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Beitzah 15

BEITZAH 11-15 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim, for the benefit of Klal Yisrael

1) [line 1] KASHIN - hard fabric (upon which to sit)
2) [line 2] - HAI NAMTA GAMDA D'NARASH, SHARYA - the hard felt that is produced in Narash from linen and wool is permitted to sit upon (O.F. feltre - felt; a cloth made of wool fibers that have been pressed together and not woven)

3) [line 3] ARDELIN - felt shoes with heels
4) [line 4] TZERAREI D'PESHITEI - a cloth money-belt (for coins)
5) [line 5] BIZRANEI - seeds
6) [line 9] MA'ASEH SHE'HAYAH - the Jews were hiding from their enemies in caves. When they mistakenly thought that the enemy had discovered their whereabouts, they crowded further into the cave, killing one another with the nails that projected from their sandals. More Jews were killed in this incident than those killed by the enemy.

*7*) [line 10] U'MUTAR L'TALTELO - that is, a Sandal ha'Mesumar is like a Kli she'Melachto l'Isur, and it may be moved in order to use it (aside from wearing it) or in order to make room for another object (l'Tzorech Gufo u'Mekomo). The Chachamim did not prohibit moving it any more than other Kelim she'Melachtam l'Isur.

8) [line 15] D'NAKIT B'SICHEI - [the parts of the shoe] are held together with wooden pegs; alt., they are held together with two stitches each in the front, the sides, and the back

9) [line 17] BEITZAS HA'GIR - a lump of inkstone, or sulfate of iron (sory - a black earth impregnated with vitriol)

10) [line 18] L'TZACTZECHO - to smooth it
11a) [line 20] BISRA L'SACHAS - the [side of the hide of the animal towards the] flesh [that is cracked and scaly] is turned *down*, [on the *inside* of the shoe, so that the shoe does not need to be smoothed]
b) [line 20] BISRA L'EIL - the [side of the hide of the animal towards the] flesh [that is cracked and scaly] is turned *up*, [on the *outside* of the shoe, so that the shoe needs to be smoothed]

12) [line 37] HA D'MINTERA, HA D'LO MINTERA - that is, the house that is next to the walls (or the Beis ha'Midrash) is safe or not safe

13) [line 39] MECHASAN B'AR'A - lying on the ground
*14*) [line 40] LO KASHYA; HA D'MINTERA MACHMAS GANAVEI U'MACHMAS KALBEI - (the RASHASH explains that this "Lo Kashya" is like "Ela"; the Gemara is redefining its solution for the contradiction between Beraisos) The Beraisa which requires leaving the Tefilin in the house nearest the city limits, or nearest the Beis ha'Midrash, is discussing a situation where that house is protected from both thieves and dogs. The other Beraisa, which permits wearing them home, is discussing a situation where that house is protected only from dogs but not thieves. [And when the area in which the Tefilin are lying is not protected from either dogs or thieves, one may even pick up the Tefilin and don them on Shabbos, to take them home.]


*****PEREK #2 YOM TOV*****

(a) Although the Torah prohibits cooking and doing Melachah on Yom Tov *for a weekday*, when Yom Tov falls on Erev Shabbos, it is permitted mid'Oraisa to cook and to perform Melachos on Yom Tov *for Shabbos* (Pesachim 46b). The Rabanan, however, prohibited these Melachos unless an Eruv Tavshilin is made on Erev Yom Tov.
(b) The Amora'im argue as to the reason why the Rabanan prohibited doing Melachos for Shabbos without an Eruv Tavshilin (Beitzah 16b). Some hold that it is to honor the Shabbos, by serving as a reminder that one should save food for the Shabbos meals. Others feel that it is meant to honor the Yom Tov, so that one should say, "It is prohibited to cook on Yom Tov even for Shabbos (without an Eruv Tavshilin), all the more so on Yom Tov for a weekday."
(c) An Eruv Tavshilin is made as follows: a k'Zayis of cooked food (Beitzah ibid.) is set aside on Erev Yom Tov to be eaten on Shabbos. When setting it aside, one says, "Through this Eruv we shall be able to bake, cook and do other necessary preparations on Yom Tov for Shabbos," after reciting the appropriate blessing.

16) [line 4] V'SOMECH ALAV L'SHABBOS - and he relies on it [as an Eruv Tavshilin to cook] for Shabbos

17) [line 11] ME'ACHAR SHE'BA L'HASHKICHO - since a person is likely to forget Shabbos [when he busily prepares for Yom Tov, and he will not have appropriate food for Shabbos]

18a) [line 21] PATISIN - large wine jars
b) [line 21] CHAVIYOS - jugs
c) [line 22] KADIN - pitchers
d) [line 22] LAGININ -flasks
e) [line 23] KOSOS - cups
19) [line 23] ME'EIRAH - a curse
20) [line 25] BI'SHE'AS PETIRASAN - when they were taking leave [of Rebbi Eliezer]

21) [line 26] "[VA'YOMER LAHEM] LECHU ICHLU MASHMANIM U'SHESU MAMTAKIM V'SHILCHU MANOS L'EIN NACHON LO, KI KADOSH HA'YOM LA'ADON-NU; V'AL TE'ATZEVU KI CHEDVAS HASH-M HI MA'UZCHEM." - "[He (Ezra) said to them,] 'Go eat rich foods and drink sweet beverages, and send potions to those who have nothing prepared, for today is sacred to our L-rd. Do not be sad; the enjoyment of HaSh-m is your strength!'" (Nechemya 8:10)

22) [line 38] LEVU ALAI - borrow on my account
23) [line 39] YITA BAHEN EDER - (a) he should plant an Eder, a species of cedar (probably Spanish Juniper), in them (his fields) (RASHI); (b) he should give charity from them (his possessions) (RABBEINU CHANANEL)

24) [line 40] IY NAMI IDRA KI'SHEMEI - (a) alternatively, the tree is called an Eder/Idra because of the name given to it by people (RASHI); (b) According to the Girsa, *IKA D'AMREI* IDRA KI'SHEMEI - there are those who say it is referring to [the planting of] a species of cedar, probably Spanish Juniper (and not to giving Tzedakah) (RABBEINU CHANANEL)

25) [line 41] D'KAIMA L'DAREI DAREI - it lasts for many generations

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