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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 41

1) According to Ula, the Machlokes between Rebbi Yehudah and the Rabbanan in our Mishnah (whether one recites a Berachah over the seven kinds, or whether it is a matter of preference), is confined to two foods *with the same Berachah*.

(a) What will be the Din by two foods *with different Berachos*?

(b) Then how will Ula explain the Beraisa which says that the Berachah over a radish exempts one reciting a Berachah over an olive?

Others learn the Machlokes even when the two Berachos are different.
(c) What is then the Machlokes?
According to Rebbi Chanan, the entire Pasuk (of "Eretz Chitah u'Se'orah" etc.) comes to teach us the various Shiurim: 1. "Eretz Chitah" - regarding someone who enters a house which is stricken with Tzara'as; 2. "Se'orah" - regarding the Din of a bone of a corpse; 3. "Gefen" - regarding a Nazir; 4. "Te'einah" - regarding carrying on Shabbos; 5. "Rimon" - regarding Tum'as Keilim; 6. "Eretz Zeis-Shemen" - regarding most things. Which things? 7. "u'Devash" - regarding Yom Kipur.
(d) What do all of these mean?
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(a) What do Rav Yosef or Rav Yitzchak (who require the Pasuk to list the order of priorities) do with the above Din of Rebbi Chanan? From where do they know the Shiurim?

(b) Where are dates mentioned among the seven kinds?

3) They brought Rav Hamnuna a bowl of dates and pomegranates. Although he intended to partake of both kinds, Rav Hamnuna recited a Berachah over the dates and not the pomegranates.
(a) What bothered Rav Chisda?

(b) And what did Rav Hamnuna answer him?

(c) What did Rav Chisda mean when he exclaimed 'Ma'an Yahiv Lan Nagri de'Parzela, ve'Nashme'inach'?

4) Tosfos says that we do not rule like the minority opinion of Rav Sheishes, who says that fruit in the middle of the meal requires both a Berachah Rishonah and Acharonah, but rather like Rav Huna and Rav Nachman.
(a) What do they hold?
Rav Sheishes maintains that the only thing that requires a Berachah before and not afterwards is 'Pas ha'Ba'ah be'Kisnin'.
(b) What is 'Pas ha'Ba'ah be'Kisnin', and what does Rav Sheishes mean?

(c) What does Rebbi Chiya say about bread and wine?

(a) What is meant by something which comes because of the meal?

(b) What does Rav Papa hold regarding both the Berachah Rishonah and the Berachah Acharonah, when it comes *during* the meal?

Rav Papa lists two other categories of food:
1. Food that comes during the meal, but not because of the meal.
2. Food which comes because of the meal, but after it.
(c) What will the Din be in each case - regarding both Berachos?
They asked Ben Zoma why it is that if bread exempts all foods that come during the meal because of the meal, from a Berachah, then why does it not exempt wine?
(d) What did he answer?
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