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Megilah 22

MEGILAH 21-24 (3rd-6th days of Sukos 5760) - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence, N.Y., out of love for Torah and those who study it.

1a) [line 9] DOLEG - he goes back; the second reader goes back and rereads the third verse
b) [line 10] POSEK - he splits the third verse into two; the first person reads until the middle of the third verse and stops, and the second reader continues from there

2) [line 13] REBBI CHANINA KARA - Rebbi Chanina, the skilled Torah reader
3) [line 16] L'HISLAMED ASUYIN - the purpose (of splitting the verses) is to learn the verses

4) [line 38] MAN D'AYIL SHEYULEI SHAYIL - one that comes in (in the middle) asks (what happened before)

5) [line 48] RAV B'CHAHANEI KARA - Rav read in the place of the Kohen, i.e. first
6) [line 49] MEIKAF KAIFU LEI - they were submissive to him


7a) [line 18] KOL D'TAFI LEI MILSA ME'CHAVREI - any (day) that has an attribute over another (day)
b) [line 19] TAFI LEI GAVRA YESEIRA - has an extra person (read the Torah)

8) [line 27] EVEN MASKIS - A stone which was put before an idol, to prostrate on

9) [line 42] KIDAH - a method of bowing, where only the head and thumbs are on the ground. When reverting to a standing position, only the thumbs are used, and not the arms (RASHI Sukah 53a DH v'Zo and DH Itla)

10) [line 42] APAYIM - on the face
11) [line 42] KERI'AH - kneeling
12) [line 42] BIRKAYIM - knees
13) [line 43] HISHTACHAVA'AH - prostration while outstretching one's hands and feet

14) [line 45] ITLA - he became lame
15) [line 45] AL YATI'ACH ADAM DEVARIM KELAPEI MA'ALAH - a person should not speak disrespectfully to Hashem (lit. to shoot words above)

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