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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 32

1) The Gemara quotes three Pesukim: 1. "va'Asher ha'Rei'osi" (Michah); 2. "Hinei ka'Chomer be'Yad ha'Yotzer" (Yirmiyah); 3. "va'Hasirosi es Leiv ha'Even mi'Besarchem, ve'Nasati Lecha Leiv Basar" (Yechezkel).

(a) What do these Pesukim all have in common, and what does the Gemara comment on this?

(b) What did Moshe indicate with the words "ve'Di Zahav" (Devarim)?

(c) What is Rebbi Yochanan's parable of a man who spoilt his son?

(d) What is the connection between the above, and the Pasuk in Devarim "ve'Ram Levavecha, ve'Shachachta es Hashem"?

(e) And what is the connection between this and the Pasuk "ve'Kesef Hirbeisi Lah, ve'Zahav Asu la'Ba'al"?

(a) What is the sequence of the Pesukim in Shemos ...
1. ... "Lech Reid, Ki Shiches Amcha"?
2. ... "Heref Mimeni ve'Ashmidem"?
(b) What is the Gemara's parable of a King, his son and his friend?

(c) How do Chazal interpret "ve'Ata *Hanichah Li*, ve'Yichar Api Bahem"?

(d) What was Moshe's response to Hashem's suggestion "ve'E'eseh Oscha le'Goy Gadol"?

3) One interpretation of the Pasuk in Shemos "va'Yechal Moshe", is that Moshe prayed until he prevailed upon Hashem to relent.
(a) What will it mean if it is from the same root as "Lo *Yacheil* Devaro" (Bamidbar)?

(b) What would it mean if it was connected with the Pasuk (in Ki Sisa) "ve'Im Ayin, Mecheini Na mi'Sifrecha" etc.? - What will the root of "va'Yechal" then be?

"va'Yechal" could also mean 'brought into effect' - like 'Chalos' - meaning that Moshe brought into effect the Midas ha'Rachamim.
(c) What would it mean if it stemmed from the Lashon of either 'Chulin' or 'Achilu'?
(a) What did Moshe mean when he said "Asher Nishba'ata Lahem *Bach*"?
When Moshe said "va'Tedaber Aleihem, Arbeh es Zar'achem, ke'Chochvei ha'Shamayim", he was obviously quoting Hashem's words back to Him. But the following words: "ve'Chol ha'Aretz ha'Zos Asher Amarti, Etein le'Zar'achem" etc., appear to be his own speech.
(b) How can we ascribe these words to Moshe, considering that he said "Asher Amar*ti*" and not "Asher Amar*ta*"?
"Mibilti Yecholes Hashem".
(c) What do we derive from the female connotation of the word 'Yecholes' (when it should have said 'Yachol'?

(d) How did Moshe prevail, in spite of Hashem's argument that He had already proved His Supernatural powers, by means of the miracles at the Yam Suf?

(e) And what do we learn from "Salachti ki'Devarecha"?

5) What do we learn from the opening Pesukim in va'Eschanan: "va'Eschanan El Hashem" ... "Hashem Elokim, Ata Hachilosa le'Har'os es Avdecha, es Godlecha" etc. ... "E'ebrah Na ve'Er'eh" etc.?

Answers to questions



(a) What do we learn from the Pesukim in Devarim "Al Tosef Daber Eilai Od" ... "Alei Rosh ha'Pisgah"?

(b) Why is fasting more effective than charity?

(c) What do we learn from the Pesukim in Yeshayah "Lamah Li Rov Zivcheichem?" ... "u've'Farischem Kapeichem, A'alim Eini Mikem"?

(d) And what do we learn from the final words in the Pasuk "Yedeichem Damim Milei'u"?

7) We learn from a Pasuk in Eichah that, since the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, the gates of Tefilah remain closed.
(a) Which gates remain open, even nowadays?

(b) Why would Rava not declare a fast-day on a cloudy day?

(c) What did Hashem instruct Yechezkel to do with a metal frying-pan, and what did it symbolize?

(a) If we learn from Moshe that a long Tefilah never goes unanswered, then how will we interpret Rebbi Yochanan's statement 'Kol ha'Ma'arich bi'Tefilaso, u'Me'ayein Bah, Sof Ba li'Yedei Ke'eiv Lev'?

(b) What is the antidote to such an attitude?

(c) What do we learn from the repetition in the Pasuk in Tehilim "Kavei el Hashem, Chazak ve'Ya'ameitz Libecha, ve'Kavei el Hashem"?

(a) What is meant by the double expression in the Pasuk in Yeshayah "va'Tomer Tziyon Azavani Hashem, va'Hashem Shecheichani"?

(b) What basically, was Hashem's response?

(c) What is meant by ...

1. ... "Gam Eileh Tishkachnah"?
2. ... "ve'Anochi Lo Eshkacheich"?
10) What do we learn from the Pesukim in Tehilim ...
(a) ... "Ashrei Yoshvei Veisecha"?

(b) ... "Ach Tzadikim Yodu li'Shemecha, Yeishvu Yesharim es Panecha"?

(c) Since the early Chasidim would spend nine hours each day Davening, how did they manage 1. to retain their learning, and 2. to succeed in earning a Parnasah?

(a) For which sort of King should one not stop the Amidah to reply to his greeting?

(b) How do we reconcile the fact that one must stop to reply to the greeting of a non-Jewish King, with Rav Yosef, who says that if one sees an aggressive person approaching, rather than interrupt the Amidah, one should hurry to finish it?

(c) How did that Chasid pacify the prince who threatened to kill him for not replying to his greeting?

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