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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Beitzah 33


(a) What does the Mishnah mean when it writes (after telling us about the prohibition of supporting a pot with a block if wood) 'and the same *with* a door'? How do we amend the Mishnah?

(b) Why do we reject the intial text?

(c) Which Tana permits using a block of wood for these purposes?

(d) Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon permits leading an animal with a stick. Does that mean that he and his father are of the same opinion here (i.e. that the stick is not Muktzah and therefore permitted)?

(a) 'Chizra' is a sharp stick (from a specific type of tree) that is potentially fit to be used as a spit-rod.
Why does Rav Nachman forbid it to be used as such on Yom-Tov?

(b) Why does Rav Sheshes then permit it?

(c) Why ...

  1. ... in the first Lashon, does even Rav Sheshes concede that a wet Chizra may not be used?
  2. ... in the second Lashon (where Rav Nachman concedes that a dry Chizra is permitted) does Rav Sheshes permit even a wet one?
(a) How does the Gemara rule with regard to Chizra?

(b) On what grounds does Rashi overrule the Gemara's decision?

(c) How does Rashi rule with regard to Madurta, Beiasa, Kedeirah Pur'ya and Chavita? Why is that?

(d) How does he explain the fact that the Amora'im rule strictly in all those cases?

(a) Rava forbids a woman to enter a wood-store to fetch a fire-brand (to stoke a fire).

(b) What else does Rava forbid?

(c) Like whom does Rava hold with regard to Muktzah?

(a) Rava instructed his servant to roast him a goose and to throw the intestines to his cat. Why ought the intestines to have been Muktzah?

(b) In that case, how do we reconcile this with Rava, whom we just saw holds of Muktzah, like Rebbi Yehudah?

(a) Rebbi Eliezer permits taking a splinter of wood from in front of oneself to pick one's teeth, and collecting splinters from the courtyard to make a fire.
Does he actually make a distinction between the house and the courtyard in this regard?

(b) Then why does he use the term 'from in front of him'? Why in fact, does he see fit to make *two* statements at all?

(c) What do the Rabbanan say? In which two points do they disagree with Rebbi Eliezer?

(d) What does the Mishnah say about producing fire on Yom-Tov?

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(a) Rav Yehudah maintains that there is no 'Tikun K'li' by animal food. What does this mean?

(b) Is one permitted...

  1. ... to move Besamim wood or wave it in front of a sick person?
  2. ... to roll it in one's hand in order to bring out the smell on Yom-Tov?
(c) One is not however, permitted to break them in order to pick one's teeth.
Is this Asur mi'd'Oraysa or mi'de'Rabbanan?

(d) How about breaking them in order to bring out the smell?

(a) Why did Chazal forbid breaking them in order to bring out the smell?

(b) How does Rav Yehudah reconcile his opinion (which permits Tikun K'li by animal food) with this Beraisa, which renders him Chayav Chatas?

(c) If we are talking about hard Besamim, then what is the point of rolling them in one's hand?

(a) We just explained that one may not break hard Besamim-wood to smell, in case one comes to do so to make a tooth-pick.
Why is one Chayav for breaking the wood for a tooth-pick, and not for breaking it to smell?

(b) Rebbi Zeira quoting Rav Chisda reconciles two other Beraisos in the same way.
How will we then explain the Mishnah in Shabbos, which permits breaking open a barrel haphazardly to obtain the dried figs inside it, ignoring the possibility that one may come to make a neat opening, for which he will be Chayav Chatas?

(c) What did Rav Yehudah used to do with large pieces of spice-wood which adds to the Kashya on Rav Yehudah and Rebbi Zeira quoting Rav Chisda?

(a) We answered the above Kashyos by introducing a Machlokes between Rebbi Eliezer and the Rabbanan.
What does Rebbi Eliezer hold with regard to someone who breaks a splinter off a large piece of wood to form a tooth-pick ...
  1. ... on Shabbos be'Shogeg?
  2. ... on Yom-Tov be'Meizid?
(b) What do the Rabbanan say? Why do they not consider this a proper Tikun K'li?

(c) How does this Machlokes now resolve our Kashyos?

11) Rebbi Eliezer decrees whenever what he is doing could lead to a Chiyuv Chatas.
Does that mean that he will disagree with the Mishnah which permits breaking a barrel haphazardly to obtain the dried figs inside it, and which does not decree that one may come to make a neat opening?


(a) Rebbi Shimon permits collecting wood from the courtyard, even if one piles it up into heaps in the process.
Why do the Rabbanan forbid it?

(b) Why does Rebbi Eliezer then permit it?

(c) Our Mishnah forbids heating tiles (for cooking purposes) on Yom-Tov. Rabah bar bar Chanah gives the reason for this 'Mipnei she'Tzarich le'Badkan'.
What does this mean?

(d) Others say 'Mipnei she'Tzarich le'Chasman'.
What does that mean?

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