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Bava Metzia 40

1a) [line 3] IGALGEL MILSA - the question went around (unanswered)
b) [line 4] U'MATA L'KAMEI D'REBBI AMI - and came before Rebbi Ami

2) [line 4] GEDOLAH MI'ZU AMRU: SHAMIN LAHEM K'ARIS! - Chazal have said even greater things (i.e. provided even more benefits) [for people like Mari bar Isak: even on the portion of his brother] he gets paid as if he were an Aris, a hired field laborer who receives a percentage (1/2, 1/3 or 1/4) of the produce of the field

3) [line 7] BI'RESHUS NACHIS - he (the older brother mentioned in the Mishnah Bava Basra 143b) took charge (lit. went down) of the field with the permission [and authority of Beis Din]

4) [line 12] YOTZI LO CHESRONOS - when he returns the produce to the Mafkid, he deducts their usual amount of natural loss

5a) [line 12] CHITIM - wheat
b) [line 12] OREZ - (a) (O.F. mil) millet (RASHI to Berachos 37a); (b) rice (TOSFOS ibid.)

6) [line 13] TISH'AH CHATZA'EI KABIN L'KUR - nine half-Kav measures per Kur, a percentage of 2.5% (MEASUREMENTS OF VOLUME)

  • 1 Kur (= 1 Chomer) = 30 Se'in
  • 1 Lesech = 15 Se'in
  • 1 Eifah = 3 Se'in
  • 1 Se'ah = 6 Kabin
  • 1 Tarkav (= 3 Kabin) = 12 Lugin
  • 1 Kav = 4 Lugin
  • 1 Log (= 1 Rova) = 4 Revi'iyos = 6 Beitzim
  • 1 Beitzah = 2 k'Zeisim
  • 1 k'Zayis = approximately 0.025, 0.0288 or 0.05 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.
  • 1 Kav = 4 Lugin = 24 Beitzim = 1.20, 1.38, or 2.4 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions
  • 9 half-Kabin per Kur = 5.4/216, 6.22/248.83 or 10.8/432 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions
7a) [line 13] SE'ORIN - barley
b) [line 13] DOCHAN - (a) (O.F. panil, paniz) panic grass, a type of millet (RASHI to Rosh Hashanah 13b); (b) (O.F. mil) millet (TOSFOS to Berachos 37a)

8) [line 14] TISH'AH KABIN L'KUR = 5% (see above, entry #6)
9a) [line 14] KUSMIN - spelt (a species of wheat)
b) [line 14] ZERA PISHTAN - flax seed
10) [line 15] SHALOSH SE'IN L'KUR - 10% (see above, entry #6)
11) [line 17] ACHBARIN - mice
12) [line 21] MIPNEI SHE'MOSIROS - since they expand in volume [due to dampness]

13) [line 21] OREZ, TUVA CHASER! - Orez depletes much more [than nine half-Kav measures]!

14) [line 23] KALUF - peeled
15) [line 25] B'GIV'OLIN - thin shoots at the end of which grow the seeds
16) [line 31] MISPAZROS - scatters
17) [line 31] IRVAN IM PEIROSAV - the owner of the house mixed the Mafkid's produce with his own produce (Note: the RAMBAM Hilchos She'eilah u'Fikadon 5:5 rules that it is forbidden to mix it with his own produce)

18) [line 32] YICHED LO KEREN ZAVIS - the owner of the house or the owner of the produce designated a small part (lit. a corner) of the house for the owner of the produce (so that the produce remains in the "domain" of its owner)

19) [line 34] MISTAPEK - when he takes from the produce for his day-to-day use

20) [line 39] SHE'MADAD LO MI'TOCH GORNO - the measure used in the fields was slightly bigger than the measure used in the houses (RASHI)

21) [line 41] V'CHI B'SHUFTANEI ASKINAN?! - Are we dealing with fools?!
22a) [line 41] KAILA RABA - a large measure
b) [line 42] KAILA ZUTA - a small measure
23) [line 45] LIPAKA KADA! - The storage jug will explode!
24) [line 45] IY BA'IS EIMA MISHUM ITZETZA - it is also possible to answer that it is because of pressure (that is, the reason that the jug does not usually break is because the walls of the jug exert pressure that does not let the produce expand)

25) [line 46] SHESUS - one sixth

26a) [line 46] LOG U'MECHETZEH SHEMARIM - [the three Lugin that he deducts is because he deducts] a Log and a half [for the] lees [that settled]
b) [line 47] LOG U'MECHETZEH BELA - [and he deducts] a Log and a half [for the] absorption [of oil into the walls of the jug]

27) [line 47] SHEMEN MEZUKAK - clear oil (without lees)

