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by Rabbi Ephraim Becker
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Introduction to Beitzah

Beitzah 2

BEITZAH 2 and 3 - have been dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her late husband, Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Mr Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and is sorely missed by all who knew him. Yahrzeit: 10 Sivan.


(a) Beitzah Shenoldah
1. (Beis Shamai) An egg laid on YomTov may be eaten.
2. (Beis Hillel) The egg may not be eaten.
(b) Issur Chametz
1. (Beis Shamai) One violates the Issur Chametz only once one has KaKoseves.
2. (Beis Hillel) Like Seor, Chametz is BeKezayis.
(c) Yachpor b'Deker
1. (Beis Shamai) One may dig in order to perform Kisui HaDam.
2. (Beis Hillel) The dirt must be prepared before YomTov.
3. Both agree that b'di'Eved, one may dig out the dirt.
4. The ashes of a Kirah are Muchan.
(a) Question: What type of chicken laid the egg in (a)?
1. Answer: A chicken which was designated to be eaten.
2. Question: Then why would Beis Hillel forbid its egg (Uchla d'Efras)?
3. Answer: It is rather a chicken designated to lay eggs.
4. Question: Then it is Muktzeh, and how could Beis Shamai permit it?
5. Answer: Perhaps Beis Shamai do not hold of Muktzeh (like R. Shimon).
6. Question: Maybe Nolad is worse than Muktzeh!?
(a) Answer (R. Nachman): The chicken was designated to lay eggs, and permitting Muktzeh implies permitting Nolad as well.
(b) Question: R. Nachman then seems to contradict himself regarding the views of Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai!?
1. Here he aligns Beis Hillel with R. Yehudah (stringent opinion regarding Muktzeh) and Beis Shamai with R. Shimon (lenient view).
2. In the Mishnah dealing with bones and skins on Shabbos we read that Beis Hillel is Machmir and Beis Shamai is Meikil (consistent with our Mishnah).
3. Yet, R. Nachman there switches the positions to align Beis Hillel with R. Shimon and Beis Shamai with R. Yehudah!
(c) Answer: R. Nachman was only following the cues left by R. Yehudah HaNasi when he dictated the Stam Mishnayos and kept Beis Hillel aligned with the Halachah.
1. By Shabbos the Stam (cited) follows R. Shimon.

2. By YomTov the Stam (cited) follows R. Yehudah.
(d) Question: Why did R. Yehudah switch the positions?
(e) Answer: There is less concern that people will abuse a leniency by Shabbos than by YomTov.
(f) Question: If the Mishnah speaks of a chicken designated for laying eggs, then the Mishnah should teach the Issur regarding the chicken and we would know the Issur regarding the egg!?
(g) Answer: To teach us the extent of the Kulah of Beis Shamai (even Nolad is permitted).
(h) Question: But teaching the Issur would inform us of the extent of the Chumrah of Beis Hillel!?
(i) Answer: When left with a choice, we teach the strength of a Kulah.
(j) Question: Then satisfy both needs by combining the chicken and the egg in the Mishnah!?
(a) Answer (Rabah): Rather, the chicken was designated for eating.
(b) Question: Then why is it Asur?
(c) Answer: Because of Hachanah (YomTov after Shabbos).
1. (Rabah) An egg laid today was prepared yesterday.
2. (Rabah) From the Pasuk we learn that one may not prepare on YomTov for Shabbos, nor the reverse.
(d) Question (Abaye): Then an egg laid on a mid-week YomTov should be permitted!?
(e) Answer: It is a Gezeirah lest we permit an egg laid on YomTov after Shabbos.
(f) Question: Then an egg laid on a regular Shabbos (not Motzei YomTov) should be permitted!?
(g) Answer: It is a Gezeirah lest we permit an egg laid on Shabbos after YomTov.
(h) Question: But we learned that eggs found within a slaughtered chicken on YomTov may be eaten, and are not subject to a Gezeirah lest we permit eggs born on that day!?
(i) Answer: Rabanan do not apply Gezeiros to improbable cases such as finding a completed egg in a chicken.
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