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Bava Metzia 89

1) [line 1] KOL MILEI - all types [of animals]

"Shevisas Behemah" is a positive commandment. One is required to allow his animals to rest on Shabbos as it states (Shemos 23:12) "Lima'an Yanu'ach Shorcha va'Chamorecha" - "so that your ox and your donkey may rest." If one causes his animal to do work (i.e., one of the 39 categories of Melachah) on Shabbos, whether or not he is present at the time, he transgresses a positive commandment.

3a) [line 9] HA'CHOLEV - one who milks an animal
b) [line 9] HA'MECHABETZ - (a) one who curdles milk (O.F. matons - masses/curds) (RASHI to Pesachim 65a); (b) one who separates the curds from the whey (the watery part of the milk that is left after the curds have formed and separated) (O.F. jonchieres - a reed utensil used in preparing cheese) (RASHI here and to Shabbos 95a)
c) [line 10] HA'MEGABEN - one who presses together curds of milk to form cheese
d) [line 17] HA'MENAKESH - one who removes weeds from between plants

4a) [line 18] SHUMIM - garlic
b) [line 18] BETZALIM - onions

5a) [line 20] KA MASHLIF KETINEI - in a case where he removes the small stunted plants that will never ripen (O.F. civot - small green onions)
b) [line 21] MI'BEINEI ALIMEI - from among the strong, healthy plants

6) [line 22] DAVAR SHE'LO NIGMERAH MELACHTO L'MA'ASER - produce that has not reached the final preparation stage that will classify it as "Hukba l'Ma'aser" (see Background to Bava Metzia 87:49) since the grain that is being threshed has not yet been piled into a Kri (a heap of grain)

7) [line 24] HA'BODEL - one who separates
8a) [line 25] TEMARIM - dates
b) [line 25] GEROGEROS - dried figs

9) [line 28] TOCHALNEI - dates that are not fully ripened that are put into Chosalos, small baskets made of palm leaves where they may ripen

10) [line 29] DAVAR SHE'LO NIGMERAH MELACHTO L'CHALAH - produce that has not reached the final preparation stage that will obligate its owner to remove Chalah from the dough made with this produce (see Background to Bava Metzia 87:36)

11a) [line 32] HA'LASH - one who kneads a dough
b) [line 32] HA'MEKATEF - one who shapes dough into loaves (O.F. entorter - to shape)
c) [line 32] HA'OFEH - one who bakes

12) [line 35] IY HACHI, CHALAH NAMI LEIKA - if so, there is to obligation to separate Chalah mid'Oraisa, either (since the obligation to separate Chalah in Chutz la'Aretz is only mid'Rabanan -- TOSFOS DH Iy Hachi)

(a) In the times of Yehoshua, it took seven years for the Jewish people to conquer Eretz Yisrael. It took another seven years to divide it among the tribes.
(b) Since with regard to Chalah the Torah uses the word "b'Vo'achem" (when you come) and not the usual "Ki Tavo'u" when it describes entering the land of Israel, Chalah differs from the other Mitzvos that apply to the Land. The other Mitzvos, such as Terumos and Ma'asros, took effect only after the seven years of conquest and the seven years of apportionment. Chalah, however, was separated as soon as they entered the Land.

14) [line 40] KEROCH V'TANI - put the Beraisa'os together (lit. wrap) and learn as follows:

15) [line 44] YEHAVHEV B'UR - to roast in a fire, a process that sweetens individual kernels of grain

16) [line 47] L'TABEL PITAM B'TZIR - to dip their bread in [salty] fish brine


17a) [line 1] L'ACHSHUREI GAVRA - to prepare the person, i.e. for the worker to prepare himself to be able to eat a vast amount
b) [line 2] L'ACHSHUREI PEIRA - to prepare the fruit [to be tastier]

18) [line 3] ROSHEI UMANIYOS SHELAHEM - (O.F. ordon - rows [of grapevines]) at the ends of the rows of grapevines, where the workers can use the sun to sweeten the grapes

19) [line 6] LO YICHMOR BA'ADAMAH - he shall not heat [the fruit] by placing [it] into hot earth or sand

20) [line 7] LO YAFRICH AL GABEI HA'SELA - (O.F. blecier - to smack, smash) he shall not smack [the fruit] on a rock [to sweeten it]

21) [line 8] MAFRICH AL YAD AL YAD - he may slap [the fruit] from one hand into the other

22) [line 11] PURSA - a little bit
23a) [line 12] ODRIM BI'TE'ENIM - to harvest figs
b) [line 12] GODRIM (alt.GODEDIN) BI'TEMARIM - to harvest dates
c) [line 13] BOTZRIM BA'ANAVIM - to harvest grapes
d) [line 13] MOSKIN B'ZEISIM - to harvest olives

24a) [line 14] OCHLIM U'PETURIM - they (the workers) may eat and they are not obligated [to separate Terumos and Ma'asros]
b) [line 14] SHEHA'TORAH ZICHSAH LAHEM - since the Torah has given them the right (and it is not considered a sale, for which they would have been obligated in Terumos u'Ma'asros)s

25) [line 16] V'LO YISPOS B'MELACH V'YOCHAL - and he shall not dip [his grapes] into salt and eat them

26a) [line 19] L'ADER - to hoe
b) [line 19] L'KASHKESH - to cover up exposed root with Kash, straw
27) [line 19] TACHAS HA'ZEISIM - underneath the olive trees
28) [line 21] L'LAKET - to gather [fruit that has fallen to the ground]
29) [line 22] KATZATZ - to cut, pick

30) [line 38] "..KI KIBTZAM KE'AMIR GORNAH." - "[But they know not the thoughts of HaSh-m, nor do they understand his plan,] that he has gathered them as sheaves to the threshing floor." (Michah 4:12)

31) [last line] PAROS HA'MERAKSOS BI'TEVU'AH - (a) cows that have been put to work separating the peels from threshed, soaked and dried barley, by stepping on them (RASHI); (b) cows that step on grain while they are walking, without any intention that they work to thresh the grain (RAMBAM Hilchos Sechirus 13:4)

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