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Kidushin 57

KIDUSHIN 56-57 - sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.

1) [line 1] SHIMON HA'AMSUNI - Shimon of Amson, an early settlement. (According to the Gemara (Yerushalmi Berachos 9:5 and Sotah 5:5), Shimon (or Nechemyah) ha'Amsoni learned under Rebbi Akiva for 22 years. As such, after the *student* abandoned his teachings, the *Rebbi* took over to complete the work.)

2a) [line 11] NE'EMAR MACHSHIR U'MECHAPER BI'FNIM - the Torah teaches about [bringing] animals that are Machshir -- that make certain individuals fit to enter the Beis ha'Mikdash and eat Kodshim (e.g. the Chatas and Asham brought by a Zav, Zavah, Yoledes and Metzora) and animals that atone (the Chatas and Asham brought by sinners) in the Beis ha'Mikdash, as sacrifices.
b) [line 12] NE'EMAR MACHSHIR U'MECHAPER BA'CHUTZ - the Torah teaches about [bringing] animals that are Machshir (i.e. the birds brought to purify the Metzora and enable him to enter a settlement) and animals that atone (the Sa'ir ha'Mishtale'ach and Eglah Arufah) outside of the Beis ha'Mikdash.

3a) [line 17] MI'SHE'AS SHECHITAH - from the moment of [its] slaughter
b) [line 17] MI'SHE'AS LEKICHAH - from the moment of [their] purchase (or designation as Tziporei Metzora)

4) [line 18] SHECHITAH HU D'ASRAH LAH - it is [its] Shechitah that makes them forbidden (see Insights to Kidushin 57:3)

5) [line 22] GEVUL SHAMATI BAH - I heard the limit concerning it (i.e. the point at which it becomes Asur b'Hana'ah)

6) [line 23] V'NASVIN CHEVRAYA LOMAR - and the Talmidim of the Yeshiva are inclined to say

7a) [line 23] YERIDASAH L'NACHAL EISAN HI OSARTAH - its descent to Nachal Eisan is what makes it (the Eglah Arufah) prohibited (Asur b'Hana'ah)
b) [line 23] NACHAL EISAN - (a) a swiftly flowing stream (RAMBAM Hilchos Rotze'ach 9:2); (b) a valley with tough soil (RASHI to Sotah 46a and to Devarim 21:4)

8a) [line 30] HA'MESHULACHAS - the bird (of the Tziporei Metzora) that is set free (see Background to Kidushin 56:10)
b) [line 31] HA'SHECHUTAH - the bird (of the Tziporei Metzora) that is slaughtered (see Background ibid.)

9) [line 38] BENEI ME'EHA - its innards
10a) [line 40] EZOV - hyssop (see Background ibid.)
b) [line 40] ETZ EREZ - wood of the cedar tree (see Background ibid.)
c) [line 41] SHENI TOLA'AS - thread of crimson wool (see Background to ibid.)

11) [line 41] HO'IL V'HUKTZAH L'MITZVASAH - since it (the bird of Tziporei Metzora) was designated for its Mitzvah [it becomes Asur b'Hana'ah]

(a) A proper Shechitah (ritual slaughter) that does not permit the animal to be eaten is referred to as a Shechitah she'Einah Re'uyah. (A Shechitah that was not performed properly is not a Shechitah she'Einah Re'uyah. It is not a Shechitah at all.)
(b) The Shechitah of the bird of Tziporei Metzora, the Shechitah of a Parah Adumah, and Shechitah of a Shor ha'Niskal are examples of Shechitah she'Einah Re'uyah, because even after their slaughter, they may not be eaten.
(c) There is a Machlokes Tana'im whether a Shechitah that does not permit the animal to be eaten has the title of "Shechitah" (for various Halachic purposes other than for eating).


13a) [line 1] MUKTZAH - An animal that has been set aside ("Muktzah") to be used as an offering for Avodah Zarah may not be brought as a sacrifice. An action must be done for the purpose of Avodah Zarah. Mere speech (Hekdesh l'Avodah Zarah) is not sufficient.
b) [line 1] NE'EVAD - An animal before which a person bows down, worshipping it as an Avodah Zarah, is unfit to be brought as a Korban. It is not prohibited for personal use since live animals do not become prohibited when worshiped.

14) [line 3] ROVE'A V'NIRBA B'EDIM - a male animal (Rove'a) or a female animal (Nirba) that had relations with a human
(a) A Rove'a or a Nirba are animals that had relations with a human, as described in Vayikra 20:15-16 and in Sanhedrin 2a. These animals are put to death so that they should not cause other people to sin in a similar manner, and in order not to cause disgrace to the sinner by reminding all who see these animals of the sin that was done with them (Sanhedrin 54a).
(b) In the instance of a Rove'a and a Nirba, only if two witnesses saw the act is the animal stoned by Beis Din and Asur b'Hana'ah. If only one witness saw it, or if there were no witnesses but the owner told Beis Din of the incident, the animal is not stoned and is Mutar b'Hana'ah but is unfit to be brought as a Korban.

