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Berachos 37

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 37a [line 19]:
"v'Chesronan Al Kol Mah *she'Bara*"
There are those who are Gores
"v'Chesronan Al Kol Mah *she'Barasa*"
This is the Girsa in Eruvin 14b, in Dikdukei Sofrim on our Daf,
and in a number of Rishonim. See also Mar'eh Kohen

[2] Tosfos 37b DH Amar Rava:
the words: "Nir'eh *d'Hainu* kshe'Nosenim"
should be: "Nir'eh kshe'Nosenim"
The word d'Hainu is unnecessary, and does not appear in Hagahos Ashri

1a) [line 3] OREZ - (O.F. mil) millet (RASHI); rice (TOSFOS)
b) [line 3] DOCHEN - (O.F. paniz) panic grass, a type of millet (RASHI); millet (TOSFOS)

2) [line 11] MA'ASEH KEDERAH - a dish of cooked grain from one of the five species of grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye and spelt)

3a) [line 21] CHILKA - wheat that is split in two in a mortar
b) [line 21] TARGIS - wheat that is split in three
c) [line 22] SOLES - fine flour
d) [line 22] ZARIZ - wheat that is split in four
e) [line 22] IRSAN - wheat that is split in five

4) [line 24] CHIMUTZO
The Torah prohibits eating Chametz (anything that contains some form of leavened dough) during the Holiday of Pesach, as it states in Shmos 12:15. A person who eats Chametz on Pesach is punished with Kares. Rabanan are of the opinion that Chametz only comes from the dough of the five species of grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye and spelt), while Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri holds that even Orez (see above #1a) becomes Chametz.

The Torah requires that Matzos be eaten on Pesach, as it states in Shmos 12:15. The Torah obligation is to eat at least a k'Zayis of Matzah on the night of the 15th of Nisan. Matzos may be made from any grain that a person will be liable to the Kares punishment, should he eat Chametz made from it (see above #4).

6) [line 26] HA'KOSES - one who chews
7) [line 45] KOSAVOS - dates


8) [line 13] RIHATA D'CHAKLA'EI - Chavitz Kedeirah (a dish of flour, honey, and oil that congeals in a pot) made by villagers

9) [line 14] D'MAFSHEI BEI KIMCHA - they put in it a lot of flour
10) [line 20] CHAVITZA - a dish in which bread is crumbled in a bowl and soup is poured over it.

11) [line 28] POTESAN KEZAYIS - he breaks them into pieces which are the size of a k'Zayis

12) [line 30] PORECHAN - he crumbles them
13) [line 34] BESHE'IRSAN - when he kneaded the crumbs back into a dough and baked it

14) [line 41] TORISA D'NAHAMA - form/appearance of bread
15) [line 44] KUVA D'AR'A - (a) a dough that is baked in a cavity made in the floor of a stove (RASHI); (b) a thin mixture of flour and water that is baked in the Yoras ha'Aravim (an Arabic oven that is dug into the ground) (ARUCH)

16) [line 45] GEVIL MARTACH - (a) a mixture of flour and water which is poured on the stovetop (RASHI); (b) flour dropped into boiling water (ARUCH)

17) [line 46] NAHAMA D'HINDEKA - Indian bread, a dough roasted on a spit which is smeared with oil and sometimes the white of eggs

18) [line 47] KUTACH - a dish which is prepared by cooking milk with bread and salt

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