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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 43

1) According to Rebbi Yochanan, reclining also helps with regard to wine.

(a) What does this mean?

(b) What does Rav hold? (two opinions)

(c) Why did they used to wash one hand before the meal?

(d) When all the guests arrived, and they subsequently went into the dining-room to eat, how many hands would they then need to wash, one or two?

2) The Beraisa also writes, that when the guests were served wine before entering the dining-room - when it was not customary to lean - everyone had to recite the Berachah himself), so we see that leaning is necessary for wine, too.
(a) How can Rav then say (according to the first Lashon) that wine does not require leaning?

(b) On the other hand, in light of the Seifa of the Beraisa, where we specifically see that leaning helps, how can Rav say, in the second Lashon, that leaning is not effective by wine?

(c) Why is it, that when wine is brought at the end of the meal, one person recites the Berachah for everyone, yet when it is brought in the middle of the meal, each person must recite the Berachah himself?

(a) Why does the person who recites the Berachah over the wine at the end of the meal also recite the Berachah over the incense, and what is the proof from the person who washes 'last'?

(b) What did Rebbi say to Rav that had him worried, and what was he worried about?

(c) What did Rebbi really mean?

(a) When does one recite a Berachah over incense?

(b) Why did this bother Rebbi Zeira?

(c) How did they alleviate his concern?

(a) According to the contention of many Amora'im, which Berachah does one recite over the various types of incense?

(b) Which is the exception (and why), and what Berachah does one recite over it?

(c) How does the Gemara refute the above contention?

Rav Yehudah would recite the Berachah of 'Borei Shemen Artzeinu' over Afarsemon oil.

(d) Why can we not follow Rav Yehudah's opinion, and which Berachah *do* we recite over it?
6) The correct Berachah over 'Kosht' (one of the eleven spices of the Ketores) is 'Borei Atzei Besamim'.
(a) Is this also the Berachah that one recites if one soaks 'Kosht' in oil, or if one grinds it?
What Berachah does one recite over ...
(b) ... jasmin?

(c) ... Chilfi de'Yama (alias Shiboles Nerd -lavender) - why is this called Eitz?

Answers to questions


7) What Berachah does recite over ...

(a) ... a garden lily?

(b) ... a lily that grows in the field?

(c) What Berachah does one recite over smelling an Esrog or a quince?

(d) On what occasion does one recite the Berachah 'Baruch ... Asher Lo Chisar be'Olamo Kelum' ... ?

(a) From where do we learn that one is required to recite a Berachah over smelling?

(b) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Koheles "es ha'Kol Asah Yafeh be'Ito" - and what has this to do with hanging a creeper round a pig's neck?

'Avukah ki'Shenayim, ve'Yarei'ach ki'Sheloshah'
(c) What does this mean?

(b) Do the two and the three include *him* or not - and how do we know that?

(d) What is the difference between two and three in this regard?

(a) About whom, and in what context, does the Torah write in va'Yishlach "Hi Mutzeis"?

(b) What do we learn from her?

(a) Why does Raban Gamliel rule like Beis Shamai, who holds that, when, at the end of the meal, they would bring in oil to wash the hands and a myrtle twig to smell, one would first recite the Berachah over the oil?

(b) Why (according to our - Rashi's - text in the Gemara) did Rav Papa first recite a Berachah over the myrtle-twig?

11) According to Beis Shamai, one holds the oil in one's *right* hand, and the wine in one's left.
(a) Which wine are we talking about, and over which does he recite the Berachah first?

(b) What does Beis Hillel hold in this regard, and what does one then do with the oil on one's fingers?

(c) What does one do if the Shamash is a Talmid Chacham, and why should the Din be different in this case - Why might this not be the Halachah?

(d) Under which circumstances is it permitted for a Talmid Chacham to go out wearing perfume, and why?

12) A Talmid-Chacham has a more stringent code of conduct than others. He should not go out alone at night, nor should he talk to a woman in the street.
(a) Why are these forbidden?

(b) Under which circumstances is the former permitted, and why is the latter forbidden even with one's own closest relatives?

He is forbidden to walk in the street with patched shoes.
(c) Why, under which circumstances is it permitted, and why does the prohibition not apply in the winter?
13) Neither is a Talmid-Chacham permitted to sit in a gathering of unlearned people.
(a) Why not?
He should not be the last to enter the Beis Hamedrash.
Others add that he should not take large steps.
(b) Why not?

(c) What is the antidote for this?

And they also add that he should not walk with his head held high.
(d) Why not?
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