15a) [line 10] YAFO - the coastal city of Jaffa (surrounded by a wall, - RASHI)
b) [line 10] GAVAS - the city of Gavas, the wall of which borders the desert (RASHI)

16) [line 15] LO AMRAH TORAH SHALE'ACH, L'TAKALAH - the Torah did not say "send away [the bird of Tziporei Metzora]" in order to make it a stumbling block [for people who might find it and use it for personal benefit, unaware of its status]

17) [line 16] "[KOL YEMEI NEDER NIZRO, TA'AR LO YA'AVOR AL ROSHO...] KADOSH YIHEYEH, GADEL PERA SE'AR ROSHO." - "[All the days of the vow of his Nezirus no razor shall come upon his head; until the days are fulfilled, during which he separates himself for HaSh-m,] he shall be holy, and shall let the hair of his head grow." (Bamidbar 6:5)

18) [line 17] GIDULO YIHEYEH KADOSH - his hair that grows shall be holy (and is Asur b'Hana'ah)

19a) [line 19] KODESH - an item that is sanctified; Hekdesh
b) [line 20] KADOSH - holy (but not specifically an item of Hekdesh)
20) [line 26] G"P - "Gimel Pe'amim," three times
21) [line 32] "V'ANSHEI KODESH TIHEYUN LI, [U'VASAR BA'SADEH TREIFAH LO SOCHEILU, LA'KELEV TASHLICHUN OSO.]" - "And you shall be holy men to Me. [You shall not eat any meat that is torn by the beasts in the field; you shall cast it to the dogs.]" (Shemos 22:30)

22a) [line 36] SHECHOT (LI) [SHELI] B'SHELI - slaughter My (Hashem's) animals (i.e. Kodshim) in My area (i.e. the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash)
b) [line 37] SHELCHA B'SHELCHA - [and slaughter] your animals (i.e. Chulin) in your area (i.e. anywhere outside of the Azarah)

c) [line 37] SHELI B'SHELCHA ASUR - [if you slaughter] My animals in your area [the animals] are Asur [b'Hana'ah] (SHECHUTEI CHUTZ) The Torah obligates a person to bring all Kodshim that are fit to be offered as sacrifices to the Beis ha'Mikdash, as it states in Vayikra 17:1-7. Besides the Mitzvas Aseh, there is a Lav prohibiting their slaughter outside of the Azarah (Shechutei Chutz). The punishment for transgressing this is Kares (SEFER HA'CHINUCH Mitzvah #186), and the animal remains Asur b'Hana'ah.

23a) [line 44] "U'SHCHATO" - "And he shall slaughter it" (Vayikra 3:2)
b) [line 44] "V'SHACHAT OSO" - "And he shall slaughter it" (Vayikra 3:8)
c) [line 45] "V'SHACHAT OSO" - "And he shall slaughter it" (Vayikra 3:13)

24) [line 46] "KI YIRCHAK MIMCHA HA'MAKOM [ASHER YIVCHAR HASH-M ELOKECHA LA'SUM SHEMO SHAM] V'ZAVACHTA..." - "When it will be too far from you [the place that HaSh-m your Elokim will choose to put His Name there], you shall slaughter..." (Devarim 12:21)

25a) [line 47] B'RICHUK MAKOM - at a distanced place (i.e. outside of the Beis ha'Mikdash)
b) [line 48] MAKOM KAROV - a place nearby (i.e. within the Azarah)

26a) [line 49] TEMIMIM - complete (unblemished) animals
b) [line 50] BA'ALEI MUMIN - blemished animals

27) [line 51] MIN (HA'MACHSHIR) [HA'KASHER] - [they are] from the same Kosher types of animals [that may be brought as Korbanos]

28) [line 52] CHAYAH - (a term usually used for wild animals) non-farm animals, e.g. deer and gazelles. No Korban is brought from a Chayah (but only from domesticated animals, such as oxen, sheep, and goats), and a Chayah may not be offered on the Mizbe'ach.

29) [line 53] TALMUD LOMAR, "U'SHECHATO", "V'SHACHAT OSO", "V'SHACHAT OSO" - the Torah teaches, "And he shall slaughter it" three times (see above, #23), in order to teach that (a) it is prohibited to slaughter Ba'alei Mumin in the Azarah, (b) it is prohibited to slaughter a Chayah in the Azarah, and (c) it is prohibited to slaughter birds in the Azarah. (RASHI based on Girsa of BACH #3)

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