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Bava Metzia 79

BAVA METZIA 76-79 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.

1) [line 15] IY DI'SHECHI'ACH L'AGUREI - if it is possible to rent [another animal readily]

2) [line 16] IY D'LO SHECHI'ACH L'AGUREI, AGRA BA'I L'MEISAV LEI?! - if it is not possible to rent [another animal readily, why] must he pay?!]

3) [line 23] LO MECHALINAN KARNA - we do not cause the principle (Keren) to be destroyed/consumed

"The Mashkon of Sura," i.e. when the two parties specifically stipulate that when the years of the Mashkon terminate, the field will go back to the debtor and the debt is settled [giving the appearance that the produce has been sold -- see also Tosfos to Bava Metzia 67b DH 'be'Mishlam'].

5) [line 30] V'HU OCHEL PEIROS - and the Malveh (the creditor) eats the produce

6) [line 31] KI MATI YOVEL - when the Yovel year arrives (YOVEL)
(a) The year after 7 Shemitah cycles of 7 years each is called the Yovel year. There is an argument among the Tana'im as to whether the 50th year is not counted as one of the years of Shemitah, or whether it is part of the count and is itself *both* the Yovel and the 1st year of the next Shemitah cycle.
(b) The Halachos of the Shemitah year apply in the Yovel year with regard to not working the land and maintaining the sanctity of the fruits that grow (see Background to Kidushin 58:12). In addition, at the start of the Yovel year, all Jewish slaves (Eved Ivri, see Background to Kidushin 68:7b) are set free and all properties that were sold since the previous Yovel year are returned to their original owners (see Background to Bava Metzia 30:36). On Yom ha'Kipurim of the Yovel Year, Beis Din blows a Shofar to denote that the time has come to set free all of the slaves, as the Torah states in Vayikra 25:9.
(c) There is an argument among the Tana'im as to what is considered the beginning of the Yovel year. According to the Chachamim, Yovel starts with the Shofar blast of Yom ha'Kipurim. According to Rebbi Yochanan ben Berokah, it begins at Rosh ha'Shanah, and the Shofar blast only denotes the completion of the process of freeing the slaves (Rosh Hashanah 8b).

7) [line 31] KA HADRA AR'A L'MARAH - the land will be returned to its owner (a third party)

8) [line 36] "VEHA'ARETZ LO SIMACHER LI'TZMISUS [KI LI HA'ARETZ, KI GEIRIM V'SOSHAVIM ATEM IMADI.]" - "The land shall not be sold forever; [for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me.]" (Vayikra 25:23)

9) [line 37] NITZMESES - irrevocably sold
11) [line 43] NITZLECHEI L'TZIVEI V'NISHKELEI - chop up [the dead tree] into firewood and take it [home for kindling]

12) [last line] CHAMRA - wine


13) [line 4] PARKAH LAH - he (the owner of the merchandise) unloaded it
14) [line 7] KA MASHKACH L'AGURAH - where he can readily find others to rent [space and passage on his boat]

15) [line 10] RAFSESA DI'SEFINTA - depreciation; wear and tear on the boat due to unloading and loading

16) [line 13] PARKAH L'TO'ANEI B'GAVEI - (a) he unloaded his stores that he held in that place onto the boat [thereby increasing its load] (RASHI); (b) he sold his merchandise that was on the boat to another merchant (RABEINU CHANANEL, cited by TOSFOS)

17) [line 14] ASHLA YESEIRA - more ropes (a) to tie on the extra merchandise (RASHI); (b) to use in unloading and loading the personal effects of the seller and buyer (RABEINU CHANANEL, cited by TOSFOS)

18) [line 16] KESUSO - (a) his overcoat (RASHI); (b) his pillow (RABEINU CHANANEL, cited by TOSFOS)
b) [line 16] LEGANUSO - his bottle

19) [line 20] IY DI'SHECHI'ACH L'MIZBAN - if it is readily possible to buy [provisions]

20) [line 23] AVNA - night lodging, inn, i.e. a day's journey (RASHI here and to Avodah Zarah 65a)

21) [line 30] BINISA A'KERESAH TAKLAH - (lit. a fish's weight depends upon its belly) a fish with a large belly has the main portion of its weight in its innards

22) [last line] L'MEKACH U'MEMKAR - for trade. If you see a fish with a large belly, do not buy it by weight unless you have the innards removed first (RASHI)

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