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Bava Metzia 113

BAVA METZIA 112-115 - these Dafim have been dedicated anonymously l'Iluy Nishmas Tzirel Nechamah bas Tuvya Yehudah.

1) [line 1] RAMI A'NAFSHEI - he remembers (lit. he puts it upon himself [to remember])

2) [line 10] KENEGED OSO HA'YOM SHEL TEVI'AH - [the witnesses testify that the worker made a claim for his wages at the time that his wages were due, and thus he may still take an oath and collect his payment] during the day after his claim. (For example, if he was supposed to be paid on Monday night, then if he brings witnesses during the day on Tuesday that on Monday night (at any time during the night) he asked his employer to pay him, he may still take an oath and be paid.)

3) [line 11] LO YEMASHKENENU - he may not take an object from the debtor as a security for his loan

4) [line 13] "BA'CHUTZ TA'AMOD; [VEHA'ISH ASHER ATAH NOSHEH VO YOTZI ELECHA ES HA'AVOT HA'CHUTZAH.]" - "You shall stand outside; [and the man to whom you have lent will bring to you the collateral outside.]" (Devarim 24:11)

5) [line 14] KAR - bolster, mattress
6) [line 15] MACHAREISHAH - (a) plowshare; (b) an instrument used to scratch a person's skin (such as when he goes to the bathhouse) (RABEINU TAM). (The Gemara (113b) will question the Mishnah's statement regarding a Machareishah, and it will conclude that the Mishnah is referring to a silver backscratcher.)

7a) [line 19] MENATE'ACH NITUCHEI - seize [from the debtor's hands an item as security]
b) [line 19] MASHKONEI - enter the debtor's house to take a security

8) [line 25] IY MISHUM HA, LO IRYA - If [your argument is] because of this [logic], there is no proof (i.e. this logic is refutable)

9) [line 29] "LO YACHAVOL RECHAYIM VA'RACHEV, [KI NEFESH HU CHOVEL.]" - "Do not take as security for a loan the upper millstone or lower millstone, [because it is like taking a life as security.]" (Devarim 24:6)

10) [line 30] "[V']LO SACHAVOL BEGED ALMANAH." - "[And] do not take as security for a loan the garment of a widow." (Devarim 24:17)

11) [line 32] "KI SASHEH V'RE'ACHA MASHAS ME'UMAH, LO SAVO EL BEISO LA'AVOT AVOTO." - "When you lend to your fellow man any type of loan, do not come into his house to take something as security (Devarim 24:10)

12) [line 38] "[BA'CHUTZ TA'AMOD; VE]HA'ISH ASHER ATAH NOSHEH VO [YOTZI ELECHA ES HA'AVOT HA'CHUTZAH.]" - "[You shall stand outside; and] the man to whom you have lent [will bring to you the collateral outside.]" (Devarim 24:11)


13) [line 1] "IM CHAVOL TACHBOL SALMAS RE'ECHA; [AD BO HA'SHEMESH TESHIVENU LO.]" - "If you take your neighbor's garment as a pledge, [you have until sundown to return it to him.]" (Shemos 22:25)

14a) [line 16] MATZA - a mat (upon which one reclines) made of felt
b) [line 17] MAPATZ - a mat (upon which one reclines) woven from reeds

15a) [line 18] MESADRIN B'VA'AL CHOV - We make the creditor leave certain basic necessities for the debtor when he collects his debt from the debtor's assets (RASHI explains "Mesadrin" to mean either "we assess" or "we let remain" (from the word "Serid," remnant)).

b) [line 19] MESADRIN B'ERCHIN
(a) Erech (endowment valuation) refers to a special form of vow. If a person declares, "Erech Ploni Alai" - "I accept upon myself to give the endowment value of so-and-so [to Hekdesh]," he must give the specific value that the Torah designates for the person's gender and age group as stated in Vayikra 27:1-8. It makes no difference at all whether the person is healthy or sick, strong or weak.
(b) When a person is poor and does not have enough money to pay the Erech vow that he made, Hekdesh confiscates his assets, but leaves for him his basic necessities. When this is done, the person is considered to have fulfilled his vow, even if the assets confiscated from him do not equal the Erech amount that he pledged. (This is in contrast to "Mesadrin b'Va'al Chov," in which case the debtor has not fulfilled his obligation to repay the creditor until all of the money that he owes is paid back.)

16) [line 19] KELAPEI LAYA?! - Towards which direction is it turning? (The opposite would be reasonable!)

17) [line 25] ZAG - sleeps
18) [line 26] ASUSAIHU - their remedies
19) [line 26] MAN D'ACHIL AHINA MERIRA A'LIBA REIKANYA - one who eats a bitter date on an empty stomach

20) [line 27] MAN D'ASAR MISNA D'CHISNA RETIVA A'CHARTZEI - one who girds upon his waist a wet belt made of linen

21) [line 28] MAN D'ACHIL NAHAMA V'LO MASGI ARBA'AH GARMIDEI - one who eats bread and does not walk four Amos [before going to sleep]

22a) [line 38] LO ES HA'LUF V'LO ES HA'CHARDAL - one may not handle Luf or Chardal on Shabbos, because they are not fit to be eaten raw, but only to be fed to ravens
b) [line 38] LUF - a type of onion, similar to colocasia, with edible leaves, roots and beans
c) [line 38] CHARDAL - mustard-seed
d) [line 39] ORVIN - home-raised ravens
23) [line 39] SHEMEN VERED - rose oil
24) [line 42] ITZTELA - a robe
25) [line 42] MAFSHITIN OSAH MIMENU - we remove it from upon him
26) [line 45] KESES - pillow, cushion

27) [line 46] D'VEINI VEINEI - the difference (between the money that the creditor receives when he sells the expensive object, and the value of a cheaper quality object; the creditor keeps the difference as repayment for his loan, while he returns to the debtor a cheaper object)

28) [line 46] MACHAREISHAH L'MAI CHAZYA? - What can he do with a plowshare? (i.e. there are not expensive plowshares and cheap plowshares, such that the creditor can sell it, buy the debtor a cheaper one, and keep the rest of the money as repayment for his loan)

29) [line 46] MACHAREISHAH D'CHASPA - a silver backscratcher
30) [last line] LAV ALAI KARAMIS - it is not my responsibility (lit. it is not upon me) [to support you]

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