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Kidushin 40

KIDUSHIN 36-40 - sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.

1) [line 1] NOS'EI KEISAR - armor carriers of the Caesar
2) [line 4] "[BARCHU HASH-M MAL'ACHAV,] GIBOREI CHO'ACH, OSEI DEVARO, LISHMO'A B'KOL DEVARO." - "[Bless HaSh-m, O you, His angels,] you mighty ones, who do His word, listening to the voice of His word!" (Tehilim 103:20)

3) [line 7] CHALASH LI LIBA'I, V'LO MATZINA - I feel weak and am not able
4) [line 8] DAVAR TAMEI - an impure item (non-kosher meat, pig)
5) [line 8] MAI NAFKA MINAH? - what comes out of this [that the only food available is non-kosher food]? (RASHI)

6) [line 9] D'AVID HA, ACHOL HA - one who does this act (of immoral relations) is fitting to be fed this (non-kosher meat)

7) [line 9] SHAGRAS TANURA - she ignited the oven
8) [line 10] KA MANCHA LEI - she put the meat inside
9) [line 10] SALIK V'YASIV B'GAVEI - he went up and sat inside it (the oven)
10) [line 12] IY YAD'I KULEI HAI - if I would have known that this is the extent [to which you avoid sinning]

11) [line 13] HAVAH KA'MAZBIN DIKULEI - he was selling baskets
12) [line 14] IKSHIT NAFSHAI - I will adorn myself
13) [line 14] SALIK VEKA'NAFIL ME'IGRA L'AR'A - he went up and fell from the roof to the ground

14) [line 14] KIBLEI - caught him
15) [line 15] ATRACHTAN ARBA ME'AH PARSEI - you bothered me to come four hundred Parsa'os

16) [line 15] YAHAV LEI SHIFA D'DINAREI - he gave him a vessel full of gold Dinars

17) [line 24] TANA V'SHIYER - the Tana taught certain Halachos in the Mishnah and left out other Halachos

18) [line 25] RAV IDI ASBERAH LI - Rav Idi explained it to me
19) [line 25] "IMRU TZADIK KI TOV..." - "Tell [each] righteous person that it is good, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds." (Yeshayah 3:10)

20) [line 28] "OY L'RASHA RA..." - "Woe to the evil one who is bad, because recompense for his deeds will be done to him." (Yeshayah 3:11)

21) [line 30] HA'ZECHUS - an act of merit (i.e. a Mitzvah)
22) [line 32] "V'YOCHLU MI'PRI DARKAM, UMI'MO'ATZOSEIHEM YISBA'U" - "They will eat from the fruit of their way, and from their schemes they will be satiated." (Mishlei 1:31)

23) [line 34] "AZ NIDBERU ISH EL RE'EHU..." - "Then those who fear HaSh-m spoke to one another, and HaSh-m hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared HaSh-m and for those who took heed of His Name." (Malachi 3:16)

24) [line 38] "AVEN IM RA'ISI B'LIBI..." - "If I saw iniquity in my heart, HaSh-m did not listen to it." (Tehilim 66:18)

25) [line 41] "L'MA'AN TEFOS ES BEIS YISRAEL B'LIBAM." - "In order to grab the house of Yisrael by [that which is in] their heart." (Yechezkel 14:5)

26) [line 44] HUTRAH LO - it becomes permitted to him
27) [line 45] NA'ASEIS LO K'HETER - to him it becomes as if it is permitted
28) [line 46] "ISH GILULAV LECHU AVODO V'ACHAR IM EINCHEM SHOM'IM ELAI, V'ES SHEM KODSHI LO SHECHALELU." - "Every man go serve his idols because you do not listen to Me, and My holy Name do not desecrate." (Yechezkel 20:39)

29a) [line 48] YILBASH SHECHORIM - he should dress in black
b) [line 48] YISKASEH SHECHORIM - he should cover himself in black
30) [line 49] RA'UY LO SHE'LO VA LA'OLAM - it would have been better off for him had he not come into the world

31) [line 50] KESHES - a rainbow
32) [line 50] D'MATZI CHAYIF L'YITZREI - he is able to overcome his Yetzer ha'Ra
33) [line 51] EIN MEKIFIN - they (the Heavenly courts) do not give credit (see the following two entries)

