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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 7


(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk "va'Havi'osim el Har Kodshi, ve'Simachtim be'Veis *Tefilasi*" etc.?

(b) Who was Rebbi Yishmael ben Elisha, what did Akasriel Kah Hashem Tzevakos, say to Him, on which occasion, and what did he reply?

(c) What was Akasriel Kah Hashem Tzevakos' reaction, and what do we learn from this episode?

(a) What does Rebbi Yochanan, quoting Rebbi Yossi learn from the Pasuk in Shemos "Panai Yeileichu va'Hanichosi Lach"?

(b) What is the significance of one 58,888 th's (see marginal note) of an hour?

(c) What is the connection between this and the Pasuk in Bamidbar "ve'Yodei'a Da'as Elyon"?

(d) And what is the connection in turn, with the Pesukim in Michah "Ami, Zechor Na ... Lema'an Da'as Tzidkos Hashem" and with Bil'am's statement to Balak "Mah Ek'ov Lo Kaboh Keil, u'Mah Ez'om Lo Za'am Hashem!"?

(a) What do we learn from "Ki Rega be'Apo (Chayim bi'Retzono)"?

(b) Exactly when and why is Hashem angry every morning?

(c) What happened to Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi, and what Musar did he learn from that episode -what has this to do with the Pasuk "ve'Rachamav al Kol Ma'asav"?

(d) What is 'Mardus Achas', and what is it preferred to?

(a) According to Rebbi Yochanan quoting Rebbi Yossi, which three things did Moshe ask from Hashem, which were all granted.

(b) How does the Gemara initially quote Hashem's answer to the eternal question of why there is a 'Tzadik ve'Tov Lo and a Tzadik ve'Ra Lo? Why there is a Rasha ve'Tov Lo and a Rasha ve'Ra Lo'?

(c) How do we answer the contradictory Pesukim, one of which says that children do not suffer for the sins of their parents, whilst the other writes that Hashem visits the sins of the fathers on the children?

This contradicts the previous explanation, according to which a Tzadik ben Rasha is punished for the sins of his father.
(d) How does the Gemara then explain the four categories?
(a) What does Rebbi Meir learn from the Pasuk "va'Yomer, Lo Suchal li'Re'os es Panai", and what is the reason for that?
According to Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeini quoting Rebbi Yonasan (who seems to support the opinion of Rebbi Yochanan quoting Rebbi Yossi) Moshe received three rewards for three things.
(b) What reward did he get ... 1. ... for hiding his face? 2. ... for being afraid to look? 3. ... for not looking?

(c) What exactly did Moshe see.

6) Following the Chet ha'Eigel, Hashem told Moshe, that if he leaves Him, he will destroy Yisrael, and make *him* into a great nation. Moshe did not accept this, and saved Yisrael through his prayers.
(a) What happened to Hashem's promise to Moshe?

(b) What do we learn from there?

Answers to questions



(a) What do Chazal comment on the Pasuk "Adon-ai, ba'Mah Eida Ki Irashenah"?

(b) What is the connection between this Chazal and the prayers of Daniel more than a thousand years later?

(c) What do Chazal learn from the Pasuk "Panai Yeileichu, va'Hanichosi Lach"?

(a) Who was the first person to thank Hashem, and on which occasion?

(b) Why did Le'ah call her first son Reuven?

(c) What does the name Rus signify?

(d) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Lechu Chazu Mif'alos Hashem Asher Sam *Shamos* ba'Aretz?

(a) What do Chazal say about a rebel in one's own household?

(b) Why was David ha'Melech relieved when he discovered that the rebel in his household (which he knew to be imminent through Divine prophesy), was his son Avshalom?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Mishlei "Ozvei Torah Yehalalu Rasha, ve'Shomrei Torah Yisgaru Vam"?

(b) And how do we reconcile this with the Pasuk in Tehilim "Al Tischar ba'Merei'im, ve'Al Tekan'eh be'Osei Avlah"?

There are circumstances in which one is ill-advised to start up with Resha'im, such as when it comes to material issues, when Hashem tends to side with the person who is being attacked (whereas the above is confined to matters of religion).

The Gemara then adds that sometimes, one is even advised not to start up with him in matters of religion.

(c) When is that? (two answers)
The Gemara's final statement is 'Sha'ah Mesachekes Lo, Sha'ani'.
(d) What does that mean?
(a) What happens to someone who fixes a place for his Tefilah (See 6b - Perhaps that is why some texts read 'for his Torah-study')?

(b) How do explain the discrepancy between the Pasuk in Shmuel "ve'Lo Yosifu Benei Avlah le'*Anoso* etc." and that in Melachim, which replaces "le'Anoso" with "*le'Chaloso*"?

(c) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Melachim "Poh Elisha ben Shafat Asher *Yatzak Mayim* Al Yedei Eliyahu"?`

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