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Eruvin 57

1) [line 8] SAVIV D'KERANOS - encircling the city (but only) in the corners

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2) [line 13] MURSA D'KARNASA - the projection of the corners (which we give the city when establishing its boundaries)

3) [line 14] MASA IGULTA - a round city
4) [line 19] NAKI TILTA - less a third of an Amah
5) [line 19] B'IGULA MIGO RIBU'A - in reference to a circle which is inscribed in a square

6) [line 20] B'ALACHSONA - when the radius of a circle is extended by the diagonal of the square we added

7) [line 21] KOL AMSA B'RIBU'A, AMSA U'TREI CHUMSHEI B'ALACHSONA - for every Amah along each side of a square the diagonal increases by an one and two- fifths of an Amah

8) [line 22] NOSNIN KARPAF L'IR - we give an area of 70 Amos and 4 Tefachim as an extension for the city before we start to measure the Techum

9) [line 24] SHIV'IM AMAH V'SHIRAYIM - seventy Amah and 4 Tefachim
10) [line 27] HA'MESHULASHIN - lit. tripled, i.e. that are all in one row; the Gemara explains its meaning since they are not actually in one row


11) [line 5] D'DECHIKA TASHMISTAIHU - the use of the space outside of the cities would be very cramped

12) [line 30] LEIKA L'MEIMAR MALEI - you cannot say "fill up the vacant area"
13) [line 31] BENEI AKISTEFON - the people of Ctesphon, a town on the Eastern bank of the Tigris. This is identical with Resen, which is mentioned in Bereishis 10:12 (Yoma 10a). (However, according to the Targum Yerushalmi and the Midrash, Akistefon is Kalneh, which is mentioned in Bereishis 10:10)

14) [line 33] ARDESHIR - formerly Seleucia
15) [line 35] DIGLAS - the Tigris River
16) [line 36] ACHAVEI LEI - he pointed out to him
17) [line 36] ATMEHASA D'SHURA - the foundations (lit. thighs) of the wall of the city
18) [line 37] D'MIVL'EI BA'DIGLAS - that were located in the Tigris River
19) [line 40] GAI - glen, wadi
20) [line 40] MAVLI'O - (lit. absorb it) "jump over" it

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