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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 59


(a) Kesil and Kimah are both clusters of stars or constellations. How come that the Pasuk in Iyov puts Kesil first (suggesting that it is more prominent), whereas the Pasuk in Amos puts Kimah first?

(b) Why is it a relief to know that Akrav (alias Kimah) places its tail into Nahar di'Yenur (the River of Fire)?

(c) Why is Kimah called by that name - What does it comprise?

(a) The Gemara concludes that 'Ayish' is the tail of T'leh, rather the head of Eigel (alias Shor). It follows Kimah because it wants its two stars back. Which two stars?

(b) Why does Kimah not comply? (two answers)

(c) So why does Hashem not just create two new stars for Ayish?

(d) What do learn from the Pasuk in Iyov "ve'Ayish Al Baneha Tanchem"?

(a) What are 'Tamya', and what is an 'Uvei Tamya'?

(b) According to the Uvei Tamya cited in our Sugya, what is the cause of an earthquake?

(c) The Gemara rejects Rav Ketina's refutal of the wizard's explanation. Why then, did he not want to accept it?

(d) Rav Ketina himself maintains that an earthquake is the result of Hashem (Kevayachol) clapping His Hands - to give vent to His anger, allowing it to die down. According to Rav Nasan, it is a result of Hashem sighing. What are the other two possibilities?

(a) Thunder can be caused by clouds rubbing together (or against the 'Galgal'), or by clouds pouring water into each other, or by the wind blowing into the openings of clouds that are slightly hollow.
But the Gemara prefers the explanation of Rav Acha bar Ya'akov. What does *he* say, and why is *his* explanation more logical than the others'?

(b) What does the Tana of our Mishnah mean by 'winds'?

(c) Can a hurricane at night or not?

(d) Can a hurricane last for more than two hours or not?

(a) What do the following have in common?
a solitary flash of lightning, white or blue lightning,
clouds that rise in the West but come from the South,
and two clouds that approach each other from opposite directions.

(b) What are the ramifications of this fact?

(c) When however, are they of no significance?

(d) When are morning-clouds of no significance, and when should the wheat-seller fold his sack and go to sleep?

(a) What do we learn - with regard to thunder - from the Pasuk in Koheles "ve'ha'Elokim Asah she'Yir'u mi'Lefanav"?

(b) Why did Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi rule that when one sees a rainbow, one should bow down?

(c) Why did they vehemently disagree with him in Eretz Yisrael?

(d) One does however, recite a Berachah. What is the text of that Berachah?

(a) The Gemara asks why the Tana ascribes the text of 'Oseh Ma'aseh Bereishis' to the *second* set (of mountains, hills seas etc.) listed in the Mishnah Why not to the *first* (set - of shooting stars, earthquakes etc.)? Are they not also 'Ma'aseh Bereishis'? Abaye answers 'Keroch ve'Tani'. What does he mean?

(b) How does Rava answer the Kashya?

(c) What does Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi mean when he says that one recites the Berachah of 'Oseh Ma'aseh Bereishis' upon seeing the sky when it is clear?

(d) However, Rafram bar Papa quoting Rav Chisda, disagrees with this. What does *he* say?

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(a) When one sees the sun back at the same point in the sky where it was when it was first created, the moon in its full strength, the stars following their allotted paths or the constellations in their correct order, one recites a Berachah. Which Berachah does one recite, and at least as far as the sun is concerned, exactly when does one recite it?

(b) What does the acronym 'Shetzem Chanchal' stand for?

(c) For how long must one not have seen the mountains or the sea, before one must recite the appropriate Berachah again?

(a) When does one no longer recite a Berachah over seeing major rivers?

(b) Why are the Rivers Chidekel and P'ras called by their respective names?

(c) What is the reason for the inhabitants of Mechuza being particularly sharp, their children being reddish colored and their eyes being jumpy?

(a) When it rains for the first time, one recites the long Berachah of 'Modim Anachnu Lach', etc. How hard must it rain before one recites it?

(b) How does it end?

(c) Someone who hears about the rain, but does not actually see it, recites 'ha'Tov va'ha'Meitiv, and not 'Modim' etc. Does one ever recite 'ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv even when one actually sees the rain? (two answers)

(a) When does one recite 'Shehecheyanu' over a new house, new furniture or a new car, and when, 'ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv'?

(b) Why then, does one recite ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv over rain, even if the field that he owns is entirely his own?

(c) Why does one recite the Berachah of 'ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv' when his wife gives birth to a boy?

(d) Which two Berachos does one recite over the news that his father has died?

(a) When does one recite a new Berachah over a second glass of (the same) wine?

(b) A different wine does not require a fresh Berachah (of ha'Gafen'). One does however, recite 'ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv'. Under which conditions does one recite 'ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv' over a different wine?

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