34) [last line] SHE'EIN OSIM K'CHENVANI - they do not do like a store owner does (i.e. the Heavenly courts do not extend credit to one who desecrates HaSh-m's Name, but rather they punish him immediately)

35) [last line] IM HAYESAH SHEKULAH, MACHRA'AS - if it (his ledger sheet of Mitzvos and Aveiros) was balanced, then it (the sin of Chilul HaSh-m) tips [the scale] (according to this explanation, "Mekifin" means "analyze," in that the Heavenly courts do not analyze a person's deeds if one of them is the sin of Chilul HaSh-m, but rather the person is found guilty even if his Mitzvos and sins are balanced)


36) [line 2] SHE'HICHRI'A ATZMO L'CHAF ZECHUS - because he tipped [the scale] for himself to the side of merit

37) [line 4] "V'CHOTEI ECHAD YE'ABED TOVAH HARBEH." - "One sin destroys much good." (Koheles 9:18)

38) [line 16] "TZIDKAS HA'TZADIK LO SATZILENU B'YOM PISH'O." - "The righteousness of the Tzadik will not save him on the day of his transgression." (Yechezkel 33:12)

39) [line 19] "V'RISH'AS HA'RASHA, LO YIKASHEL BAH B'YOM SHUVO ME'RISH'O." - "The evil of the evil man, he will not stumble in it on the day he repents from his evil." (Yechezkel 33:12)

40) [line 20] V'NEHEVEI K'MECHETZAH AVONOS U'MECHETZAH ZECHUYOS - let him (the Tzadik who sinned at the end of his life) be like one who has half sins and half merits

41) [line 21] B'SOHEH AL HA'RISHONOS - it is referring to one who regrets his original deeds (of merit)

42a) [line 22] MIKRA - the study of Chumash
b) [line 23] MISHNAH - the study of Mishnah
c) [line 23] DERECH ERETZ - proper, upright conduct

43) [line 24] "VEHA'CHUT HA'MESHULASH LO VIM'HERAH YINASEK." - "The three-ply cord will not quickly be broken." (Koheles 4:12)

44) [line 26] EINO MIN HA'YISHUV - he is not part of society
45) [line 27] L'MAH TZADIKIM NIMSHALIM BA'OLAM HA'ZEH? - To what are Tzadikim comparable to in this world?

46) [line 29] NOFO - its branches
47) [line 32] "V'HAYAH REISHISCHA MITZ'AR, V'ACHARISCHA YISGEH ME'OD." - "Your beginning (in this world) will be with affliction, and your end (in the World to Come) will be immensely great." (Iyov 8:7)

48) [line 38] KEDEI L'TORDAN UL'HORISHAN L'MADREIGAH HA'TACHTONAH - in order to cause them anguish and to give them over to the lowest level (in Gehinom)

49) [line 41] LOD - the town of Lod in central Eretz Yisrael, located in the present day city by that name, southeast of Tel Aviv. During the time of the Gemara it was located on the road that led from Yerushalayim to Ceasaria, and it had a mixed population.

50) [line 42] NA'ANEH REBBI TARFON - Rebbi Tarfon raised his voice to speak
51) [line 43] TALMUD GADOL SHEHA'TALMUD MEVI L'YDEI MA'ASEH - the learning of Torah is greater, because the learning of Torah brings one to the performance of deeds (Mitzvos)

52) [line 46] MITECHILASO HU MESHAMET - from the beginning of the year, the Yovel year causes [servants and land] to go free

53) [line 48] DINO - the judgement (in the World to Come)
54) [line 48] "POTER MAYIM REISHIS MADON." - "Discarding water is the beginning of judgement." (Mishlei 17:14) - This means that failing to learn Torah (which is compared to water) is the first thing for which a person is judged (RASHI).

55) [line 50] "VA'YITEN LAHEM..." - "And He gave to them the lands of nations, and the toil of nations they inherited, in order that they observe His laws and keep His teachings." (Tehilim 105:44-45)

56) [line 51] SHUK - the marketplace
57) [last line] RAGZAN - one who is easily angered

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