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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 149


(a) What does Rav Sheshes say about 'Yitol', 'Yizkeh', 'Yachzik' and 'Yikneh'? What do they all have in common?

(b) What might we otherwise have thought?

(c) The Beraisa seems to have taken Rav Sheishes' cases for granted. The Tana adds 'Yachsin' and 'Yares'.
What is his Chidush? Who is the author of the Beraisa?

(d) We ask what the Din will be in the case of 'Yehaneh Bahen', 'Yera'eh Bahen', Ya'amod Bahen' or 'Yisha'en Bahen'.
What is the She'eilah?

(e) What is the outcome of these She'eilos?

(a) We then ask about a Shechiv-Mera who sold all his property.
How do we explain Rav Yehudah Amar Rav, who sometimes ruled that he cannot retract, and at other times ruled that he can?

(b) Next we ask whether if the Shechiv-Mera admits that the property belongs to Reuven, Reuven actually acquires it, and we resolve the She'eilah from an episode that took place with Isur Giyora, from whom Rava had borrowed twelve thousand Zuz.
Who was ...

  1. ... Isur Giyora?
  2. ... Rav Mari?
(c) Why did Rav Mari not automatically acquire his father's estate?

(d) What made Rava think that he would acquire the money and that Isur Giyora would not give it to his son - because he knew that the latter would have a problem with how to give it to him (as shall now see).

(a) We just explained why Rav Mari did not automatically inherit Isur Giyora.
Why could the latter not give him the money ...
  1. ... as a Matnas Shechiv-Mera?
  2. ... through Meshichah or Chalipin?
  3. ... together with Karka?
(b) And why could he not give it to him through the Takanah of Ma'amad Sheloshtan?

(c) What happened when Rav Ika B'rei de'Rav Ami asked why he did not simply admit that the money belonged to Rav Mari?

(d) What was Rava's reaction to that?

4) What have we now proved from this episode?

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(a) We learned in our Mishnah 'Shiyer Karka Kol-she'Hu, Matanaso Kayemes'. How does Rav Yehudah Amar Rav interpret 'Kol-she'Hu'?

(b) What does Rebbi Yirmiyah bar Aba add to that?

(c) On what grounds does ...

  1. ... Rebbi Zeira praise both Rav Yehudah Amar Rav and Rebbi Yirmiyah bar Aba?
  2. ... Rav Yosef refute Rebbi Zeira's statement?
(a) Abaye queries Rav Yosef from a Mishnah in Pe'ah.
What does the Tana say there ...
  1. ... about a case where someone writes all his property to his Eved?
  2. ... if he left over 'Karka Kol she'Hu'?
(b) Rebbi Shimon disagrees.
What must the owner say for the Eved not to go free, according to him?

(c) Rav Dimi Rav Yosef Amar Rebbi Elazar 'Asu Metaltelin Shiyur Eitzel Eved'. Why does he say that?

(a) Which ruling is Rav Dimi bar Yosef referring to when he says 've'Lo Asu Metaltelin Shiyur Eitzel Kesuvah'?

(b) What is he then saying?

(c) What does Abaye try to prove from this?

(d) How does Rav Yosef refute Abaye's proof?

8) We just cited Rebbi Akiva in the Mishnah in Pe'ah, who says 'Karka Kol she'Hu Chayeves be'Pe'ah'.
He lists three other things that require 'Karka Kol she'Hu'. Two of them are Bikurim and P'ruzbul.
What is the third?

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