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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Eruvin 77

ERUVIN 77 - sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.


(a) What did Rav Dimi quote Rebbi Yochanan as saying with regard to a Makom Petur which serves as a source for his previous statement (that both owners are permitted to carry on to a wall between two courtyards, which is less than four Tefachim wide, and to eat there?

(b) Rav disagrees with Rebbi Yochanan in our Sugya.
Does that mean that he also disagrees with his ruling regarding a Makom Petur?

(a) What does Rav Nachman mean when he says that if a wall is ten Tefachim higher than one Chatzer, but less from the upper-level one that adjoins it, one gives it to the latter Chatzer, and why is that?

(b) The same applies to a ditch that is ten Tefachim deep from the one Chatzer, but less from the lower-level adjoining Chatzer.
Why does Rav Nachman need to teach us both cases? Why would we not know the one from the other?

(a) What will be the Din, if one reduces the height of the wall by fixing an object that is less than four Tefachim long to the foot of the wall?
May one use the top section of wall directly above that point?

(b) What will be the Din if he reduces the height of the wall by removing a small section less than four Tefachim across from the top?
Why is the Din here different than that of the previous case?

(a) Under which conditions will a large overturned dish (which is four by four Tefachim) placed at the foot of the wall, be effective to serve as a Pesach?

(b) Why will the fact that it has a lip (that now contains earth which will inevitably be pulled up when the dish is pulled out of the earth) not suffice, to render it fixed to the ground?

Answers to questions



(a) An Egyptian ladder is *not* considered a Pesach, a ladder from Tzuri *is*. What is the technical difference between these two kinds of ladders, and why should their Halachos differ?

(b) How wide must a ladder be to qualify as a Pesach?

(c) Under what conditions will two ladders, one on either side of a wall dividing two courtyards, be considered a Pesach, if the wall is ...

  1. ... less than four Tefachim wide?
  2. ... four Tefachim or more wide?
(a) If two wooden platforms are built next to the wall, one on the ground and the other, on stilts above the first, under which two possible sets of conditions will this constitute a Pesach?

(b) Under which conditions will two steps or floating stairs be considered a Pesach?

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