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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 18

1) One is not permitted to eat when his dead is lying before him.

(a) What are his four options in order of priority?

(b) What is he forbidden to eat and drink?

(c) What restrictions are there regarding the way he eats?

(d) What are his obligations with regard to reciting the Berachos?

(a) When is he Patur from the Mitzvos, and when is he Chayav?
Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says 'Mitoch she'Nischayav be'Eilu, Nischayav be'Chulan'.
(b) What is the Machlokes between him and the Tana Kama?

(c) What is the discrepancy between the above Beraisa and our Mishnah, which writes that someone whose dead is *lying before him* is Patur from all the Mitzvos?

Rav Papa and Rav Ashi give two answers to this Kashya.
(d) What are they, and what is Rav Ashi's proof from "va'Yakam Avraham mei'Al Penei Meiso"?
(a) Is somebody who is guarding a dead body, Chayav to keep all the Mitzvos?

(b) Then why does our Mishnah mention 'Meiso', since he is Patur anyway, because he is guarding the body?

(c) What is the difference between the above two, regarding their exemption from Mitzvos, and someone who merely enters a graveyard?

(d) Why is the latter Patur at all?

(a) What happens if two people are guarding the corpse?

(b) What does Ben Azai say about two people accompanying a corpse on a boat?

(c) What does the Tana Kama say about that, and what is their Machlokes?

(a) What may one not do when transporting the bones of a corpse for re-burial, and when is it permitted?

(b) What is the Din of someone transporting a Seifer-Torah under similar circumstances?

(c) About whom does the Pasuk in Mishlei write "Malveh Hashem Chonen Dal" and "u'Mechabdo Chonen Evyon"?

(d) What has someone who fails to accompany a dead person, transgressed?

(a) What did Rebbi Chiya say to Rebbi Yonasan, when his Tzitzis were showing as he walked in a graveyard?

(b) Assuming that the dead are aware of what happens in this world, what does the Pasuk in Koheles mean when it writes "ve'ha'Meisim Einam Yod'im Me'umah"?

(c) And what does the other half of the Pasuk mean: "Ki ha'Chayim Yod'im she'Yamusu"?

Answers to questions



(a) What do we learn from the Pesukim ...
1. "u'Veneyahu ben Yehoyada* ben Ish Chai"*?
2. "Al Pi Shenayim O Sheloshah Eidim *Yumas ha'Meis*"?
(b) Who, when he died, left behind nobody like himself in either Beis Hamikdash?
The Pasuk in Shmuel writes about him that he went down and smote the lion in the pit on a snowy day.
(c) What are the two possible meanings of this Pasuk?
8) Rebbi Chiya's sons were discussing whether or not, their deceased father was aware of their problems (of forgetting their learning), or not. One of them brought a proof from the Pasuk in Iyov "Yichbedu Vanav ve'Lo Yeida" (a proof which incidentally, is not refuted in the entire Sugya).
(a) What counter proof did the other one bring from the Pasuk (also in Iyov) "Ach Besaro Alav Yich'av, ve'Nafsho Alav Tis'abel", and why does the Gemara reject this proof?

(b) What precious information did that Chasid glean from the spirits of the two girls, in two consecutive years?

(c) Why could he not glean this information for the third year running?

(d) Why is there no proof from there that the dead are aware of what happens in this world?

(a) Besides telling Rebbi Ze'iri where to find his money, what favor did Rebbi Ze'iri's dead innkeeper ask of him?

(b) Why is there no proof from here that the dead are aware of what happens in this world?

Shmuel's father went to the graveyard, to look for his deceased father, in order to discover where he had hidden the orphans' money for safekeeping.
(c) Why did he have difficulty in locating him?
(a) Why was Shmuel's father both laughing and crying at the same time, when he ultimately arrived?

(b) Why had he specifically placed the orphans' money in the *middle section* of the mill?

(c) What was Levi doing standing outside?

(d) On what grounds did Shmuel get the Yeshivah shel Ma'alah to re-admit Levi?

(a) Why is there no proof from Shmuel's father, who knew that Shmuel was about to die, that the dead know what is happening in this world?
We learnt earlier, that according to Rebbi Yonasan, the dead are not aware of what happens in this world.
(b) Based on the Pasuk in Devarim "va'Yomer Hashem Eilav, 'Zos ha'Aretz Asher Nishbati le'Avraham, le'Yitzchak u'le'Ya'akov *Leimor*, why does the Gemara think that Rebbi Yonasan must have retracted?

(c) If, on the other hand, the Avos *were* aware of what happens in this world, then why was it necessary for Moshe to go and inform them of Yisrael's imminent entry into Eretz Yisrael?

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