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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Kidushin 77

KIDUSHIN 77-80 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.


(a) (Mishnah): The daughter of a male Chalal is forever forbidden to Kehunah.
(b) If a Yisrael married a Chalalah, his daughter is permitted to Kehunah; a Chalal that married a Bas Yisrael, his daughter is forbidden to Kehunah.
(c) R. Yehudah says, the daughter of a male convert is as the daughter of a Chalal.
(d) R. Eliezer ben Yakov says, a Yisrael that married a convert, or convert that married a Bas Yisrael - their daughter is permitted to Kehunah; but the daughter of 2 converts is forbidden to Kehunah.
1. The law is the same by converts and freed slaves - even after 10 generations, the daughter is forbidden to Kehunah unless her mother is a Bas Yisrael.
(e) R. Yosi says, even the daughter of 2 converts is permitted to Kehunah.
(f) (Gemara) Question: What does it mean, (The daughter of a male Chalal is) forever (forbidden to Kehunah)?
(g) Answer: One might have thought, her prohibition is as that of Mitzrim and Edomim, i.e. until 3 generations - we hear, this is not so.
(h) (Mishnah): If a Yisrael married a Chalalah...
(i) Question: What is the source for this?
(j) Answer (R. Yochanan): It says "(A Kohen) will not profane his seed among his nation", and "(A Kohen) will not become Tamei among his nation".
1. Just as (the prohibition of) Tumah applies to male Kohanim, not females, also profaning seed only applies to males.
2. Question: If so, the daughter of a Kohen Gadol (from a widow) should be Kesherah!
3. Answer: It does not say 'He will not profane his son', rather, "He will not profane his seed" - to include his daughter.
4. Question: The daughter of a Kohen Gadol's son should be Kesherah!
5. Answer: It says "He will not profane his seed" - his seed is equated to him.
i. Just as his daughter is disqualified, also his son's daughter.
6. Question: The daughter of a Kohen Gadol's daughter should be disqualified!
7. Answer: We cannot say that, for then the Gezeirah Shavah between Tumah and profaning seed would not teach anything!
(k) (Mishnah): A Chalal that married a Bas Yisrael, his daughter is forbidden to Kehunah.
(l) Question: The beginning of the Mishnah taught this - the daughter of a male Chalal is forever forbidden to Kehunah!
(m) Answer: Once we had to teach about a Yisrael that married a Chalalah, a Chalal that married a Bas Yisrael was repeated for parallel structure.
(n) Our Mishnah is not as R. Dosta'i ben Yehudah.
1. (Beraisa - R. Dosta'i ben Yehudah): Just as Benei Yisrael purify Chalalos (i.e. their children are Kesherim), also Benos Yisrael purify Chalalim.
(o) Question: What is R. Dosta'i's reason?
(p) Answer: It says "He will not profane his seed among his nation" - (when his seed marries) among one nation (i.e. within Kehunah), the children are profaned; among a different nation (a non-Kohen), the children are not profaned.
(a) (Beraisa) Question: "He will not profane his seed" - how do we know that also his wife is profaned?
(b) Answer: We learn from a Kal v'Chomer: his children, who didn't sin, are profaned - his wife, who sinned, all the more so she is profaned!
(c) Question: We can disprove this from her husband - he sinned, but he is not profaned!
(d) Answer #1: That is no disproof, for a (Kosher) Kohen never becomes profaned - but a woman, who sometimes becomes profaned (by forbidden relations, e.g. with a Mamzer), is also profaned here!
(e) Answer #2: If you prefer, you can say "He will not profane" - someone that was Kosher, and now becomes profaned, i.e. his wife.
1. Question: What objection might we have to Answer #1?
2. If you will ask - his seed was created through sin (therefore it is profaned, but his wife was not) - we can give Answer #2.
(f) (Beraisa): Who is a Chalalah? Anyone born from disqualified parents.
(g) Question: What does this mean?
1. Suggestion: If it means, from a woman forbidden to her husband - but a man is forbidden to remarry his divorcee (if she married someone else in between), and the children are Kesherim!
i. "It is an abomination" - she is an abomination, her children are not abominations.
(h) Answer #1 (Rav Yehudah): It means, anyone born from (a Kohen and) a woman forbidden to Kohanim.
(i) Question: But a widow (that had relations with a Kohen Gadol), Zonah or divorcee (that had relations with a Kohen) becomes a Chalalah, even though she was not born from women forbidden to Kohanim!
(j) Answer #2 (Rabah): The Beraisa asks, 'Who is the Chalalah the Torah mentions, that she was never Kesherah? Anyone born from a woman forbidden to Kohanim.
1. Question: What does this mean, 'the Torah mentions'?
2. Answer (Rav Yitzchak bar Avin): 'Who is the Chalalah explicit in the Torah, ("Kohanim will not marry...a Chalalah" - she was a Chalalah even before marrying a Kohen) that we do not need Chachamim to explain? Anyone born from a woman forbidden to Kohanim.
(a) (Beraisa): A Kohen Gadol married 3 widows - he is only liable once; if he married 3 divorcees - he is only liable once;
(b) If he married a widow that is a divorcee, a Chalalah and a Zonah - if she received these statuses in this order, he is liable for each one;
1. If she received these statuses in reverse order - she had relations with a relative or a forbidden Yisrael, then with a Kohen, then she was divorced, and then widowed - he is only liable once.
(c) Question: What is the case of 3 widows?
1. Suggestion: If he had relations with Reuven's widow, and Shimon's widow, and Levi's widow - why is he only liable once - they are different women, and widows of different men!

