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Megilah 10

MEGILAH 6-10 sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.

1) [line 3] BEIS CHONYO - the Temple of Chonyo in Alexandria, built by Chonyo the son of Shimon ha'Tzadik. There is a Machlokes Tana'im as to whether it was built for worshiping HaSh-m or for worshiping Avodah Zarah (Menachos 109b).

2) [line 4] KEDUSHAH RISHONAH KIDSHAH L'SHA'ATAH V'LO KIDSHAH L'ASID LAVO - The first Sanctification brought about sanctity at that time only, and not after the destruction
(a) Chazal refer to three distinct sanctities when they discuss whether or not Kedushah Rishonah Kidshah l'Sha'atah v'Kidshah l'Asid Lavo: the sanctity of the Beis ha'Mikdash; the sanctity of Yerushalayim; and the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael.
(b) The Beis ha'Mikdash had to be sanctified in order for the sacrifices to be offered there. Similarly, Yerushalayim had to be sanctified in order for Kodshim Kalim and Ma'aser Sheni to be eaten there. Shlomo ha'Melech sanctified the Beis ha'Mikdash and Yerushalayim. According to one opinion, their Kedushah remained even after the Beis ha'Mikdash and Yerushalayim were destroyed by the Babylonians and Romans. There is a Tana who argues and maintains that when the Babylonians conquered Eretz Yisrael, this Kedushah ceased and when Ezra returned to Israel, he sanctified it once again.
(c) Eretz Yisrael had to be sanctified in order for the Mitzvos ha'Teluyos ba'Aretz, such as Terumos and Ma'asros, to be practiced. Yehoshua sanctified Eretz Yisrael through conquest. According to one opinion, the Kedushah of the land remained even after the Babylonians conquered Eretz Yisrael and laid waste to the land. Another Tana argues and maintains that when the Babylonians conquered Eretz Yisrael, this Kedushah ceased and the Mitzvos ha'Teluyos ba'Aretz no longer applied. When Ezra returned to Israel, he sanctified it once again - see Insights to Megilah 10a and to Temurah 21a.

3) [line 18] KELA'IM - curtains
4) [line 18] CHEVEL ARGOV - (a) the entire region of Argov (Devarim 3:4). This is identified with Almogav, the land between the Rivers Arnon and Yabok (RABEINU SA'ADYA GAON); (b) Beis Palach Terachona (TARGUM ONKELOS), the royal cities (RASHI'S understanding of the TARGUM); (c) Terachona, name of a place (ARUCH'S understanding of the TARGUM); (d) Some say that Chevel Argov is the area around Suwet, south of the upper Yarmuch, while others identify it with el-Leja, east of Lake Kineres


5) [line 18] "VA'YEHI DAVID L'CHOL DERACHAV MASKIL, VA'HASH-M IMO." - "And David succeeded in all his ways; and HaSh-m was with him." (Shmuel I 18:14)

6) [line 30] MEKOM ARON EINO MIN HA'MIDAH - the Aron did not take up any space
7) [line 33] "V'KAMTI ALEIHEM...V'HICHRATI L'VAVEL..." - "For I will rise up against them...and cut off from Babylon its name, and remnant, and offspring and posterity..." (Yeshayah 14:22)

8) [line 34] "TACHAS HA'NA'ATZUTZ YA'ALEH BEROSH..." - "In place of the thornbush, a cypress tree shall come up, and in place of the nettle a myrtle tree shall come up..." (Yeshayah 55:13)

9) [line 37] MOR DEROR - (1) distilled myrrh, a resin produced by trees and shrubs that grow in Arabia and Africa and which leaves a lasting, bitter, aromatic taste; (2) according to Rabbeinu Saadya Gaon and the Rambam this refers to musk, an extract taken from the musk deer that lives in Nepal and Tibet

10) [line 38] REFIDAS BEIS HASH-M - the resting place of [HaSh-m in] the House of HaSh-m (the Shechinah is said to rest upon the Kapores of the Aron - - Shemos 25:22)

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