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Berachos 32

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 32a [line 32]:
The words "Ad she'Hechleihu, v'Rava Amar"

(a) The second Girsa brought in the Bach is the Girsa of the Soncino and
Venice printings, and is close to the Girsa of the Dikdukei Sofrim #3. This
appears to be the correct Girsa.

(b) In his marginal note, Rav Yeshayah Berlin changed *Rava* to *Rav*. It
seems that the reason for his Girsa change was that Shmuel is quoted after
him in the Gemara. (Also because Rava is mentioned again later, quoting
Rebbi Yitzchak - Magid Ta'alumah). However, according to the Girsa of the
Bach mentioned above, no emendation is necessary. Abaye and *Rava* are
quoted to explain and enhance Rebbi Elazar's statement "Ad she'Hechleh."
This is supported by the fact that Rava does not use the word "Melamed," as
all the other Amora'im do. (Y. Tavin)

[2] Gemara 32a [line 39]:
The word "Ilmalei" of "*Ilmalei* Nishba'as Lahem ..." should be spelled
with a "Yud" instead of an "Aleph". (This is evident from Tosfos Megilah
21a DH Ilmalei. This is also the way it should appear in Dikdukei Sofrim
#8, however, it seems that there is a misprint there.)

[3] Rashi 32a DH Heref Mimeni:
The words "*Limchol* Al Yedei Tefilah"
should be "*Limchos* Al Yedei Tefilah"
(RASHASH, based on Rashi in Ein Ya'akov)

[4] Hagahos ha'Gra 32b Olos Eilim ...

(a) The Vilna Ga'on erased the word "Eilim" because most Olos are from
sheep, not rams, and because there is no allusion to "Eilim" in the Pasuk
from Yeshayah (as the Tzelach points out. See the Tzelach's explanation of
the Girsa in our Gemara). This is also the Girsa of the Parisian Manuscript
as cited in Dikdukei Sofrim #7.

(b) In Dikdukei Sofrim (ibid.) the Girsa is "*v*'Eilim". The Sifsei
Chachamim explains that according to this Girsa, the word "Ulah" in the
Pasuk is an abbreviation (Notrikon) for "Olos v'Eilim"


1) [line 2] NISMOTETU RAGLEIHEM SHEL SON'EI YISRAEL - Benei Yisrael would not be able to survive (lit. "the legs (foundation) of the enemies of Yisrael would collapse", using "enemies" as a euphemism for Yisrael)

2) [line 7] KORIN L'ALFIN AININ - are Doresh words written with an "Alef" as if they are written with an "Ayin" - see Hagahos ha'Bach

3) [line 11] NOHEM - roar, get excited
4) [line 13] KARSHININ - the beans of a species of vine, probably the horse-bean (which is rarely used as human food)

5a) [line 17] MELEI KEREISEI - a full stomach
b) [line 17] ZANEI BISHEI - is one of the cardinal sins
6) [line 32] SHE'HECHELEIHU - (O.F. enuier) to urge with repeated requests
7) [line 35] ACHERIM MECHALIN LO - others can annul the vow for him
8) [line 36] SHE HECHELEH ALEIHEM - he caused to rest upon them
9) [line 37] CHULIN HU LACH - it is profane for You
10) [line 38] ACHILU - (O.F. malveid) hot fever
11) [line 46] TASHASH KOCHO - his power was weakened
12) [last line] SIMAN MA'ASIM TZEDAKAH KORBAN KOHEN TA'ANIS MIN'AL BARZEL - These words allude to the next six statements of the Gemara. However, the word "Ta'anis" is out of place and should appear before the word "Tzedakah".


The Kohanim are required to bless the people with the three-fold blessing, as described in Bamidbar 6:22-27. Since the blessing is performed with outstretched arms, it is known as Nesi'as Kapayim (the raising of the hands).

14) [line 13] "SASAM TEFILASI" - "He sealed up (the gates of heaven before) my prayer" (Eichah 3:8)

15) [line 17] B'YOMA D'EIVA - on a cloudy day
16a) [line 21] "MACHAVAS" - "pan"
b) [line 21] "KIR BARZEL" - "an iron wall"
17) [line 25] U'ME'AYEIN BAH - and he waits for his prayer to be fulfilled
18a) [line 25] "TOCHELES MEMUSHACHAH, MACHALAH LEV; [V'ETZ CHAYIM TA'AVAH BA'AH]" - "A drawn-out hope, causes a sickness of the heart; [but a desire fulfilled is a Tree of Life]" (Mishlei 13:12)
*b*) [line 31] "VA'TOMER TZIYON, AZAVANI HASH-M" - The Gemara brings this here because: (a) it ends with a mention of the golden calf, which was discussed earlier in the Daf; (b) because it is related to a wall separating between HaSh-m and the Jewish People, which was discussed earlier.

19a) [line 34] MAZALOS - constellations
b) [line 34] CHAYIL - armies
c) [line 34] LIGYON - legions
d) [line 35] RAHATON - the leader of a division of infantry
e) [line 35] KARTON - the leader of a division of a military camp
f) [line 36] GASTERA - the leader of a fort

20) [line 37] "HA'SISHKACH ISHAH ULAH?" - "Can a woman forget her sucking child?" (Yeshayahu 49:15)

21) [line 50] ANAS - a thief
22) [line 50] KARON - wagon, coach
23) [line 52] REIKAH - ignoramus
24) [last line] AFAISECHA BI'DVARIM - I will appease you with my words

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