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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Beitzah 23


(a) Seeing as Molid Rei'ach is forbidden on Yom-Tov, why is one permitted to roll spices or even to break them to produce their aroma?

(b) Rava finally permits Ishun even on coal.
Why is that?

(a) Rav Geviha from Bei Kasil permits Kitura on Yom-Tov.
What are the two possible meanings of 'Kitura'?

(b) Why does Ameimar think that, according to both interpretations, it should be forbidden (for two possible reasons, according to the second interpretation)?

(c) How does Rav Ashi finally interpret 'Kitura'? Why is it in fact, permitted?

(a) Which custom did Todos Ish Romi introduce in Rome?

(b) What message did the Chachamim send him?

(a) Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah allowed his cow to go in the street with a pretty strap tied round its horns, and he permitted scraping an animal on Yom-Tov with a metal brush. What is the third thing that he permitted, with which the Chachamim disagreed?

(b) Rebbi Yehudah partially disagrees with Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah's leniency regarding scraping an animal.
What does *he* say?

(c) Our Mishnah relates how Rebbi Elazar ben Azarya allowed his cow to go out with a strap between its horns.
What is wrong with this statement?

(d) Then what *does* the Tana mean?

(a) What do the Chachamim of Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah hold with regard to scraping a cow on Yom-Tov?

(b) Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah (who permits even using a metal brush with fine teeth) holds 'Davar she'Ein Miskavein Mutar' (like Rebbi Shimon). What is the basis of the Machlokes between the Chachamim of Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah and Rebbi Yehudah?

(c) What does Rav Nachman (possible quoting Shmuel) mean when he rules like Rebbi Shimon, because Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah holds like him?

(d) Why can we not understand his statement literally?

Answers to questions


6) 'A pepper-corn mill is Tamei because of three vessels: because of a receptacle, because of a metal vessel and because of a sifting vessel'.
In the context of our Mishnah, what is meant by ...

  1. ... a receptacle?
  2. ... a metal vessel?
  3. ... a sifting vessel?
(a) A baby-carriage is subject to Tum'as Medras.
Why is that?

(b) What are the ramifications of this Halachah?

(c) It may also be picked up on Shabbos (i.e. it is not Muktzah), but it may only be pulled along the ground on cloths.
Why is that?

(d) Why does Rebbi Yehudah permit even pulling it along the ground without cloths?

(a) Why can the author of our Mishnah (who forbids pulling the baby-carriage without cloths) not be Rebbi Shimon?

(b) Then who *is* the author?

(c) How do we reconcile this with the Seifa of our Mishnah, where Rebbi Yehudah specifically permits it?

(d) What is the basis of the Machlokes between the two Tana'im in Rebbi Yehudah?

***** Hadran Alach 'Yom-Tov' *****

***** Perek Ein Tzadin *****


(a) What is a Bibar ...
  1. ... for fish?
  2. ... for wild animals?
(b) Why does our Mishnah forbid catching fish on Yom-Tov? Why is it not included in the Heter of Ochel Nefesh?

(c) On what grounds do even those who permit preparing food for animals on Yom-Tov agree that one may not feed fish?

(a) Seeing as catching fish from a Bibar is forbidden on Yom-Tov, why, in principle, is catching wild animals and birds permitted?

(b) Why is feeding them permitted even during the summer, when there is normally plenty of grass to satisfy their needs?

(c) What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel say about enclosures?

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