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Bava Metzia 92

BAVA METZIA 91-95 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.

1) [line 6] KISHUS - cucumber
2) [line 6] DINAR - one Dinar is equivalent to one quarter or one third of a worker's daily wages (see Bava Metzia 76a)

3) [line 6] KOSEVES - a large date
4) [line 9] RA'AVTAN - a person with a voracious appetite; a voracious eater
5) [line 9] V'YEHEI SOSEM ES HA'PESACH B'FANAV - and he will be closing the doorway for himself, i.e. no employer will want to hire him

6a) [line 14] AFILU LO SACHRO ELA LIVTZOR ESHKOL ECHAD, OCHLO - even if the employer hired him to pick only one cluster of grapes, he may eat it (that cluster itself)
b) [line 15] AFILU LO VATZAR ELA ESHKOL ECHAD, OCHLO - even if he [was hired to work for a whole day, for example, and he has as of yet] picked only one (i.e. the first) cluster of grapes, he may eat it

7) [line 17] LO IKA L'MEISAV L'CHEILAV SHEL BA'AL HA'BAYIS - there is no other produce to place into the utensils of the employer

8) [line 20] EFSHAR L'KIYUMEI LEVA'SOF - it is possible to fulfill it (his task of picking grapes for the employer) at the end (with the subsequent clusters that he picks)

9) [line 23] MEGILAS SESARIM - a scroll that contained words from the Oral Law, which were not permitted to be written, that had to be concealed. (Today the Oral Law is permitted to be written, lest it be forgotten.)

10) [line 26] LO SHAVAK ISI CHAYEI L'CHOL BERIYAH - Isi (i.e. his ruling) will not allow people to earn a livelihood from their fields, since (it seems that) anyone is permitted to enter into the field and pick crops for themselves

11) [line 28] DILMA B'OSIN BI'SE'UDASAM, D'AVDU V'ACHLU - perhaps it (the ruling to Isi) refers to a case of people who come in to a field on their own, without the knowledge of the owner, and work in the field to earn their meal. They perform the labor and then eat the produce.

12a) [line 29] NICHA LEI L'INISH L'OGAR AGUREI V'NIKTEFEI L'FARDISEI - a person would rather hire laborers to harvest his vineyard
b) [line 30] V'LO NEISU KULEI ALMA V'ACHLU LEI - rather than having anyone and everyone coming in to his vineyard and eating it up

13a) [line 40] OGIR B'DANKA - if a person is hired for one sixth [of a Dinar]
b) [line 41] ACHIL B'ZUZA?! - shall he eat a Dinar's-worth [of produce]?!

14) [line 46] B'"K'NAFSHECHA" KA'MIFLIGEI - they are arguing with regard to [the explanation of the word] "k'Nafshecha"

15) [line 47] AF PO'EL, IM CHASAMTA PATUR - if a person prevents his worker from eating while he is working, although it is forbidden to do so, he does not receive lashes but rather, he must pay the worker the value of the food (SHULCHAN ARUCH CM 337:1, citing the RAMAH) (This is learned from "k'Nafshecha" and as such, it does not teach us that the worker can eat up to the amount that he earns.)

16) [line 48] NAZIR
If a person makes a vow to become a Nazir without stipulating a time period, his or her Nezirus lasts for a period of thirty days. If the person stipulates a time period, his or her Nezirus lasts for whatever amount of time he stipulated. During this period, the Nazir is not allowed to 1. cut his hair; 2. become Tamei by touching or being in the same room as a corpse; or 3. consume any products of the grapevine (Bamidbar 6:1-21, SEFER HA'CHINUCH #377). Transgressing any one of these prohibitions makes the Nazir liable to Malkos, as long as he was warned beforehand. Our Gemara mentions that multiple warnings will create multiple liabilities.

17) [line 49] LECH LECH, AMRIN NEZIRA, SECHOR SECHOR; L'CHARMA LO SIKRAV - "Go away, go away," we say to the Nazir, "go all around; do not come near the vineyard!"

18) [line 51] MIDI GABEI HADADI TANYAN?! - Were they taught together (in the same collections of Beraisa'os such that we may make an assumption that the word "Po'el" in the second Beraisa means "Nazir")?!

19) [last line] LIKTZOS BI'TE'ENIM - to prepare figs for drying (dried figs are called "Ketzi'os)


20) [line 6] NETA REVA'I
(a) In the first three years after a tree is planted, its fruits are called Orlah and are Asurim b'Hana'ah, as it states in Vayikra 19:23. The fruits of the fourth year are called Neta Reva'i and are Kodesh (holy) (ibid. 19:24). They must be brought to and eaten b'Taharah in Yerushalayim. Alternatively, the fruits may be redeemed (Pidyon), in which case the money used to redeem them is brought to Yerushalayim. The food that is bought with this money is Kodesh like Neta Reva'i and must be eaten b'Taharah in Yerushalayim.
(b) The Gemara (Berachos 35a) records an argument as to whether the laws of Neta Reva'i apply to all fruits or only to grapes (Kerem Reva'i). The Halachah in Eretz Yisrael follows the opinion that the laws of Neta Reva'i apply to all fruits (SHULCHAN ARUCH Yoreh De'ah 294:6).

21) [line 6] HAREI ELU LO YOCHLU - these [workers] may not eat [while they are working]

22a) [line 10] NISPARSU IGULAV - his pressed figs cakes came apart
b) [line 11] NISPATCHU CHAVIYOSAV - [the seals of] his barrels opened

23) [line 17] MEIDA YADA D'ITBIL LEHU L'MA'ASER - the workers knew (it is a well-known fact) that wine in barrels has already reached the status requiring tithing [and as such, they are prohibited to eat while they are working]

23) [line 19] NISPATCHU CHAVIYOSAV L'VOR - his barrels opened and spilled back into the collection pit [and the workers would not know that they had once been in barrels]

24) [line 19] YAYIN, MISHE'YERED L'VOR - wine [is considered ready for tithing] when it flows [from the winepress] into the collection pit

25) [line 20] MISHE'YIKPEH - from when [the winemaker begins to skim] it (the peels and pits) [that] *float* [to the top of the wine as it starts to ferment] (RASHI)

26) [line 21] IBA'I LECHU ASUKEI A'DA'ATAICHU DILMA MIKPAH - you should have entertained the possibility that it has already reached the stage of "mishe'Yikpeh," when it is ready for tithing

27) [line 22] B'ASRA DEHA'HU GAVRA D'NAGID, IHU MEKAPEH - [we are dealing] with a place where the person who takes the wine out of the pit is the one who skims off the floating peels and pits from the wine

28) [line 23] TANI RAV ZEVID BI'DEVEI REBBI HOSHAYA - Rav Zevid learned a different version of the Beraisa of Rebbi Hoshaya

29) [line 25] MISHE'YESHALEH B'CHAVIYOS - when the winemaker begins to draw out the froth at the top of the barrels

30) [line 28] HA'HU D'SHARIK - the person who seals the winebarrels
31) [line 29] KOTZETZ ADAM - a person may take a fixed fee in lieu of the right to eat while he is working (RASHI)

32) [line 35] B'MA'ALEH LAHEN MEZONOS - when the father or master provides them with sustenance, and as such, their wages belong to him

33) [line 42] V'AL YEDEI BENO U'VITO HA'GEDOLIM AVAL LO AL YEDEI BENO U'VITO HA'KETANIM - and a person *may* Kotzetz for the wages of his adult son and daughter, but not for the wages of his minor son and daughter

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