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by Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Megilah 10

MEGILAH 6-10 sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.


(a) The holiness of Shilo is followed by a period in which Bamahs are allowed; this is not true of Yerushalayim.
(b) (R. Yitzchak): I heard that we may sacrifice in Bais Chonyo today.
1. He holds that Bais Chonyo is not a house of idolatry.
2. He also holds that the initial sanctification of Yerushalayim was not permanent, therefore, now that Yerushalayim is destroyed, it is permitted to offer on a Bamah.
i. This is learned from the verse "You have not yet come to the rest and to the inheritance".
ii. "rest" is Shilo; "inheritance" is Yerushalayim.
iii. We equate Shilo and Yerushalayim: just as Bamahs are permitted after Shilo, they are permitted after Yerushalayim.
(c) They said to R. Yitzchak: Did you say that?
(d) R. Yitzchak: No.
(e) (Rava swears): He did say it, and I learned it from him!
1. He retracted because of Rav Mari's question.
2. Question (Rav Mari): The Mishnah says, there is permission after Shilo, but not after Yerushalayim!
3. Another question: Another Mishnah teaches, once they came to Yerushalayim, Bamahs were prohibited, and never again permitted; this was the inheritance.
(f) Answer: Tannaim argue whether the sancity of Yerushalayim still applies.
(g) (Mishnah): R. Eliezer: I heard that when they were building the Heichal, they made hangings for the Heichal and the courtyard. (Apparently, the hangings are needed to act as walls, since the sanctity ended.)
1. In the Heichal, they build outside the hangings, in the courtyard, they build from inside the hangings.
(h) R. Yehoshua: I heard that we may sacrifice, even without a Temple; we can eat Kadshei Kadashim, even though there are no hangings; we can eat light Kadshim and Maaser Sheni, even though there is no wall (around Yerushalayim), because the sanctification of Yerushalayim was for all time.
1. We infer that R. Eliezer holds that it was not consecration for all time.
(i) Question (Ravina): Perhaps both hold that it was consecration for all time, each tanna said what he heard!
1. R. Eliezer will explain that the hangings were merely for Tznius.
(j) Answer#2: Rather, the following tannaim argue whether the sanctity ended. (k) (Beraisa - R. Yishmael Bar R. Yosi): These cities (in a Mishnah) were listed because the returning exiles sanctified them; the first sancity was lost when we were exiled.
1. We see that he holds that the sanctity ended.
(l) Question: (Tosefta - R. Yishmael Bar R. Yosi): There were more than these cities! (verse) - "60 cities, the region of Argov", "All these cities are fortified with a high wall".
1. Only these are listed, because the returning exiles sanctified them.

