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by Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Megilah 31


(a) (Mishnah): On fast days, we read the blessings and curses;
(b) We do not interrupt the curses, one person reads them all.
(c) On Monday, Thursday and Shabbos afternoon we read from the coming weekly Parsha;
(d) This does not count towards reading the Parsha, and the entire Parsha is read the coming Shabbos.
(e) "And Moshe spoke the holidays of Hashem to Bnei Yisrael" - that they should read about each holiday in its time.
(f) (Gemara - Beraisa): The Torah readings and Haftorahs for the holidays are as follows:
1. Pesach - 1st day: the Parsha of the holidays; the Haftorah is the Korban Pesach brought in Gilgal;
2. 2nd day: the Haftorah is the Pesach brought in the days of Yoshiyahu.
3. Intermediate days: we read from various Parshas relating to Pesach.
4. (Rav Papa): a mnemonic for them is MAFO (Mishchu, Im Kesef, Pesal Lecha, va'Yedaber).
5. 7th day: "va'Yehi b'Shalach"; Haftorah - "va'Yedaber David";
6. 8th day: "Kal ha'Bechor", and "Od ha'Yom".
i. (Abaye): Today the custom is to read on the 8 days: "Meshech, Tura, Kadesh, b'Kaspa, Pesal, b'Madbera, Shelach, Buchra".
7. Shavuous: "7 weeks"; the Haftorah is in Chabakuk; others say, "In the 3rd month", and the chariot (in Yechezkel);
i. Today that we have 2 days of Yom Tov, we read as the 2nd Tana says on the 1st day, and as the 1st Tana says on the 2nd day.
8. Rosh Hashanah: "In the 7th month"; the Haftorah is "ha'Ben Yakir Li"; others say, "And Hashem remembered Sarah", the Haftorah is about Chana.
i. Today that we have 2 days of Yom Tov, we read as the 2nd Tana says on the 1st day; on the 2nd day, "And Hashem tested Avraham", and "ha'Ben Yakir Li".
9. Yom Kipur: "After the death", and "So said the Exalted"; at Minchah we read the prohibitions of incest, and the Haftorah is Sefer Yonah.
(g) R. Yochanan: Wherever Hashem's greatness is mentioned, his humility is mentioned right after this - in Torah, prophets, and Kesuvim.
1. In Torah - "Hashem is Lord of Lords ... and does justice for orphans and widows".
2. In the prophets - "So says the Great and Exalted ... and dwells with the afflicted and those of a low spirit."
3. In Kesuvim - "Praise He who rides on the deserts ... the father of orphans and the judge of widows".
(h) Sukos: 1st day - the Parsha of the festivals; the Haftorah is "A day is coming to Hashem".
(i) 2nd day: the same Torah reading, and "King Shlomo gathered".
(j) The rest of Sukos: the Korbanos of each day.
(k) Shmini Atzeres: Mitzvahs, statutes and "Every firstborn"; the Haftorah is "When Shlomo finished"
(l) Simchas Torah: "And this is the blessing"; "And Shlomo stood".
(m) (Rav Huna): The Shabbos of Chol ha'Moed (of both Pesach and Sukos) we read "See, you say ...". On Pesach, the Haftorah is "These dry bones"; on Sukos, "On the day Gog will come".
(a) Chanukah: The (inauguration of the Mishkan by the) princes; the Haftorah (on Shabbos) is the lamps in Zecharyah.
(b) If there is a 2nd Shabbos, its Haftorah is the lamps of Shlomo.
(c) Purim: "And Amalek came".
(d) Rosh Chodesh: "On your Rosh Chodeshes"
(e) When Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbos, the Haftorah is "And it will be on every Rosh Chodesh".
(f) When Rosh Chodesh falls on Sunday, the Haftorah of the previous day is "And Yonason said to him, tomorrow is Rosh Chodesh".

(g) (Rav Huna): When Rosh Chodesh Av falls on Shabbos, the Haftorah is "My soul abhors your Rosh Chodeshes and festivals ...".
1. " ... They are a burden to me" - they force Hashem to devise an appropriate punishment.
(h) (Rav): On Tisha b'Av, the Haftorah is "How did she become as a harlot".
1. (Beraisa): Others say, the Torah reading is "If you will not listen to me"; R. Nasan Bar Yosef says, "How long will this nation despise me"; some say "How long for this evil congregation".
2. (Abaye): The custom is to read "When you will have children", and the Haftorah, "I will gather them".
(a) (Mishnah): On Ma'amados we read about the creation of the world.
(b) (R. Ami): Heaven and earth would not endure without the merit of Ma'amados.
(c) Avraham asked Hashem: If Yisrael sins, will they be destroyed or scattered? Hashem: No.
(d) Avraham: How can I know this? Hashem: Take for me a calf ... (sacrifices)
(e) Avraham: What will happen when there is no Beis ha'Mikdash? Hashem: When they read the Parshas of sacrifices, I consider it as if they offered them, and I will forgive their sins.
(a) (Mishnah): On fast days we read blessings and curses; we do not stop in the middle of the curses.
1. Question: Why not?
2. Answer#1 (R. Chiya Bar Gamda): "Do not despise the rebuke of Hashem".
3. Answer#2 (Reish Lakish): We do not bless on punishments.
(b) (Beraisa): The one who reads the curses starts a verse before them, and reads a verse after them.
1. (Abaye): This applies to the curses in Vayikra, but not those in Devarim.
2.The former were said in the plural, by Hashem; the latter were said in the singular, by Moshe.
(c) Levi Bar Buti was hurriedly rambling the curses in Devarim. Rav Huna told him, he can stop in the middle.
(d) (Beraisa -R. Shimon Ben Elazar): Ezra enacted that we should read the curses in Vayikra before Shavuous, and those in Devarim before Rosh Hashanah.
1. (Abaye): This is so we should finish the year and its curses.
2. Question: This does not explain those in Vayikra!
3. Answer: It does! - a Mishnah teaches that Shavuous is also a new year - it is the judgment day for fruits.
(e) (Beraisa - R. Shimon Ben Elazar): If elders tell you to destroy, and youths tell you to build, listen to the elders - their destruction is building, and the building of youths is destruction, as we see by Rechavam.
(a) (Beraisa - R. Meir): Each time we read the Torah (Shabbos morning, Shabbos afternoon, Monday, and Thursday) we begin reading where we stopped the previous time;
(b) R. Yehudah: Where we stop Shabbos morning, we begin Shabbos afternoon, Monday, Thursday and the coming Shabbos morning.
(c) R. Zeira: The law is, where we stop Shabbos morning, we begin Shabbos afternoon, Monday, Thursday and the coming Shabbos morning.
(d) Question: Let him simply say, the law is as R. Yehudah!
(e) Answer: He had to say the law explicitly, since some learn that the opinions of R. Meir and R. Yehudah are switched (from our text of the Beraisa).
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