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Megilah 18

MEGILAH 16, 17, 18, and 19 (1st day of Sukos) sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.

1) [line 19] YEMALEL - will utter, proclaim
2) [line 23] SAMA D'CHOLA, MISHTOKA - the choicest medicine is silence
3) [line 23] MILAH B'SELA, MISHTOKA BI'TREIN - a word is worth a Sela, silence is worth two

4a) [line 33] GIFTIS - Egyptian, Coptic
b) [line 34] EILAMIS - the language of Elam (Media)
5) [line 41] SEIRUGIN - in intervals, with interruption
6) [line 42] RABANAN - students
7) [line 42] PISKEI PISKEI - in groups; not all at once

8) [line 43] CHALOGLOGOS - the purslane plant; a common plant that has small, yellow flowers and small, thick leaves. It is an herb and is sometimes used in salads or for flavoring.

9) [line 43] D'HAVAH KA MEVADER PARPECHINEI - that was scattering his purslane plants (this is usually translated as the Old French "polpier"; in most of the manuscripts and printings it is translated here as the Italian "procacle" [O.F. porcelaine], alteration of the Latin "porcilaca," which means "porcelain.")

10) [line 44] "SALSELEHAH U'SEROMEMEKA, [TECHABEDCHA KI SECHABKENAH.]" - "Hold it in high esteem and it will uplift you, [it will bring you honor when you embrace it.]" (Mishlei 4:8) - The Gemara interprets this verse as, "Delve into and unearth its (the Torah's) hidden treasures and it will uplift you..."

11) [line 45] D'HAVAH MEHAPECH B'MAZYEI - who was styling (or curling) his hair
12) [line 46] "HASHLECH AL HASH-M YEHAVECHA, [V'HU YECHALKELECHA]" - "Cast your burden upon HaSh-m and He shall sustain you" (Tehilim 55:23)

13) [line 46] HA'HU TAI'A/TAYA'A - that Arab merchant
14) [line 46] V'KA DARINA TUNA - I was carrying a burden
15) [line 47] SHEKOL YAHAVICH - take your burden
16) [line 47] V'SHADI A'GAMLAI - and throw it on my camel
17) [line 47] "...V'TETESIHAH B'MAT'ATEI HASHMED..." - "...and I will sweep it with the broom of destruction..." (Yeshayah 14:23)


18) [line 7] NASATA DEVARECHA L'SHI'URIN - your rule would vary according to circumstances

19) [line 17] SHOMERES YAVAM
(a) If a married man dies childless, his widow must undergo Yibum (the marriage of a dead man's brother with his wife), as it states in Devarim 25:5-10. Chazal learn from the verses that there is a preference for the oldest brother to perform Yibum.
(b) If the brother chooses not to marry her, he must perform Chalitzah (a procedure in Beis Din that absolves her of the Mitzvah of Yibum - ibid.). He appears before a Beis Din of three and states, "I do not want to marry her," after which his sister-in-law approaches him before the elders, takes off his right sandal and spits in front of him. She then declares, "This is what shall be done to the man who will not build up a family for his brother," and she is then free to marry whomever she wants.
(c) The *connection* of the brother to the dead man's wife, which obligates one of the two, is called Zikah. It is comparable to the state of Eirusin (engagement) before a marriage. The Tana of the Mishnah from Yevamos rules that the Zikah "connects" the Yevamah with all of the brothers, not only the oldest. While the Yevamah is waiting for Yibum or Chalitzah, she is called a Shomeres Yavam.

20) [line 23] METUSHTASHOS - smeared or faded, i.e. not easily readable
21) [line 32] MISNAMNEM - dozing
22a) [line 33] NIM V'LO NIM - dozing, but not dozing
b) [line 33] TIR V'LO TIR - awake, but not awake
23) [line 33] D'KARU LEI V'ANI - they call him and he answers
24) [line 34] V'LO YADA L'AHADUREI SEVARA - and he is unable to answer a question that requires contemplative thought

25) [line 34] V'CHI MADKERU LEI, MIDKAR - and when they remind him [about what he heard,] he remembers

26) [line 41] D'ISRAMEI LEI ISRAMUYEI - he happened to have a Megilah to copy from

27) [line 42] ASYA - (a) Tosfos Yevamos 115a DH Amar brings the Gemara in Bava Basra 56a that identifies Asya with Keini mentioned in Bereishis 15:19. It seems that the Keini lived near Moav, to the west of the Dead Sea. They lived in Ir HaTemarim (Palm City), which may be identified with Chatzatzon Tamar, to the west of the Dead Sea. The Targum translates Keni as Shaalmite, an Arabic tribe (RABBI ARYEH KAPLAN); (b) possibly Callirhoe and its surroundings, on the east side of the Jordan River, near the Dead Sea; (c) Asia Minor, or rather the Roman province embracing the Western part of the peninsula of Asia Minor, bequeathed by King Attalus to the Roman republic; (d) a town called Essa, east of Lake Kineres

28) [line 44] "...V'AF'APECHA YAISHIRU NEGDECHA." - "[Let your eyes look straight ahead,] and let your eyelids look in front of you. (Mishlei 4:25)

29) [line 44] "HA'SA'IF EINECHA BO V'EINENU..." - "If you blink your eyes at it, it is gone, [for riches suddenly make themselves wings; they fly away like an eagle towards the sky.]" (Mishlei 23:5)

30) [line 49] SHIRTUT/SIRTUT - ruling, marking lines; etching lines into the parchment as a guide for writing straight

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