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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld

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Berachos 29


QUESTION: The Gemara states that a person may not say the abridged version of Shemoneh Esreh, "Havinenu," on Motzai Shabbos because he cannot add the insert of Havdalah ("Atah Chonantanu") into Havinenu. The Gemara asks, why can he not just recite an abridged version of Havdalah in the abridged version of Shemoneh Esreh? The Gemara leaves this question unanswered. Can any answer be suggested for this question?

ANSWER: RABEINU YONAH suggests that the insert of Havdalah is only a prayer, per se, and not a *blessing* of its own accord (i.e. it is included in the blessing of "Chonen ha'Da'as"). If we were to say a shortened version of Havdalah in Havinenu it would have the appearance of being a real blessing that was just shortened for insertion into Havinenu, since Havinenu is composed of abridged blessings. That is why we cannot insert the mention of Havdalah into Havinenu.

RAV CHAIM SOLOVECHIK applies this teaching of Rabeinu Yonah to explain why we do not mention Chanuka and Purim ("Al ha'Nisim") in the blessing after snacks, "Al ha'Michyah," even though we make mention in Al ha'Michyah of every other holiday. We know that Al ha'Michyah (also called "Berachah me'Ein Shalosh") is an abridged form of Birkas ha'Mazon. If, in the full version of Birkas ha'Mazon, we mention Al ha'Nisim, why do we not mention it in the abridged version?

Rav Chayim answers that we cannot mention Al ha'Nisim in the abridged version because anything added to an abridged prayer looks like it, itself, was a blessing in its original form, as Rabeinu Yonah explains with regard to Havdalah, and it would look as if Al ha'Nisim was a blessing, which it is not.

However, if so, why do we make mention of Shabbos ("Retzeh") and Rosh Chodesh ("Ya'aleh v'Yavo") in Al ha'Michyah when those prayers are also not blessings in the full Birkas ha'Mazon?

Explains Rav Chayim, those prayers sometimes *are* blessings in the full Birkas ha'Mazon. If a person forgets to say "Retzeh" and remembers after the blessing of "Boneh Yerushalayim" but before beginning the next blessing, he recites a short blessing that makes mention of Shabbos in lieu of "Retzeh" (See the Gemara later, Daf 49a, and Shulchan Aruch OC 188:6). For that reason we include an abridged mention of Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh in Al ha'Michyah because they are indeed abridged blessings.

Rav Chayim goes further and explains that this is the reason why we mention Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh *after* the words "u'Veneh Yerushalayim" in Al ha'Michyah, while in Birkas ha'Mazon we say them before the blessing of "Boneh Yerushalayim." Since these short mentions are *not* abridged versions of "Retzeh and "Ya'aleh v'Yavo," but rather abridged versions of the *blessings* of Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh, and those blessings are said only *after* "Boneh Yerushalayim," their abridged versions are said only *after* "u'Veneh Yerushalayim!"


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