2. Question: In the Saifa, R. Yishmael Bar R. Yosi says that there was no need to sanctify them!
3. Answer: Rather, these cities were found and listed.
4. Also, any city which tradition says was surrounded by a wall from the days of Yehoshua has these laws, because the first consecration was for all time.
(m) We have a contradiction in the opinion of R. Yishmael Bar R. Yosi.
(n) Answer: Tannaim argue on what he held.
(o) Answer#2: The second Beraisa is really R. Eliezer Bar R. Yosi.
1. (Beraisa - R. Eliezer Bar R. Yosi - verse): That it has a wall - even if it once had, and now doesn't (it remains in its sanctity).
(a) (R. Levi): We have a tradition from the Men of the Great Assembly, the language "Vayehi" (and it was) always denotes pain.
1. "Vayehi in the days of Achashverosh" - there was Haman.
2. "Vayehi in the days that the judges judged" - there was a famine.
3. "Vayehi that man began to multiply" - "Hashem saw that great is the evil of man".
4. "Vayehi when they traveled from the east" - "Let us build a city".
5. "Vayehi In the days of Amrafel" - "They made war".
6. "Vayehi Yehoshua in Yericho" - "His sword drawn in his hand".
7. "Vayehi Hashem with Yehoshua" - "Bnei Yisrael transgressed".
8. "Vayehi one man from Ramasayim" - "For he loved Chanah, and Hashem had closed her womb".
9. "Vayehi when Shmuel grew old" - "And his sons did not go in his ways".
10. "Vayehi Dovid succeeding in all his ways and Hashem was with him" - "And Shaul put his eye on Dovid"
11. "Vayehi when the king sat in his house" - "Just you will not build the Temple".
(b) Question: But is says, "Vayehi on the 8th day" (of the inauguration of the Mishkan)!
1. (Beraisa): That day there was a Simcha in front of Hashem like the day Heaven and earth were created.
2. In both places it says "Vayehi".
(c) Answer: Nadav and Avihu died.
(d) Question: "Vayehi in the 480th year" (the Temple was completed)!
(e) Question: "Vayehi when Yakov saw Rachel"!
(f) Question: "Vayehi evening and it was morning, one day"!
(g) Question: There is also the 2nd day, the 3rd day, and more!
(h) Answer (Rav Ashi): "Vayehi" is sometimes good, sometimes painful. "Vayehi in the days" is always pain. In 5 places it says "Vayehi in the days of":
1. "Vayehi in the days of Achashverosh".
2. "Vayehi in the days that the judges judged".
3. "Vayehi in the days of Amrafel".
4. "Vayehi in the days of Achaz".
5. "Vayehi in the days of Yehoyakim".
(a) (R. Levi): We have a tradition: Amotz and Amatzyah are brothers.
1. Question: What do we learn from this?
2. Answer: As was taught by Rav Shmuel Bar Nachmani, any bride that is modest in her father-in-law's house merits that kings and prophets will descend from her.
3. This is learned from Tamar.
4. "Yehuda saw her, and thought she was a harlot because she had covered her face".
5. Question: Because she covered her face, he thought she was a harlot?!
6. Answer: Rather, because she had covered her face in his house, and he didn't recognize her, she merited that kings and prophets descend from her.
i. Kings - from Dovid.
ii. Prophets - As R. Levi's tradition, that Amotz and Amatzyah are brothers; "The vision of Yeshaya, son of Amotz".
(b) R. Levi: We have a tradition: the Ark did not take up any space!
1. (Support - Beraisa): The Ark that Moshe made has 10 Amos (until the wall) in each direction; the verse says, "In front of the Devir, 20 Amos long".
2. Also, "The wing of one Cheruv, 10 Amos; the wing of one Cheruv, 10 Amos".
3. There was no space for the Ark! It must be, it stood miraculously.
(a) R. Yochanan began expounding the Megilah thusly: "And I stood upon them ... and I will cut off from Bavel, Shem v'Sheir v'Nin v'Neched".
1. "Shem" is the writing; "Sheir" is the language; "Nin" is the kingship; "Neched" is Vashti.
(b) Shmuel Bar Nachmani began expounding the Megilah thusly: "In place of ha'Na'atzutz will come b'Rosh; in place of Sarpad will come Hadas".
1. "Na'atzutz" is Haman the evil one, who made himself an idol.
2. A verse says, "And in all their Na'atzutzim and in all their barren trees".
3. "Rosh" is Mordechai, who is called first among the spices, as it says, "Take for yourself spices Rosh, Mar Deror", and the Targum is Mari Daki.
4. "Sarpad" is Vashti the evil one, the granddaughter of Nebuchadnetzar the evil one, who burned the ceiling of the Temple, as the verse says, "Refidaso is gold".
5. "Hadas" is Esther the righteous, who is called Hadasah, as it says "And he raised Hadasah".
(c) "And it will be to Hashem for a name" - this is reading the Megilah.
1. "For an eternal sign, it will not be cut off" - these are the days of Purim.
(d) R. Yehoshua Ben Levi began expounding the Megilah thusly: "And it will be, as Hashem delighted to delighted over you to do good to you, so he will delight over you to do evil to you".
1. Question: Does Hashem really rejoice at the downfall of the wicked?
2. The verse says, "In going out before the legion, and they say thank Hashem, for his Chesed is forever".
3. (R. Yochanan): This praise omits "for he is good", since Hashem does not rejoice at the downfall of the wicked.
4. Further - R. Yochanan expounded the verse, "They did not draw close one to the other all night".
5. The angels wanted to sing, but Hashem said to them, the works of my hands are drowning in the sea, and you are singing?!
6. Answer (R. Elazar): Hashem does not rejoice, but he makes others rejoice (to punish the wicked).
7. (Support): The verse says, "he will make rejoice", not "he will rejoice".
(e) R. Aba Bar Kahana began expounding the Megilah thusly: "To a man that is good in front of him he gave wisdom, knowledge and Simcha" - this is Mordechai the Tzadik".
1. "To the sinner he gave the idea to gather and store" - this is Haman.
2. "To give to whom is good in front of Hashem" - this is Mordechai and Esther, as it says, "And Esther put Mordechai over the house of Haman".
(f) Raba Bar Ufron began expounding the Megilah thusly: "And I put my throne in Ilam, and I destroyed from their king and ministers" - king is Vashti, ministers is Haman and his 10 sons.
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