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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 34


(a) What does the Tana mean when he writes 've'Lo Yehei Sarvan be'Osah Sha'ah', and why?

(b) From which point does the second Chazan begin?

The Chazan should not answer 'Amen' after the Kohanim, because he will become confused.
(c) To which 'Amen' does this refer?

(d) When is a Chazan who is a Kohen permitted to Duchen?

(a) What is the correct procedure to follow when one is asked to Daven before the Amud?
What analogy does the Gemara draw regarding ...
(b) ... a person who fails to refuse, when he is asked to Daven before the Amud?

(c) ... a person who refuses excessively?

(a) How should someone who has made a mistake in the first three Berachos or the last three Berachos, proceed?
Rav Huna maintains that someone who has made a mistake in the middle Berachah must go back to 'Ata Chonen'.
(b) What does Rav Asi say about that?
The Tana of our Mishnah states that the second Chazan goes back to the beginning of the Berachah in which the first Chazan erred, and continues from there. This refutes Rav Asi's contention.
(c) Does it also refute Rav Huna's?

(d) If the middle Berachos are compared to someone who asks the King for his basic needs, to what can we compare the first three and the last three Berachos?

(a) From where do we learn that (at the time when the Nusach of the Amidah was not yet fixed) there is no such thing as a Tefilah that is either too long or too short?

(b) What else do we learn from Mosheh's Tefilah for his sister "Keil Na, Re'fa Na *Lah*"?

(c) Is an ordinary person permitted to bow down during the Amidah, besides the four places where Chazal obligated us to do so?

(d) What are the respective Dinim of a Kohen Gadol and a King in this regard, and what is the reason for this?

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(a) What is the difference between 'Kidah', 'Keri'ah' and 'Hishtachavayah'?

(b) How did Abaye and Rava used to bow down?

Rava would kneel during 'Modim'.
(c) How does Rava explain the Beraisa, which forbids kneeling during two Hoda'os, even going so far as to call it disgusting?
(a) What is said about a Chazan who makes a mistake during Chazaras ha'Shatz, and why is that?

(b) How did Rebbi Chanina ben Dosa know whether the sick person for whom he was Davening, would live or die?

(c) To which part of the Amidah does the Tana refer, when he says that it is a bad sign when someone errs in Tefilah?

(d) What other Halachah is said regarding the first Berachah of the Amidah?

(a) To which three categories of people did the prophets direct their prophecies of the ultimate rewards?

(b) About whom then, does Yeshayah write "Ayin Lo Ra'asah Elokim Zulasecha"?

In another statement, Rebbi Yochanan (the author of the previous statement) said that "Ayin Lo Ra'asah Elokim" etc., refers to Olam ha'Ba.
(c) Which times then, were the prophets referring to?
This latter statement of Rebbi Yochanan clashes with Shmuel.
(d) What does Shmuel say?
8) In a third statement, Rebbi Yochanan says that the Pasuk "Ayin Lo Ra'asah Elokim" etc., refers to complete Tzadikim.
(a) Then to whom did the prophets refer in their prophesies?
Rebbi Avahu disagrees with Rebbi Yochanan, because of the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Shalom, Shalom la'Rachok (and only then), ve'Lakarov " ...
(b) What does Rebbi Avahu learn from this Pasuk?

(c) How does *Rebbi Yochanan* explain the Pasuk?

9) Finally, the Gemara explains that "Ayin, Lo Ra'asah" etc. refers to the pleasures of Olam ha'Ba.
According to one interpretation, this refers to Eden.
(a) But did Adam ha'Rishon not experience the pleasures of Gan Eden?

(b) What is the first explanation of the Pasuk in this context?

(a) What did Rebbi Chanina ben Dosa do when Rabban Gamliel sent two Talmidei-Chachamim to ask him to pray on their behalf?

(b) How did they follow up his actions and what was the end of the story?

Rebbi Chanina ben Dosa placed his head between his knees and prayed for the recovery of Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai's son, who recovered almost immediately.
(c) What contrast did Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai strike between himself and Rebbi Chanina ben Dosa?

(d) Why does is there no proof from there that Rebbi Chanina was greater than he was?

(a) Why does Rav Kahana consider it a Chutzpah to Daven in a Bik'ah (an open space)?

(b) What else does he consider a Chutzpah, which he learns from "Ashrei Nesuy Pesha, Kesuy Chata'ah"?

Hadran Alach, 'Ein Omdin'!

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