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Berachos 27

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 27a [line 2]:
The words "Eima Seifa"
according to Tosfos, do not belong in the Gemara. (Tosfos was not Gores the
words of Rebbi Yehudah regarding Musaf in the Mishnah either.)

[2] Tosfos 27a DH Ta Shema
The words: "d'Avad k'Rebbi Yehudah *Avad*
should be: "d'Avad k'Rebbi Yehudah *b'Ma'ariv* (RAV DAVID LURIA)

1) [line 20] MEMA'ANIN
If a man marries off his daughter when she is a minor, the marriage is considered a Torah marriage. If the father dies, the girl's mother, along with her oldest (adult) brother, may marry her off, but this marriage is only mid'Rabanan. In this case, before she has the signs of being an Na'arah (when two hairs grow), she has the option of annulling the marriage. This annulment is called Mi'un. (A girl who is married off by her father cannot annul the marriage even after she reaches the age of Na'arus.)

2) [line 21] MASI'IN ES HA'ISHAH
The Chachamim instituted that a woman can remarry even if only one witness testifies that her husband has died. It is assumed that the woman would take care to verify that her husband is truly dead before remarrying, out of fear of the consequences of her husband's return. (If her husband is found to be alive, she loses not only her original husband and the new husband, but her Kesuvah and other benefits as well.) (Yevamos 90)

An animal is stoned to death by Beis Din for killing a person, as described in Shmos (21:28-31). After it is sentenced to be stoned, it is Asur b'Hana'ah. In this case, a rooster killed a baby by pecking at his fontanel.
b) [line 24] SHE'NISNASECH
The wine that was poured into a special place on the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon after certain Korbanos was called Nesachim. The amount of wine needed depended upon the animal offered, as specified in Bamidbar 15:1-12.

4) [line 27] BI'VCHIRASA - in the "choicest" of the Masechtos, Eduyos, which is comprised of "testimonies" or "reports" of many different laws. It is called Bechirasa since the Halachah follows these reports.

5) [line 28] "V'CHAM HA'SHEMESH V'NAMAS" - "when the sun became hot, it melted" (Shmos 16:21)

6) [line 49] CHALFEI - would pass by [in front of others who were praying Shemoneh Esrei at the time].


7) [line 8] MI BADLAS - have you stopped doing Melachah?
8) [line 12] L'HAZI'A - to take a sauna or steam bath (without washing)
9a) [line 14] L'CHAVRUYEI SALIM - to fumigate baskets with sulfur
b) [line 15] MI HADRA - does [a mistake such as] this recur?
10) [line 39] BA'ALEI TERISIN - (a) the shield-bearers, i.e. Talmidei Chachamim (RASHI);
(b) tough officers appointed by the Romans to give the Nasi the power to enforce their decrees (ARUCH)

12) [line 45] B'ROSH HA'SHANAH ESHTAKAD TZA'AREI - In Maseches Rosh Ha'Shanah 25a, in the incident involving the setting of last year's calendar, he caused Rebbi Yehoshua distress by ordering him to desecrate Yom Kippur on the day that it fell according to his calculation

13) [line 45] BI'VCHOROS, B'MA'ASEH D'REBBI TZADOK TZA'AREI - In Maseches Bechoros 36a, in the incident involving the Bechor of Rebbi Tzadok, he caused him distress by ordering him to stand

14) [line 48] LI'FLUCHEI L'VEI KEISAR - to have influence on the Roman Emperor (lit. to serve the Roman Emperor)

15) [last line] V'IMLICH B'INSHEI BEISI - I will take counsel with my household (my wife)

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