(d) Answer: Rather, he had 3 acts of relations with 1 widow.
(e) Question: What is the case?
1. Suggestion: If he was only warned once - obviously, he is only liable once!
(f) Answer #1: Rather, he was warned each time.
(g) Objection: If so, why is he only liable once?
1. (Mishnah): A Nazir was drinking wine all day - he is only lashed once; if he was repeatedly warned - he is liable for each warning.
(h) Answer #2: He had relations with Reuven's widow, who is also Shimon's widow and Levi's widow.
1. One might have thought, since they are widows of different men, he is liable for each - we hear, since it is the same woman, he is only liable once.
(i) Question: The Beraisa said, a widow that is a divorcee, a Chalalah and a Zonah - how does the Tana hold?
1. If he holds that a prohibition takes effect in addition to a previous prohibition - even in the reverse order (he should be liable for all 4)!
2. If he holds that a prohibition does not take effect in addition to a previous prohibition - even in this order, he should only be liable once!
(j) Answer (Rava): Normally, he holds that a prohibition does not take effect in addition to a previous prohibition; if the new prohibition widens (forbids to a wider spectrum), it takes effect.
1. A widow is forbidden to a Kohen Gadol, and permitted to a regular Kohen; when she was divorced, she became forbidden to all Kohanim;
i. By way of this, the prohibition of a divorcee also takes effect regarding a Kohen Gadol.
2. A divorcee is permitted to eat Terumah (e.g. if she was widowed from a Kohen, or is a Bas Kohen without children); when she became a Chalalah, she became forbidden to eat Terumah;
i. By way of this, the prohibition of a Chalalah also takes effect regarding a Kohen Gadol.
3. Question: Zonah is not a wider prohibition than Chalalah!
4. Answer (R. Chana bar Rav Katina): Since Zenus (adultery) forbids a woman even to a Yisrael, it is considered wider than Chalalah (which only applies to Kehunah).
(k) (A reciter of teachings): Anyone to whom applies "He (a Kohen Gadol) will take", applies "He (a Kohen Gadol) will not take";
1. Anyone to whom "He will take" does not apply, "He will not take" does not apply - this excludes a Kohen Gadol that has relations with his sister who is a widow (he is only liable for relations with a sister, not for relations with a widow).
2. [Version #1 - Rav Sheshes: You heard this from (one who holds as) R. Shimon, that a prohibition does not take effect in addition to a previous prohibition.
i. (Beraisa - R. Shimon): One who eats a Neveilah on Yom Kippur - he is exempt.
3. Chachamim say that a prohibition takes effect in addition to a previous prohibition - the Kohen Gadol would be liable for his sister!
4. Rejection: Even Chachamim could exempt a Kohen Gadol for relations with his sister - they only said that a severe prohibition takes effect in addition to a light prohibition, but a light prohibition does not take effect in addition to a severe prohibition!]
5. [Version #2: The teaching is as Chachamim - they only say that a severe prohibition takes effect in addition to a light prohibition, but a light prohibition does not take effect in addition to a severe prohibition;
i. It cannot be as R. Shimon - he holds, even a severe prohibition does not take effect in addition to a light prohibition - he would not need to say that a light prohibition does not take effect in addition to a severe prohibition!]
6. Rejection: It can even be as R. Shimon - one might have thought, the special prohibitions of Kohanim are different (they take effect in addition to severe prohibitions) - we hear, this is not so.
(a) Question (Rav Papa): A Yisrael had relations with his sister; this makes her a Zonah - does it also make her a Chalalah?
1. If Chayavei Lavin (such as a widow to a Kohen Gadol) makes a woman a Chalalah, all the more so Chayavei Kerisus!
2. Or - perhaps Chalalah only results from prohibitions of Kehunah.
(b) Answer (Abaye): Chalalah only results from prohibitions of Kehunah.
1. (Beraisa): Had the Torah not said that a divorcee is forbidden to a Kohen Gadol, we could have learned it from a Kal v'Chomer: a divorcee is forbidden even to a regular Kohen - all the more so, to a Kohen Gadol!
i. The Torah wrote the prohibition to teach that just as the prohibition of a divorcee is distinct by a regular Kohen from the prohibitions of Chalalah and Zonah (it is written by itself, to teach that one gets separate lashes for it), also by a Kohen Gadol.
ii. Objection: This is obvious - should a Kohen Gadol not have all the prohibitions of a regular Kohen?!
iii. Correction: Rather, just as the prohibition of a divorcee is distinct by a regular Kohen from the prohibitions of Chalalah and Zonah, also the prohibition of a widow by a Kohen Gadol is distinct from the prohibitions of a divorcee, Chalalah and Zonah.
2. Question: Why did the Torah say that a Chalalah is forbidden to a Kohen Gadol (she is even forbidden to a regular Kohen)
3. Answer: To teach that Chalalah only comes from prohibitions of Kehunah.
4. Question: Why did the Torah say that a Zonah is forbidden to a Kohen Gadol!?
5. Answer: To teach a Gezeirah Shavah Zonah-Zonah from a regular Kohen.
i. Just as by a Kohen Gadol, his children from a Zonah are Chulin (Chalalim) - also by a regular Kohen.
6. (Rav Ashi): Therefore, a Kohen that has relations with his sister, he makes her a Zonah, not a Chalalah.
i. If he has a second act of relations with her, this makes her a Chalalah (for she is now forbidden by the prohibition of Zonah, shich is special to Kohanim).
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