28) [line 49] HAREI ZEH MEKABEL ALAV LUG U'MECHETZEH SHEMARIM L'ME'AH - he accepts upon himself [to receive] a Log and a half [less for the] lees

29) [line 50] MAR KI ASREI - the Master according to his place [of residence]

30a) [line 50] CHAFU B'KIRA - they line the inside of the jugs with wax
b) [line 51] V'LO MAYITZ TEFEI - and it does not absorb much

31) [line 51] KUFRA - pitch
32) [line 52] GARGISHTA - (O.F. arzille) clay [for making earthenware jugs]
33) [line 52] RAMU ARBA'IM V'TAMNEI KUZEI B'DANA - 48 Kuzim (a small measure) would fill (lit. they threw into) a barrel

34) [last line] AZIL DANA B'SHISA ZUZEI - a barrel would sell for six Zuzim
35) [last line] PARIS RAV YEHUDAH SHISA SHISA B'ZUZA - Rav Yehudah became a storekeeper and sold six Kuzim for one Zuz


36) [line 1] DAL TELASIN V'SHISA B'SHISA - take off 36 cups-worth for six [Zuzim, which was the price that he paid for the barrel]

37) [line 1] PASHU LEI TREISAR - twelve cups-worth were left [for his profit]

38) [line 2] DAL TEMANYA SHESUSEI - take off eight [cups-worth to account for the loss due to absorption of one] sixth [of the 48-cup barrel]

39) [line 3] HA'MISTAKER AL YISTAKER YOSER AL SHESUS - one who makes a profit should not make more than one sixth (ONA'AH)
(a) If a person makes a profit of one sixth of the total value on an item that he sells without the purchaser's knowledge, the transaction is valid, but the seller must return the profit to the purchaser. If the profit is less than one sixth, nothing is returned. If the profit is more than one sixth, the sale is invalid even if the profit is returned.
(b) With regard to sales of real estate, even if the profit is more than one sixth, the sale is valid and nothing is returned.
(c) When Beis Din errs in an appraisal of property by a sixth of its value, the Rabanan and Raban Shimon ben Gamliel argue whether the sale is binding (because of "Im Ken, Mah Ko'ach Beis Din Yafeh;" this is the view of Raban Shimon) or it is not binding (Rabanan).

40) [line 4] GULFEI - earthenware jugs or barrels
41) [line 4] SHEMARAYA - the lees
42) [line 5] DEMEI BARZENAYASA - (a) the fees of the skilled artisan who is an expert at thrusting a spigot into the barrel; (b) according to the Girsa *KARZENAYASA* - the advertising fees (similar to the word Keruz - announcement)

43) [line 7] V'HA IY EFSHAR D'LO BALA - the Gemara asks this question regarding the phrase in the Mishnah that states "Im Hayu Kankanim Yeshanim Eino (Yotzi) [Motzi -- this is the Girsa of the Mishnayos] Lo Bela" -- Amud Alef, line 48)

44) [line 8] MEZUFAFIN - line with pitch
45) [line 9] KEIVAN D'TA'UN, TA'UN - (lit. once they are loaded, they are loaded) once they are full of oil, even if they were never lined, they will not absorb any more

46) [line 12] KESHE'TIMTZA LOMAR - if you are exacting, you will conclude
47) [line 13] MUTAR L'AREV SHEMARIM - it is permissible to stir up the lees from the bottom of the barrel so that it mixes into the oil

48) [line 20] TZILA - clear oil
49a) [line 22] TZEMED - the yoke [which keeps the oxen together and connects them to the plow]
b) [line 23] BAKAR - the bulls

50) [line 25] TZIMDECHA - your yoke
51) [line 37] ZAVUN V'ZAVIN TAGRA IKREI? - [Should I] buy and sell [at my cost] just to be called a merchant? (i.e. if you do not accept upon yourself to receive a Log and a half less for the lees, I will not make a profit)

52) [line 38] PIKTIM - froth, foam; waste from the olive pits that floats at the top of the barrel

53) [line 44] LO AMRU SHEMEN ACHUR ELA L'MOCHER BILVAD - the loss due to cloudy oil (that is mixed with Piktim) is sustained only by the seller

54) [line 47] KI MIDAH D'TISHREI - like the [inexpensive] rate [for oil that is charged in the month] of Tishrei (in which the oil waste has not yet settled)

55) [line 49] TILTELAH - he moved it
56) [line 51] BEIN MISHE'HINICHAH - the Gemara discusses whether this means that he put it back in its designated place or in a different place

57) [line 53] LO BA'INAN DA'AS BE'ALIM - the owner need not be informed in order to absolve a thief of liability

58a) [line 53] TALEH - a sheep, within its first year
b) [line 53] EDER - flock

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