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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 64


(a) 'Kol ha'Dochek es ha'Sha'ah, ha'Sha'ah Dochkaso'. What does this mean?

(b) Who is the prime example of this principle?

(a) By rights, why should Rav Yosef have become the Rosh Yeshivah before Rabbah?

(b) Why then did he decline the offer?

(c) What can we learn from here?

(d) 'Kol Hanach Shenin de'Malach Rabbah, (Rav Yosef) Afilu Umna le'Vesei Lo Kara'. What does this mean?

(a) Rebbi Avin ha'Levi teaches us a number of things: "Ya'ancha Hashem be'Yom Tzarah, Yesagevcha Shem Elokei Ya'akov" Why specifically "Elokei Ya'akov", and not Avraham or Yitzchak?

(b) "va'Yavo Aharon ... Le'echol Lechem *Lifnei ha'Elokim*". What is the significance of "Lifnei ha'Elokim"?

(c) What is the significance of the fact that Yisro said to Moshe "Lech *le*'Shalom" (Sh'mos), whereas David said to Avshalom "Lech *be*'Shalom" (Shmuel 2)?

(d) To whom *does* one say "Lech *be*'Shalom"?

(a) What reward is due to someone who (regularly) goes from Shul to the Beis ha'Medrash to study Torah?

(b) We learn that from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Yelchu me'Chayil El Chayil, Yera'eh El Elokim be'Tziyon". What else, regarding Talmidei-Chachamim, do we learn from this Pasuk?

(c) With which famous saying does Berachos (as well as Nidah, Yevamos and Kerisus) end?

(d) What great blessing do Talmidei-Chachamim spread upon the world?

Hadran Alach, 'ha'Ro'eh' u'Selika Lah Maseches Berachos!

Answers to questions

On to Shabbos


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