dibureih' in our case?

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