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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Eruvin 8

ERUVIN 6-10 sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.


(a) The Gemara initially thought that Rav and Shmuel argue (whether one may carry in a Mavuy that opens into a Rechavah or a Chatzer) both by 'Lo Ervu' and by 'Ervu'. What is their Machlokes ...
  1. ... by 'Lo Ervu'?
  2. ... by 'Ervu'?
(b) Rav and Shmuel will agree that, even if the Bnei Chatzer did make an Eruv with the Bnei Mavoy, it is forbidden to carry in the Mavoy in the following three cases:
  1. 'Kalah le'Tzidei Rechavah';
  2. 'Zeh Keneged Zeh';
  3. 'Rechavah de'Yachid'. What do these mean?
(c) What is the reason for the Chumra in the latter case?
(a) Why was Rebbi uncertain whether or not to permit carrying in that Mavoy which was flanked on one side by a sea, and on the other, by a large trash- heap? He foresaw two possible problems.
What were they?

(b) How do we reconcile this with the Mishnah later in Ha'motze Tefilin, which permits throwing from one's window on to a trash-heap in the Reshus- ha'Rabim (unconcerned that it may have been cleared away).

(c) Did the Chachamim of Rebbi agree with him?

(d) The alleyways of Sura ran into the sea.
What did Mereimar do to permit carrying in them?

(a) What did they do to permit carrying in that bent Mavoy in Sura?

(b) What objection did Rav Chisda raise?

(c) How could they have remedied the fault?

(a) We concluded earlier that Rav forbids carrying in a Mavoy that leads into a Chatzer, because they did not make an Eruv.
Why is this not inherent in the Mishnah in Kol Gagos: 'Chatzer Ketanah she'Nifretzah li'Gedolah, Gedolah Muteres, u'Ketanah Asurah, Mipnei she'Hi ke'Pischah shel Gedolah'?

(b) But why does Rav need to inform us that the Mavoy is Asur? Why do we not know that Din of Chatzer Ketanah of the Mishnah?

(c) Why is Rav's initial Chidush not inherent in the Beraisa 'Chatzer she'ha'Rabim Nichnasin Lah be'Zu, ve'Yotz'in Lah be'Zu ... Reshus ha'Yachid le'Shabbos'?

(d) The Beraisa also adds 'Reshus ha'Rabim le'Tum'ah'.
What does this mean, and why is that?

Answers to questions


5) What will be Rav's Chidush according to Rabah who (as we already quoted earlier in the Sugya) holds that 'Zeh Keneged Zeh' is forbidden?


(a) What is a 'Nadel'?

(b) What is a 'Mavoy he'Asuy ke'Nadel'?

(c) What two objections does Rava raise on Abaye, who rules that the main Mavoy requires a Tzuras ha'Pesach, and each of the small Mavu'os, a Lechi or a Koreh at the end leading to the Reshus ha'Rabim?

(d) What does Rava therefore hold in this case?

(a) If one side-wall of the Mavoy extends further into the street than the opposite one, Rav Kahana bar Tachlifa permits a diagonal Koreh to be placed edge of one to the edge of the other.
What does Rava say to this?

(b) Why does he disagree with Rav Kahana bar Tachlifa?

(c) What is Rav Kahana bar Tachlifa's reason?

(d) In which case will Rav Kahana bar Tachlifa agree with Rava, that a Koreh must be placed at ninety degrees edge of the shorter wall?

(a) There is a dispute among the Amora'im whether one may carry underneath the Koreh.
How might their Machlokes be connected to the question of whether a Koreh serves as a Mechitzah or as a Heker?

(b) What are the other two ways of explaining their Machlokes?

(c) Why does Rav Chisda maintain that, in any event, carrying in the space next to the Lechi is prohibited (see Tosfos DH 'ha'Kol')?

(d) Rav Chisda uses the expression 'Bein ha'Lechayayim'.
Does this mean that a Mavoy requires *two* Lechayayim before one may carry there?

(a) When Rami bar Chama asked Rav Chisda (his father-in-law) what the Din would be if the Koreh lay on two poles that were placed just outside the Mavoy, he replied 'le'Divrei ha'Matir, Asur, le'Divrei ha'Oser, Mutar'. What did he mean by that?

(b) What does Rava hold in this matter?

(a) 'Haysah Koraso Meshuchah O Teluyah; Pachos mi'Sheloshah, Ein Tzarich Lahavi Koreh Acheres' ...
How does the Gemara at first understand the difference between the terms 'Meshuchah' and 'Teluyah', and why does that present Rava with a Kashya?

(b) How will Rava explain the two terms?

(c) Then what is the Chidush of 'Teluyah'?

(d) In which point does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel disagree with the Tana Kama?

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